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Never have I ever tried to cut my own hair

2. Never have I ever pressed send and then immediately regretted it
3. Never have I ever had a bad fall/hit something because I was walking and texting
4. Never have I ever lied about a family member dying
5. Never have I ever worn a shots & Shirt to attend a virtual meeting.
6. Never have I ever, pretended not to be home when someone rang my doorbell
7. Never have I ever thrown something into a TV or computer screen
8. Never have I ever dyed my hair a crazy color
9. Never have I ever, accidentally sent an inappropriate text message to my parents that was
intended for my friends.
10. Never have I ever accidentally sent someone to the hospital
11. Never have I ever set mine or someone else’s hair on fire
12. Never have I ever, gotten into a physical fight
13. Never have I ever danced/shown my teeth to a CCTV in an elevator
14. Never have I ever been trapped in an elevator
15. Never have I ever been to a fashion show



1. What is your favourite movie that you secretly know is actually terrible?
2. What is something you most look forward to doing when you retire?
3. What is the strangest thing you have ever bought?
4. What is the one thing you would stand in line for?
5. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in front of
a crowd?
6. What was the most embarrassing thing that you ever did while on a date?
7. If you could create your own job title, what would it be?
8. What is your guilty pleasure?
9. Say the funniest joke you’ve ever heard.
10. Who was your first crush?
11. What is the best time of day for you?
12. If you only had two minutes to get out of your house, what would you
13. Do you have a special talent and if so, what is it?
14. If you could be someone else for a day who would you be?
15. Have you ever met a celebrity, if so, who?
16. Who is the person you are the most jealous of and why?
17. Do you have any tattoos and if so, where?
18. How many different languages can you speak and what are they?
19. Do you prefer talking or texting?
20. Have you ever failed a test? What was the mark?
21. What season is your favourite? And why?
Prank call a friend
Act like a dog for two minutes without laughing.
Take a shower without removing any of your clothes.
Randomly call a person from your phone and sing them a song.
Do as many sit-ups as you can in one minute.
Open a book, newspaper or magazine, and sing two random sentences as best you can.

Fun Questions to Ask:

What’s the most useless talent you have?


1. When was the last time you told a lie?

2. What is your biggest fear?
3. Have you ever been to jail?
4. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you this year?
5. What is the meanest thing that you have done?
6. When is the last time you cried?
7. Have you ever cried from watching a TV show or a movie?
8. Would you rather be rich or famous? You cannot be both.
9. If you could do it, what would you change your name to?
10. Who is the most attractive person in the room?
11. What is your biggest insecurity?
12. What is a common misconception about you?
13. What is the most expensive thing you bought that wasn’t a house or a car?
14. What would you do if you could retire at 40?
15. What do you think happens after we die?
16. What is the silliest thing that you have ever done?
17. Name one thing on your bucket list.
18. If you could choose a way to die, what would it be?
19. What kind of parent do you think you will be?
20. What was your worst workplace experience?
21. Who is the person you are the most jealous of and why?

1. Be a robot for 1 minute
2. Talk for 1 minute without stopping.
3. Cry loudly in front of everyone.
4. Propose to the person ” “.
5. Prank call to someone in your contact list. (Loudspeaker)
6. Try to touch your nose with your tongue.
7. Imitate any person of your choice for several minutes. (Don’t tell what animal)
8. Open a book, newspaper or magazine, and sing two random sentences as best you

Icebreaker Questions

1. What is your favorite weekend trip?

2. In your opinion, what is the most beautiful place on earth?
3. What’s your favorite seat on an airplane?
4. What is your favorite restaurant?
5. Favorite grocery item while shopping locally?
6. What two things do you consider yourself to be very bad at?
7. What two things do you consider yourself to be very good at?
8. Have you ever met a celebrity?
9. When did you get your first cell phone? What kind was it?
10. What is the most challenging job you can think of?
11. If you won a lottery of $1 billion, what would you do with all the money?
12. What is your earliest childhood memory?
13. What is one important skill every person should have?
14. What is your favorite job you’ve ever had?
15. What are you going to do when you retire?
16. What is the silliest thing that you have ever done?
17. Who is the most attractive person in the room?
18. If you could have any celebrity over for dinner, who would it be and

What comes on your mind for the word?

1. Amazon
2. Elephant
3. Zomato
4. Beach
5. Car
6. Deadpool
7. Internet
8. Flower
9. Rain
10. Meeting
11. Hobby
12. Fun
13. Peri/ (Manager)
14. Yellow
15. Books

Would you rather

86.Would you rather work four-day weeks or work two months on and one
month off?
87.Would you rather become CEO for a day or receive a bonus?
88.Would you rather have a fully stocked snack bar or a limitless coffee
89.Would you rather work more hours and have a short commute or work
less hours and have a long commute?
90.Would you rather take your child to work or your pet?
91.Would you rather bike or drive to work?
92.Would you rather work for a startup or a corporation?
93.Would you rather go on a nearby business trip alone or travel far away
with all of your coworkers?
94.Would you rather have a terrible boss and a good job or a good boss
and a terrible job?
95.Would you rather work a job where you interact with people all day or
work a job where you are at a desk all day?
96.Would you rather sit near the printer or the water cooler?
97.Would you rather use only a pencil or only a pen?
98.Would you rather work in yoga poses or do work at yoga?
99.Would you rather steal someone’s lunch or have your lunch stolen?
100. Would you rather walk to work or drive?
Icebreaker Questions for AMG

1. What is your funniest memory with your best friend?

2. If you were in the wrestling ring, who would be your
opponent? (within your team)
3. If you had a huge amount of money, what unnecessary
thing or experience would you indulge in?
4. What is your worst date story?
5. If you were a vegetable, which one would you be and why?
6. What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
7. What is your favorite food combination?
8. What animal are you amazed by?
9. What are some of your favorite games to play?
10. What is something that takes a lot of time, but is
definitely worth it?
11. How was your experience taking your driver’s test?
12. Do you drink? When was the first time you had a drink
13. When was the last time you told a lie?
14. What is a common misconception about you?
15. What was your worst workplace experience?
16. What do you think happens after we die?
17. Who is the most attractive person in the room?

Dare Activities
1. Pick up something nearby and tell a story about it.
2. Sign a song for your team member
3. Imitate any person of your choice for several minutes
4. Let someone play a song and you have to act to it… Can be
dance or some actions
5. Draw someone from your team… We will find out who he
6. Act like an elephant without laughing


1. What is the most stupid thing you've done in front of a crowd?

2. What was your worst workplace experience?
3. Do you have a special talent and if so, what is it?
4. What is a common misconception about you?
5. Who is the most attractive person in the room?
6. What is your favorite weekend trip?
7. When was the last time you told a lie?
8. What is your biggest insecurity?
9. What would you do if you could retire at 50?

18. What is your funniest memory with your best friend?

19. If you were in the wrestling ring, who would be your
opponent? (within your team)
20. If you had a huge amount of money, what
unnecessary thing or experience would you indulge in?
21. What is your worst date story?
22. If you were a vegetable, which one would you be and
23. What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
Dare Activities
10. Call a random number and sing "Happy Birthday."
11. Call a Chinese restaurant and ask if they have sushi.
12. Tell a story
13. Fill up your mouth with water and sing a song until someone from
the group guesses the song.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Virtual Scavenger Hunt Rules

To ensure your scavenger hunt runs smoothly, your team needs to be on the same
page about how the game works. Set these ground rules for your virtual scavenger

1. All items must be found on the premises; no leaving your location!

2. Each item can only be used once to fulfill an entry.
3. All photos or videos must be taken by the players—no screenshots,
4. Send all photos at once to avoid overwhelming the host with messages.
5. Any responses submitted after the time frame are ineligible.
6. Stay safe. At no point will the game require players to perform
challenges that are dangerous or break the law.

With these rules, your team can play fairly and safely. Virtual scavenger hunts work
best when players abide by the rules so that final scores can be easily and clearly

Have fun searching!

Things for Scavenger

1. Hand Sanitizer
2. Face Mask
3. A bottle of shampoo
4. Yoga Mat
5. Selfie with something you can’t live without
6. Newspapers or magazines
7. View from your window
8. A physical photograph of the oldest person in your team
9. A box of band-aids or first aid supplies
10. Take a picture of all the technology within an arm’s length.
11. A fork

Questions for quiz

1. Which Chess piece can only move diagonally
 The Pawn
 The Knight
 The Queen
 The Bishop
2. How many soccer players should each team have on the field at the start of each
 12
 10
 11
 15
3. Which year was the very first model of the iPhone released?
 2000
 2007
 2005
 2006
4. '.MPG' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
 WordPerfect Document file
 MS Office document
 Animation/movie file
 Image file
5. Which car company makes the famous Carrera model?
 Porsche
 Peugeot
 Nissan
6. What year was our company founded in?
 2003
 2002
 2005
 2006
7. Which Country does athlete Usain bolt belongs to?
 Africa
 Jamaica
 Cuba
 Haiti
8. Which month has 28 days?
 January
 December
 February
 All of the above

This epic movie narrated the tale of Anarkali and Salim. Which one is it?

 Akbar Salim Anarkali

 Mughal-e-azam
 Anarkali
 Pakeezah

9. Guess the movie

 Slumdog Millionaire
 The Social Network
 The Internship
 The Wolf of Wall Street
10. Guess the athlete

 Roger Federer
 Andy Murray
 Leander Paes
 Rafael Nadal

11. Guess the Flag

 New Zealand
 Netherlands
 Australia
 Iceland
12. Guess the logo

 Sears
 Target
 Walmart
 Kmart
13. Guess the logo
 Nissan
 Mazda
 Honda
 Angel’s

14. Tagline - Don’t dream it. Drive it.

 Mazda
 Honda
 Jaguar
 Audi

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