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Cagayan de Oro College PHINMA Education Network

College of Allied Health Sciences

Nursing Department
BSN-3 Medical Surgical Nursing Activity Sheet
2nd Semester, Periodical 1, S.Y. 2020-2021

NAMES:__________MAMBUAY, IRIS JUNE F.__________________________________________ DATE:_02/09/2021______

SECTION:__C1-01___________ C.I:_MS. PHOEBE JAENN TAN, RN_________
 Any conditions that cause increased intestinal
NURSING INTERVENTIONS Defined as more than r bowel movements per day CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
secretions, decrease mucosal transport or
with altered consistency of stool; can be classified as
altered motility
 Promote fluid intake and acute & persistent (non-inflammatory- causes usually  Perianal discomfort
 Viral infections (Colitis or Enteritis) COMPLICATIONS
ingestion of solid foods by S. aureus or Guardia) & chronic (secretory,  Incontinence
 Certain medications (antibiotics, magnesium-
 Instruct patient to avoid osmotic, malabsorptive, infectious and exudative)  Dysentery (Shigella, Salmonella and
containing antacids)  Dehydration
caffeinated beverages and Yersinia species)
 Adverse effects in chemotherapy, antiarrhythmic  Cardiac dysrhythmias
dairy products for now
agents, antihypertensives  Metabolic acidosis  Voluminous greasy stool with mucus,
 Teach proper hand washing blood and pus
 Metabolic and endocrine disorders ASSESSMENT/DX  Paresthesia
technique and advise to  Abdominal distension
 Malabsorptive disorders  Hypotension
frequently wash hands
  Increased frequency & fluid content
 ZES CBC  Anorexia
 Eat foods that are thoroughly of stools
 AIDS  Serum chemistries  Irritant dermatitis
 
 Parasites Urinalysis
 Never eat raw or
 C. difficile infections (the most common HAI)  Routine stool examination
undercooked meat or
 Lactose deficiency  Endoscopy S/SX
 Pathogens/toxins  Barium enema
 Pancreatic dysfunction  Urgency
 Nausea
 Thirst
MEDICAL NURSING  Abdominal distention
 Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related  Oil droplets in the toilet water
to insufficient fluids in the body secondary to diarrhea  Medications such as certain antibiotics that  Encourage to drink a lot of fluids and foods low in bulk (may indicate pancreatic
 Risk for impaired skin integrity related to frequent bowel doesn’t cause diarrhea, NSAIDs, antidiarrheals  Avoid foods such as caffeinated beverages, alcohol, dairy problems)
movements (Loperamide/Lomotil) and fatty/greasy foods
 Deficient knowledge related to lack of information regarding  Use of probiotics  Administer perineal skin care routine as ordered for
risk factors  Frequent hand washing patient’s skin integrity
 Risk for deficient fluid volume related to excessive fluid loss  Solid foods and less/avoid dairy foods  Monitor serum electrolytes closely. Watch for signs of
through normal routes  IV fluid therapy extreme dehydration.
 Risk for imbalanced fluid volume related to diarrhea  Water or oral rehydration salts  Monitor heart rates periodically for dysrhythmias

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