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Pada meteri ini peserta didik akan mempelajari tentang :
1. Menawarkan pertolongan,
2. Menerima tawaran,
3. Menolak tawaran seseorang.


1. Offering Help Adalah suatu Ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk
menawarkan bantuan kepada orang lain. Sedangkan pada materi offering help sendiri di bagi
menjadi 3 bagian, yaitu : making offer, Accepting Offer dan Declining Offer.

2. Berikut merupakan ungkapan Offering Help

Making Offers

 Can I …?
 May I …?
 Shall I …?
 How about I
 Would you …?

Accepting Offers (Menyetujui Penawaran)

 Thank you, I appreciate your help.

 Yes, please. Yes please, that would be lovely.
 Thank you, it is very kind of you.

Declining Offers (Menolak Penawaran)

 No, thanks.
 No, thank you.
 It’s okay, I can do it myself.
 Don’t worry, I will do it myself.
3. Contoh dialog Offering Help

Contoh Dialog 1
Tom  : Hi Anna. 
Anna  : Hi Tom. 
Tom  : You look so busy Anna. What are you doing? 
Anna  : Yeah, as you can see, Tom. I am moving the things from my bedroom. 
Tom  : Oh, I see. Why are you moving all those things
Anna  : I’m going to move to another room because my little sister wants to have her own room now. 
Tom  : Marie is not a child anymore now, is she? She is growing fast. 
Anna  : Yeah, as you know. Actually I love this room, but that’s okay. I’d like to try another room. 
Tom  : Yeah, as an older sister, you have to succumb to your little sister. 
Anna  : Yes Tom. So that’s why I move. I have moved all the small and light things. The rest are a bit heavy. 
Tom  : Would you like some help Anna? I’m free. So maybe I can help you with those heavy things. 
Anna  : Oh, that’s very kind of you, Tom. Thanks. I need your help to move my desk.  
Tom  : Alright, let’s do it then. 
Anna  : Okay Tom. 

Contoh Dialog 2

Bimo  : Hi, Tony. Your face looks so pale. What’s wrong with you? 
Tony  : Hi Bimo. Yes, I think I got a stomachache. My stomach is very hurt. I have not
had my breakfast yet. 
Bimo  : Oh, poor you Tony. I think we should have our breakfast before we go to school
or studying
Tony  : I was not so hungry last morning. So that’s way, I didn’t have my breakfast.
Maybe that’s my fault Bim. 
Bimo  : Hmm. Yeah, that’s okay for now. But next time, please remember to have your
breakfast Tony. 
Tony  : Alright Bimo. 
Bimo  : Can I do anything to help? 
Tony  : I need to get some medicine, but my stomach is still hurt. Can you get some for me? 
Bimo  : Okay Tony. I will get some for you in medical room and I also will buy some
food for you. 
Tony  : Thank you so much Bimo. I can’t say a word. Thanks for your help. 
Bimo  : You’re welcome Tony. 

Pada Pembelajaran ini peserta didik mempelajari:

1. How to offer help

Kalimat yang merupakan offering help adalah
 Can I …?
 May I …?
 Shall I …?
 How about I …
 Would you …?

2. Accepting Help
Kalimat yang merupakan accepting help adalah
 Thank you, I appreciate your help.
 Yes, please.
 Yes please, that would be lovely.
 Thank you, it is very kind of you

3. Declining Help
Kalimat yang merupakan declining help adalah,
 No, thanks.
 No, thank you.
 It’s okay, I can do it myself.
 Don’t worry, I will do it myself.

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