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Chapter 1:
Offers And Suggestions
What is offers and sugbestions?

Suggestion is actions of suggesting something. (saran)
example. You look pale. You should go to the doctor.
Offers is to ask someone if they would like to have
something or if they would like you to do something.
Example: Do you want some candies?

Example offer: Example suggestions:

• Would you like a cup of tea? X: What do you think I should wear
(Apakah kamu mau minum tonight? A dress or a t-shirt? 
teh?) Y: I think you should wear a dress.
• Can I help you? (Bolehkah (giving suggestion/memberi saran)
saya membantumu?)
Elemental Language Offerings and Suggestions
In giving offers and suggestions in English (offers and
suggestions), there are several linguistic elements that are often
used, namely:
offers/tawaran suggestions/saran
Let’s….. Mari…..
May I……..? Bisakah
Kenapa kita
Why don’t we…..?
Bolehkah/ tidak……
Can I…….? Bisakah
saya…….? We could…… Kita bisa……
Shall I…….? Bagaimana
saya……..? What about…..
Apakah kamu
Would you……? Bagaimana
ingin……? How about….
In addition, when giving advice, there are several
verbs that are often used, including:
• Suggest
• Advise
• Recommend

All three verbs have the same meaning, namely "to


Types of Offers: Giving offers atau memberi tawaran:

It turns out that the offer is not only An offer will be given by one person to
limited to making an offer, you know. another in certain situations. Examples of
There are also accepting offers or sentences giving offers and their translations
accepting offers and rejecting offers or are:
in English it is called declining offers.
Giving Offers Terjemahan

Bagaimana jika aku membantumu mencuci

How about I help you do the dishes?

Would you like another glass of milk? Apakah kamu mau segelas susu lagi?

Can I make the bed for you? Bolehkah aku merapikan kasur untukmu?

Bisakah saya membantumu?, Ada yang bisa saya

May I help you?

Shall I bring you a cup of tea? Haruskah saya membawakanmu secangkir kopi?
Accepting offers atau menerima tawaran Declining offers atau menolak tawaran

The offer can be rejected or accepted. If you don't need the offer, then you can use th
If you receive an offer, then you can use expressions below to reject it.
the expressions below.
Accepting Offers Terjemahan Declining Offers Terjemahan

Jangan khuatir. Saya

Yes, I would love to. Iya, silahkan. Do not worry. I will
akan mengurusnya
manage on my own.
Iya silahkan. Saya
Yes,please. I really No, but thank you. Tidak, terima kasih.
appreciate it.
Tidak apa-apa. Saya
It is okay. I can do it
Silahkan, terima akan melakukannya
Sure, thanks. myself.
kasih. sendiri.

Ya silahkan. Tidak apa-apa. Saya

Yes, please. That’s That is alright. I will
Terimakasih atas akan melakukannya
very kind of you. do it by myself.
kebaikannya. sendiri.

Yes, please. That Ya silahkan. Itu

would be nice. bagus.
Suggestion Type
Just like offers, suggestions also consist of asking for suggestion, giving suggestion,
accepting suggestion, and also declining suggestion.

Asking for suggestions

Before someone gives advice, there must be something you guys ask. This is called
asking for suggestions.

Asking for Suggestion Terjemahan

What do you recommend? Apa yang kamu sarankan?

Bisakah kamu memberi saya beberapa saran

Could you give some suggestions about this?
tentang ini?

What should I do? Apa yang harus saya lakukan?

Do you have any suggestions? Apakah kamu mempunyai saran?

Shall I call her? Haruskah saya menelponnya?

Giving suggestion
Giving suggestion is a moment where you give advice to others. Examples of giving
suggestion sentences can be seen in the following table.

Giving Suggestion Terjemahan

Why don’t we go to the cinema first? Kenapa kita tidak pergi ke bioskop dulu?

How about cleaning the bathroom first and then Bagaimana kalau membersihkan kamar mandi
sweeping the house? terlebih dahulu baru menyapu rumah?

Let’s do the homework in Risma’s house. Mari mengerjakan PR di rumah Risma.

I think you should apologize to her. Saya rasa kamu harus meminta maaf padanya.

You might tell your problems to the Mungkin kamu bisa memberi tahu masalah-
psychiatrist. masalahmu pada psikiater.
Accepting suggestion
Accepting suggestions or receiving suggestions can be expressed as the
sentences below.
Accepting Suggestion Terjemahan

Yeah, let’s go. Yah, ayo.

That is a great idea. Ide yang bagus.

Okay, if you say so. Oke kalau begitu.

Sounds good to me. Kedengarannya baik/kedengarannya menarik.

I am up for it. Aku setuju.

Declining suggestions
If you do not agree or do not agree with the suggestions given, you can reject
the suggestions or in English known as declining suggestions.
Declining Suggestion Terjemahan

I do not think it is a good idea. Saya rasa itu bukan ide yang baik.

Sorry, but I prefer the red dress. Maaf, tapi saya lebih suka gaun yang merah.

I am not sure about that. Saya tidak yakin dengan itu.

Maybe some other time. Mungkin lain waktu/Mungkin lain kali.

so many
presentations from
our group thank you

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