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Asking Suggestion (Meminta Saran)

What should I do? (Aku seharusnya melakukan apa?)

Do you have any ideas? (Apa kau punya ide untukku?)
Do you have any suggestions for me? (Apa kau punya saran untukku?)
Can you tell me what I should do? (Bisakah kau katakana apa yang harus aku lakukan)
Do you have any advice for me? (Apa kau punya nasihat untukku?)
Will you give me some suggestion, please? (Maukah kamu memberikanku beberapa saran?)
Any idea? (ada ide?)
Can you give me some advice about…? (Dapatkah kamu memberiku beberapa nasihat tentang…)
What do you recommend………? (Apa yang dapat kamu rekomendasikan?)
Please tell me what should I do? (Kumohon katakan padaku apa yang harus aku lakukan?)

Giving Suggestion (Memberi Saran)

You should…
You need/ought to…
You had better…
You ought to…
I think you should….
I advise you to…
I suggest you to…
I suggest that you….
I recommend you to…
Maybe you should….

Offering Something (menawarkan sesuatu)

Can I get you something to drink?
Would you like something to drink?
Do like …..
Do like …. or …..
Do you wont …..
Do you take ….. or ….
May I give you ……
Would you like some candies?
Would you like to have dinner with me?

Accepting an Offer (menerima tawaran) Refusing an Offer (Menolak penawaran)

Yes, please I’m sorry I can’t. I have to …

Yes, of course Oh, I’d love to, but I don’t
Of cours I can think I can’t. It’s all right.
That’s very kind of you I can …
I appreciated that No, thanks.
That would be marvelous No, I really won’t thank you.
Thank you Not for me, thanks.
No, thanks. I’m not hungry.

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