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Component Factor Analysis:

1- Performance Athlete:

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N
The athlete is a dominating player in his sport 4.48 1.216 185
The athlete has prominent skills in his sport 4.56 1.169 185
The rivalry match of this athlete is exciting 4.35 1.256 185
The athlete does well against his major rival 4.26 1.260 185
The athlete’s competition style is distinctive from other players 4.30 1.253 185
The athlete’s competition style is exciting to watch 4.37 1.214 185
The athlete shows sportsmanship in competition 4.21 1.260 185

The Performance athlete output of factor analysis of Descriptive statistics Eight variable is under analyze, However, the mean,
standard deviation, and the number of analyses (N) Looking at the mean, one can conclude that the morality of the product is the
main variable that influences. It has the highest mean of 4.56.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .935
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1867.004
Df 21
Sig. .000

The Performance Athlete KMO measures the sampling adequacy (which determines if the responses given with the sample are
adequate or not) which should be close than 0.5 for a satisfactory factor analysis to proceed. Kaiser (1974) recommend 0.5 (value
for KMO) as minimum (barely accepted), values between 0.7-0.8 acceptable. KMO value shows there 0.935 it means this value is
acceptable. Bartlett’s test Sphericity is another indication of relationship among the variables. Bartlett’s test of Sphericity we check
the null hypothesis are significant or insignificant, in this table null hypothesis is significant, Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity significant
value of alpha 0.05 if below the value of alpha 0.05 it means null hypothesis is significant. This table alpha value show the 0.000 it
means null hypothesis is accepted.
Initial Extraction
The athlete is a dominating player in his sport 1.000 .927

The athlete has prominent skills in his sport 1.000 .895

The rivalry match of this athlete is exciting 1.000 .873

The athlete does well against his major rival 1.000 .845

The athlete’s competition style is distinctive from other players 1.000 .853

The athlete’s competition style is exciting to watch 1.000 .898

The athlete shows sportsmanship in competition 1.000 .825

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Table of Communalities is shown the value of variance for example Communalities value is greater than 0.05 to be considered to
another analysis. Convince value is (0.927) is 92.7% of variance and sale service value (0.825) 82.5% is counted,

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 6.117 87.387 87.387 6.117 87.387 87.387
2 .223 3.179 90.566
3 .206 2.948 93.514
4 .183 2.618 96.132
5 .119 1.701 97.833
6 .096 1.369 99.201
7 .056 .799 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Eigenvalues graph has been distributed into one group Initial Eigenvalues, Extraction sum of square loading and rotation sum of
square loading. In interpretation and analysis table we use the extraction of square loading. Therefore one we should note that first
actor account for 6.117% of the variance is 87.387%.
Screen plot may be a chart of the eigenvalue against all variable. The chart is valuable for deciding how numerous variables to
holds. The point of intrigued is where the bend begins to smooth. It can be seen that the bend starts to smooth between variables 1
and 2. Note too that calculate 4 onwards have an eigenvalue of less than 1.

Component Matrixa
The athlete is a dominating player in his sport .963

The athlete’s competition style is exciting to watch .948

The athlete has prominent skills in his sport .946

The rivalry match of this athlete is exciting .934

The athlete’s competition style is distinctive from other players .924

The athlete does well against his major rival .919

The athlete shows sportsmanship in competition .908

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. 1 components extracted.

Component matrix we check the associations between the variables and the components, pearson associations value +1 and -1, We
have extricated three factors wherein the 5 thing are partitioned into 1 factors concurring to most imperative things which
comparable reactions in component 1 and at the same time in (component 2). The whole (purge spaces) on the table represent to
loading that are less than 0.5, this makes perusing the table simpler. We stifled all loading less than 0.5.

2- Marketable Life Style:

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Deviation Analysis N
The athlete has dramatic episode in his life 3.49 1.547 184
The athlete’s private lifestyle is newsy 3.53 1.504 184
The athlete shows appreciation for fans and spectators 4.21 1.276 184

The athlete tries to interact with fans 4.01 1.306 184

The athlete is socially responsible 4.11 1.305 184
The athlete is a good leader for my community 4.15 1.304 184

The Marketable Life Style output of factor analysis of Descriptive statistics six item is under analyze, However, the mean, standard
deviation, and the number of analyses (N) Looking at the mean, one can conclude that the morality of the product is the main
variable that influences. It has the highest mean of 4.21.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .845
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 937.221
Df 15
Sig. .000

The KMO measures the sampling adequacy (which determines if the responses given with the sample are adequate or not) which
should be close than 0.5 for a satisfactory factor analysis to proceed. Kaiser (1974) recommend 0.5 (value for KMO) as minimum
(barely accepted), values between 0.7-0.8 acceptable. KMO value shows there 0.845 it means this value is acceptable. Bartlett’s test
Sphericity is another indication of relationship among the variables. Bartlett’s test of Sphericity we check the null hypothesis are
significant or insignificant, in this table null hypothesis is significant, Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity significant value of alpha 0.05 if
below the value of alpha 0.05 it means null hypothesis is significant. This table alpha value show the 0.000 it means null hypothesis
is accepted.

Initial Extraction
The athlete has dramatic episode in his life 1.000 .488

The athlete’s private lifestyle is newsy 1.000 .577

The athlete shows appreciation for fans and spectators 1.000 .833

The athlete tries to interact with fans 1.000 .820

The athlete is socially responsible 1.000 .782

The athlete is a good leader for my community 1.000 .807

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Table of Communalities is shown the value of variance for example Communalities value is greater than 0.05 to be considered to
another analysis. Convince value is (0.488) is 48.8% of variance and sale service value (0.807) 80.7% is counted,

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 4.308 71.800 71.800 4.308 71.800 71.800
2 .808 13.458 85.258
3 .371 6.178 91.436
4 .238 3.973 95.409
5 .170 2.838 98.246
6 .105 1.754 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Eigenvalues graph has been distributed into one group Initial Eigenvalues, Extraction sum of square loading and rotation sum of
square loading. In interpretation and analysis table we use the extraction of square loading. Therefore one we should note that first
actor account for 4.308% of the variance is 71.800%.
Screen plot may be a chart of the eigenvalue against all variable. The chart is valuable for deciding how numerous variables to
holds. The point of intrigued is where the bend begins to smooth. It can be seen that the bend starts to smooth between variables 2
and 3. Note too that calculate 4 onwards have an eigenvalue of less than 1.

Component Matrixa
The athlete shows appreciation for fans and spectators .913

The athlete tries to interact with fans .905

The athlete is a good leader for my community .898

The athlete is socially responsible .884

The athlete’s private lifestyle is newsy .760

The athlete has dramatic episode in his life .699

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. 1 components extracted.
Component matrix we check the associations between the variables and the components, pearson associations value +1 and -1, We
have extricated three factors wherein the 5 thing are partitioned into 1 factors concurring to most imperative things which
comparable reactions in component 1 and at the same time in (component 2). The whole (purge spaces) on the table represent to
loading that are less than 0.5, this makes perusing the table simpler. We stifled all loading less than 0.5.

3- Attractive Appearance
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N
The athlete is physically attractive 3.68 1.368 185

The athlete is trendy 3.72 1.346 185

The Attractive Appearance output of factor analysis of Descriptive statistics two item is under analyze, However, the mean, standard
deviation, and the number of analyses (N) Looking at the mean, one can conclude that the morality of the product is the main
variable that influences. It has the highest mean of 3.72.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .500
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 186.456
df 1
Sig. .000

The KMO measures the sampling adequacy (which determines if the responses given with the sample are adequate or not) which
should be close than 0.5 for a satisfactory factor analysis to proceed. Kaiser (1974) recommend 0.5 (value for KMO) as minimum
(barely accepted), values between 0.7-0.8 acceptable. KMO value shows there 0.500 it means this value is Barely acceptable.
Bartlett’s test Sphericity is another indication of relationship among the variables. Bartlett’s test of Sphericity we check the null
hypothesis are significant or insignificant, in this table null hypothesis is significant, Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity significant value of
alpha 0.05 if below the value of alpha 0.05 it means null hypothesis is significant. This table alpha value show the 0.000 it means
null hypothesis is accepted.

Initial Extraction
The athlete is physically attractive 1.000 .900

The athlete is trendy 1.000 .900

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Table of Communalities is shown the value of variance for example Communalities value is greater than 0.05 to be considered to
another analysis. Convince value is (0.900) is 90% of variance and sale service value (0.900) 90% is counted,

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 1.800 90.000 90.000 1.800 90.000 90.000
2 .200 10.000 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Eigenvalues graph has been distributed into one group Initial Eigenvalues, Extraction sum of square loading and rotation sum of
square loading. In interpretation and analysis table we use the extraction of square loading. Therefore one we should note that first
actor account for 1.80% of the variance is 90%.

Screen plot may be a chart of the eigenvalue against all variable. The chart is valuable for deciding how numerous variables to
holds. The point of intrigued is where the bend begins to smooth. It can be seen that the bend starts to smooth between variables 1
and 2. Note too that calculate 2 onwards have an eigenvalue of less than 1.
Component Matrixa
The athlete is physically attractive .949

The athlete is trendy .949

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. 1 components extracted.

Component matrix we check the associations between the variables and the components, pearson associations value +1 and -1, We
have extricated three factors wherein the 5 thing are partitioned into 1 factors concurring to most imperative things which
comparable reactions in component 1 and at the same time in (component 2). The whole (purge spaces) on the table represent to
loading that are less than 0.5, this makes perusing the table simpler. We stifled all loading less than 0.5.

4- Country Influence:
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N
The athletes comes from a major country in his sport 4.02 1.333 185

The athlete has evolved in my country 3.57 1.696 185

The athlete has achieved great performances in my country 3.89 1.592 185

The Country Influence output of factor analysis of Descriptive statistics three items is under analyze, However, the mean, standard
deviation, and the number of analyses (N) Looking at the mean, one can conclude that the morality of the product is the main
variable that influences. It has the highest mean of 4.02.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .655
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 263.588
Df 3
Sig. .000
The KMO measures the sampling adequacy (which determines if the responses given with the sample are adequate or not) which
should be close than 0.5 for a satisfactory factor analysis to proceed. Kaiser (1974) recommend 0.5 (value for KMO) as minimum
(barely accepted), values between 0.7-0.8 acceptable. KMO value shows there 0.655 it means this value is acceptable. Bartlett’s test
Sphericity is another indication of relationship among the variables. Bartlett’s test of Sphericity we check the null hypothesis are
significant or insignificant, in this table null hypothesis is significant, Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity significant value of alpha 0.05 if
below the value of alpha 0.05 it means null hypothesis is significant. This table alpha value show the 0.000 it means null hypothesis
is accepted.

Initial Extraction
The athletes comes from a major country in his sport 1.000 .580

The athlete has evolved in my country 1.000 .829

The athlete has achieved great performances in my country 1.000 .840

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Table of Communalities is shown the value of variance for example Communalities value is greater than 0.05 to be considered to
another analysis. Convince value is (0.580) is 58% of variance and sale service value (0.840) 84% is counted,

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.249 74.963 74.963 2.249 74.963 74.963
2 .566 18.879 93.843
3 .185 6.157 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Eigenvalues graph has been distributed into one group Initial Eigenvalues, Extraction sum of square loading and rotation sum of
square loading. In interpretation and analysis table we use the extraction of square loading. Therefore one we should note that first
actor account for 2.249% of the variance is 74.963%
Screen plot may be a chart of the eigenvalue against all variable. The chart is valuable for deciding how numerous variables to
holds. The point of intrigued is where the bend begins to smooth. It can be seen that the bend starts to smooth between variables 1
and 2. Note too that calculate 3 onwards have an eigenvalue of less than 1.

Component Matrixa
The athlete has achieved great performances in my country .916

The athlete has evolved in my country .911

The athletes comes from a major country in his sport .761

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. 1 components extracted.

Component matrix we check the associations between the variables and the components, pearson associations value +1 and -1, We
have extricated three factors wherein the 5 thing are partitioned into 1 factors concurring to most imperative things which
comparable reactions in component 1 and at the same time in (component 2). The whole (purge spaces) on the table represent to
loading that are less than 0.5, this makes perusing the table simpler. We stifled all loading less than 0.5.
5- Consumer Intentions:
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N
I intend to attend the the athlete’s game(s). 4.30 1.288 185
The likelihood that I will attend the the athlete’s game(s) in the future is high. 3.83 1.364 185

I will track the news on the the athlete through the media (e.g., TV, Internet, Radio, etc.). 4.09 1.309 185

I will support the athlete by watching or listening to his games 4.13 1.296 185

In the future, purchasing athlete licensed merchandise is something I plan to do. 3.63 1.381 185

In the future, I intend to purchase licensed merchandise representing the athlete 3.62 1.406 185

The Performance athlete output of factor analysis of Descriptive statistics Six items is under analyze, However, the mean, standard
deviation, and the number of analyses (N) Looking at the mean, one can conclude that the morality of the product is the main
variable that influences. It has the highest mean of 4.30.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .845
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1152.096
Df 15
Sig. .000

The KMO measures the sampling adequacy (which determines if the responses given with the sample are adequate or not) which
should be close than 0.5 for a satisfactory factor analysis to proceed. Kaiser (1974) recommend 0.5 (value for KMO) as minimum
(barely accepted), values between 0.7-0.8 acceptable. KMO value shows there 0.845 it means this value is acceptable. Bartlett’s test
Sphericity is another indication of relationship among the variables. Bartlett’s test of Sphericity we check the null hypothesis are
significant or insignificant, in this table null hypothesis is significant, Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity significant value of alpha 0.05 if
below the value of alpha 0.05 it means null hypothesis is significant. This table alpha value show the 0.000 it means null hypothesis
is accepted.
Initial Extraction
I intend to attend the the athlete’s game(s). 1.000 .689
The likelihood that I will attend the the athlete’s game(s) in the future is high. 1.000 .762
I will track the news on the the athlete through the media (e.g., TV, Internet, Radio, 1.000 .852
I will support the athlete by watching or listening to his games 1.000 .818

In the future, purchasing athlete licensed merchandise is something I plan to do. 1.000 .752

In the future, I intend to purchase licensed merchandise representing the athlete 1.000 .759

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Table of Communalities is shown the value of variance for example Communalities value is greater than 0.05 to be considered to
another analysis. Convince value is (0.689) is 68.9% of variance and sale service value (0.759) 75.9% is counted,

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 4.631 77.182 77.182 4.631 77.182 77.182
2 .650 10.830 88.012
3 .302 5.029 93.042
4 .232 3.871 96.912
5 .112 1.866 98.779
6 .073 1.221 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Eigenvalues graph has been distributed into one group Initial Eigenvalues, Extraction sum of square loading and rotation sum of
square loading. In interpretation and analysis table we use the extraction of square loading. Therefore one we should note that first
actor account for 4.631% of the variance is 77.182%
Screen plot may be a chart of the eigenvalue against all variable. The chart is valuable for deciding how numerous variables to
holds. The point of intrigued is where the bend begins to smooth. It can be seen that the bend starts to smooth between variables 1
and 2. Note too that calculate 4 onwards have an eigenvalue of less than 1.

Component Matrixa
I will track the news on the the athlete through the media (e.g., TV, Internet, Radio, etc.). .923

I will support the athlete by watching or listening to his games .904

The likelihood that I will attend the the athlete’s game(s) in the future is high. .873

In the future, I intend to purchase licensed merchandise representing the athlete .871

In the future, purchasing athlete licensed merchandise is something I plan to do. .867

I intend to attend the the athlete’s game(s). .830

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. 1 components extracted.

Component matrix we check the associations between the variables and the components, pearson associations value +1 and -1, We
have extricated three factors wherein the 5 thing are partitioned into 1 factors concurring to most imperative things which
comparable reactions in component 1 and at the same time in (component 2). The whole (purge spaces) on the table represent to
loading that are less than 0.5, this makes perusing the table simpler. We stifled all loading less than 0.5.

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