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Untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri ataupun memperkenalkan orang lain, pada umumnya kita
menggunakan jenis kalimat simple present tense yang menggunakan to be dan have.
Untuk mendeskripsikan subjek kalimat, gunakan to be.

Untuk menjelaskan kepunyaan, gunakan have/has.

Gunakanlah rising intonation ketika membaca YES/NO questions.


Pronoun merupakan kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan orang atau benda, baik yang bersifat
abstrak maupun konkret.

Perhatikan pronoun atau kata ganti berikut ini.

1. Subjective pronoun, yang digunakan sebagai subjek kalimat atau klausa.

2. Objective pronoun, yang digunakan sebagai objek kalimat.

3. Possessive pronoun, yang menyatakan kepunyaan. Muncul sebelum kata benda (noun).

Untuk menanyakan informasi mengenai diri seseorang, kamu dapat menggunakan kata tanya WH
questions berikut ini.

✓ What
✓ Why
✓ Who
✓ Where
✓ Whom
✓ When
✓ How
Perhatikan percakapan melalui telepon di bawah ini.

Lynn : “Hello, good morning. May I talk to Mr. Matthew Black, please?”

Matthew : “Good morning. Yes, it is me speaking. Who am I talking to?”

Lynn : “How are you, Mr. Black? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lynn Campbell. I am from
the international student office at Ohio University.”

Matthew : “Oh, Hi Ms. Campbell. How can I help you?”

Lynn : “In order to proceed your application for financial aid, I need some personal information from you
if you don’t mind.”

Matthew : “Sure, go for it.”

Lynn : “What is your student’s ID number, please?”

Matthew : “It’s 55544678.”

Lynn : “What is your major?”

Matthew : “My major is English literature.”

Lynn : “Great! Now, where do you live?”

Matthew : “I am renting a room in university dormitory.”

Lynn : “I see. For reference letter, whom should I contact?”

Matthew : “You can contact my previous academic advisor, Mr. Smith Langdon.”

Lynn : “I see. When did you submit your application by the way?”

Matthew : “It was last week.”

Lynn : “I see. Thank you very much for your time, Mr. Black.”

Matthew : “No problem.”

A. Buatlah pertanyaan menggunakan WH questions.
1. Santika goes to Junior High School No. 2 Jakarta.
2. Santika’s favorite hobby is fencing.
3. Samantha likes Math and Bahasa Indonesia.
4. Santika has 2 brothers and 1 sister.
5. Santika takes violin class every week.
B. Lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan to be atau have/has
1. The students … very noise.
2. Today is very boring. I don’t ... anything to do.
3. I … many book collections.
4. My pen pal … from Canada.
5. Andy … a pen pal from Japan.
1. Do the self reflection in your note book.
2. Please take a photo of your hand-writing all of the material that I share in the notebook
and make it into PDF format, don't forget you name and student number.
3. Send it to your captain class and she/he will send it to me in Whatsapp and I’ll waiting for
you till 21.00 today.

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