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Time your meals: Most people only focus on what is on their plate but not the time of their meals.
Eating smaller meals every three to four hours can boost your metabolism which helps in fat burn.
The Key is to know your portion size to eat just about enough to keep your going for another few

2. Eat more Protein: It’s a proven fact that our body burns more calories when we consume Protein
Supplements than fats or carbs. Loading up on quality protein will increase your metabolism and
also helps retain muscle mass, all of which helps in fat burning. A study published in the American
Journal of Physiology compared 2 groups, where the first was fed with a high protein Bodybuilding
diet and the second group were fed with a low protein Bodybuilding diet and the group eating higher
protein burned more fat.

3. Spice it up: As surprising as it may sound, some spices contain phytochemicals that break down
fatty deposits in the body while also breaking down cholesterol; kill viruses, bacteria and fungi; and
protect against heart disease. The top ones on the list are Garlic, Turmeric, Cinnamon and Chiles.

4. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): This means alternating a brief period of high-intensity
exercise with brief rest periods. The result: losing more fat in less time.
Try jumping rope as fast as you can for 10-20 seconds, followed by a half a minute at a slower

5. Fight Fat with Fiber: Best sources of fibre can come from fruits and vegetables. You should aim
for about 25 grams a day. Research indicated that some fiber can increase your fat burn by as much
as 30 percent. Studies find that those who eat the most fiber gain the least weight over time.

6. Train with weights: Training with weights has a number of benefits and fat burning is one of them.
Weight training itself burns calories. Studies also show that weight training increases the calories
you burn at rest for up to 39 hours after your workout.

7. Drink Milk: Evidence proves that calcium deficiency may slow metabolism. Research shows that
consuming calcium through dairy foods such as fat-free milk and low-fat yogurt may also reduce fat
absorption from other foods.

8. Train fasted once a week: This helps the body to keep adrenaline high and blood sugar low.
When you exercise while fasting, it essentially forces your body to shed fat, as your body’s fat
burning processes are controlled by your sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and your SNS is
activated by exercise and lack of food. The combination of fasting and exercising maximizes the
impact of cellular factors and catalysts (cyclic AMP and AMP Kinases), which force the breakdown of
fat and glycogen for energy.

9. Drink more water: Being dehydrated can fool your body into feeling hungry. The consensus in the
bodybuilding diet community is that high water storage within muscles acts as an anabolic factor.
This allows the muscles to maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which directly impacts muscle

10. Eat more avocados: Avacados are loaded with the kind of healthy fats you need to keep your
body burning fat. Also, by eating more of nature’s healthiest foods, like avocados and almonds, you
are much less likely to feel hungry again a short time after you’ve eaten. As an additional health
benefit, eating a diet high in the omega-9 fats, of which avocado is one of the best sources, has
been shown to have the potential to reduce blood levels of ‘bad’ low-density lipoprotein cholesterol,
at the same time as raising ‘good’ high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

11. Drink Green Tea: Green Tea is loaded with fat-burning antioxidants. When you drink a cup of
tea, you’re actually getting a large amount of beneficial substances with potent biological effects.
The best known of these is caffeine. A cup of green tea contains much less caffeine (24-40 mg) than
a cup of coffee (100-200 mg), but still enough to have a mild effect. Caffeine is a well known
stimulant that has been shown to aid fat burning and improve exercise performance in numerous

12. Plan cheat meals: If you’re strict all week, one pig-out will get your body primed for more weight
loss. People are shown to adhere more strictly to their healthy diet routine when they look forward to
eating their favourite meals one day a week. Strategic planning of cheat meals can be rewarding and
also help control everyday junk food cravings.

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