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An Introduction to

Seventh Edition

Alan Martin I Sam Harbison

Karen Beach I Peter Cole

CRC Press

Radiological incidents and emergencies

effects would normally be confined to a very

limited area within a building and would be
controlled by simple measures such as cleaning up
A radiological incident may be defined as any the spill, in accordance with local procedures. A
unplanned situation that gives rise to an abnormal more serious situation with the potential to give
radiation hazard. This definition covers anything rise to significant radiation doses to personnel on
from a minor laboratory spill involving a few or off the site could be declared an emergency,
megabecquerels of radioactive solution up to a requiring initiation of pre-planned procedures to
major reactor accident in which many thousands protect personnel and to bring the situation under
of terabecquerels of fission products may be control (see Section 17.6).
released into the environment.
Whatever the scale of the event, it is essential
An incident can arise because of to have analyzed the possible occurrences in
loss of shielding, resulting in high radiation advance and to have formulated contingency plans
dose rates; loss of containment, resulting in a for dealing with them. It is vitally important to
release of radioactive material; or detect any abnormal situation as quickly as
uncontrolled criticality, which is, effectively, possible. For example, if a loss of shielding
accident is detected immediately and the
the rapid generation of a large radioactive
appropriate corrective actions or evacuation
source and high levels of radiation.
measures are taken, the dose received may be very
Usually, these situations result from some small. Conversely, very large doses may be
conventional cause such as human error, received if operating personnel and others in the
mechanical failure, fire, flooding or a transport vicinity of the plant are not aware of the situation.
accident. For planning and control purposes, it is In this chapter, a number of situations of the types
usual to differentiate between the various levels of listed earlier will be considered.
events that can occur. The International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) has devised an
International Nuclear and Radiological Event
Scale (INES) to be applied following any NUCLEAR AND
unplanned occurrence that has a potential RADIOLOGICAL EVENT
radiological impact (see Section 17.2).
Minor events such as laboratory spills are more SCALE
of a nuisance than a danger and it is more The INES was devised by an international group
appropriate to refer to them as local incidents. The of experts convened by the IAEA in 1989, largely
as a result of lessons learned from managing the

Chernobyl accident (see Section 17.4.3). The scale materials and accidental exposures to radiation are
uses a numerical rating to indicate to the wider recorded. This can be viewed at https://www-
community, both nationally and internationally,
the magnitude of an event in a similar way to that
Table 17.1 International Nuclear and Radiological
Event Scale 17.3.1 SMALL SEALED
Level Type of event SOURCES
1 Operating anomaly with minor impact
2 Incident leading to some overexposure to
Small sealed sources, usually emitters, are widely
used in industry, medicine and teaching. It is
3 Serious incident, with actual or potential high
unlikely that any source with an activity less than
100 MBq could result in an excessive dose to a
4 Accident with local consequences and minor
release of radioactive material person (unless, for example, it was carried in the
5 Accident with wider consequences and likely pocket) and so the loss of shielding for such
to require countermeasures sources would probably be a local incident. Such
6 Serious accident with significant release of sources are usually handled by tongs and stored in
radioactive material requiring small lead-lined pots. The most common loss of
countermeasures shielding incidents occur when a source is
7 Major accident with widespread health and removed from its container by a user who fails to
environmental effects return it. Installed monitoring and/or alarm
instruments can be used to show that a source is
to indicate the magnitude of an earthquake on the out of its pot but, in the majority of cases, reliance
Richter scale. Events are classified at seven levels, is placed on portable monitoring equipment.
with each increasing level indicating a severity an Regular source musters minimize the possibility
order of magnitude (i.e. a factor of 10) higher than that the situation remains undetected for a long
the level below. Levels 1 to 3 are considered to be period of time.
incidents and levels 4 to 7 are considered to be The loss of shielding could also result from
accidents. The levels are broadly defined as shown mechanical damage, for example if the container
in Table 17.1. were dropped, in which case there should be no
The INES system has been criticized on the problem in detecting the event. The possible
grounds that it does not give an adequate effects of fires, which might not only cause the
representation of the actual impact of an event, shielding to melt but also cause a loss of
particularly for very severe events, and that the containment of the source material itself, must
rating is usually decided at a local or national also be considered. Events involving small sealed
level, sometimes leading to inconsistencies in the sources would normally be classed as level 2 on
rating of events. Nevertheless, the system does INES.
serve to give an early indication to the wider
international community of the broad scale of an 17.32 LARGE SEALED
event. Examples are given in the following
sections of the application of INES to various SOURCES
incidents and accidents.
The IAEA has also set up a nuclear event web-based
system on which incidents involving radioactive Large sealed sources such as those used for
industrial processing, radiography and

Radiological incidents and emergencies

radiotherapy are usually housed in specially

constructed containers with mechanical means for
controlling the time of exposure. The containers
are designed to withstand foreseeable mechanical
accidents and to resist fire. The possibility of
inadvertent exposure of the source is minimized
by the design of the equipment, but alarm
systems are desirable for detecting any fault
The majority of accidents involving sources of
this type have been in industrial radiography. This
is often performed in difficult conditions on
construction sites without any form of installed
monitoring equipment. In a number of accidents
the radioactive source became detached from the
operating mechanism and, when the mechanism
was retracted into the storage position, the source
remained unshielded. In some cases, the source
was found by a person who placed it in their
pocket without being aware of its hazardous
properties. This resulted in very large, and
sometimes fatal, doses being received. The

17.4 Loss of containment

prevention of such accidents depends not only on ranged from 100 mGy/s up to several grays per
the correct use of appropriate equipment with good second (as opposed to 80,000 Gy/s when the
maintenance but also on the training of the accelerator was on). The three received localized
radiographers. Their safety culture should doses, one severe enough to produce skin lesions.
recognize the responsibility they bear for the safe The skin doses were estimated at 40 Sv (effective
use of equipment that could have serious dose of 1 Sv) for the worker with the worst injury,
consequences if used incorrectly. Safe use implies and 9 and 5 Sv for the other two workers.
strict adherence to preplanned monitoring
procedures by the radiographer. Various portable
alarm devices are also available which can be used 17.3.4 REACTOR FUEL-
in field conditions. There should also be a HANDLING ACCIDENTS
contingency plan to deal with accidents and
occurrences, and equipment should be readily
available to assist in recovery of the situation. The problems and dangers involved in handling the
Past events involving large sources have been intensely radioactive fuel from a nuclear reactor
classified between levels 2 and 5 on INES, are described in Chapter 13, Section 13.5. For
depending on the circumstances and the impact. large power-generating reactors, complex,
remotely controlled handling equipment removes
fuel from the reactor and transfers it to a cooling
17.3.3 ENTRY INTO pond. The design of the handling equipment,
SHIELDED CELLS combined with various built-in safety devices,
Another situation with the potential to give rise to should prevent the fuel being raised close to the
very serious exposures is accidental entry into a surface of the water and becoming unshielded.
shielded cell containing a large source or However, loss of water from a cooling pond is a
equipment for generating high radiation fields, potential accident mode and this occurred at
such as X-ray machines or linear accelerators. The Fukushima due to loss of the water cooling system
consequences of such entry can be so severe that it and resulting evaporation of pond water, see
is essential that safety is a prime factor in the Section 17.4.3.
design of the facility. Interlocked systems should With research reactors, there is usually more
prevent the equipment being activated when an scope for fuel-handling accidents and greater
access door or port is open and, conversely, reliance has to be placed on following approved
prevent a door being opened when the equipment operating procedures. There is greater scope for
is operating. In addition, installed monitoring and loss of shielding accidents in fuel cooling ponds,
alarm equipment should be incorporated into the perhaps through the inadvertent withdrawal of fuel
design. It is also important that safety features from the pond or because of loss of water. The
should be designed to ensure that the facility fails possibility of such occurrences is minimized by
in a safe mode. Strict adherence to the entry and good equipment design and careful operation and
portable monitoring procedures provides a further maintenance but, as a final safeguard, an installed
layer of protection. radiation alarm system is essential.
An accident occurred in 1991 at a Teflon Accidents of this type are rare, but they would
treatment facility in Forbach (France) where an generally be classified as levels 2 or 3 on INES.
electron accelerator irradiator was being used to
treat materials. In order to save time, three workers
had entered the irradiation room via an exit. 17.4.1 MINOR SPILLAGE
Although the accelerator was switched off, the
accelerating voltage was not (known as 'dark
current' mode) and the dose rate in the room still
Radiological incidents and emergencies

Perhaps the most common 'abnormal occurrence' out. If some failure causes the box to pressurize,
in a laboratory is a minor spillage of up to a few outward leakage may occur or, more seriously, a
megabecquerels of radioactive solution. The glove or panel may be blown out resulting in a
frequency of such events is minimized by good release. Specific attention needs to be paid to such
laboratory practices such as keeping containers of possibilities in the design in order to minimize
radioactive solutions in trays to contain any their chances of occurring and there should be pre-
spillage. However, spills do occur even in the best- planned procedures for dealing with them.
regulated laboratories but, if they are dealt with Events of this type would normally be
correctly, the contamination and therefore the considered as minor incidents and hence be rated
incident should not spread outside the laboratory or as level 1 or 2 on the INES system.
area in which it occurred. After carrying out any An incident occurred at a plutonium fuel
personnel decontamination that may be required, research facility in Japan in June 2017 when a
the most important action is to clean up the plastic bag containing a container of mixed
radioactive contamination using absorbent plutonium and uranium oxide ruptured. A small
materials before it dries out and becomes airborne. amount of plutonium was released leading to
A useful precaution in laboratories handling contamination of the hands and feet of five
unsealed sources is to have available a few spill workers. Although all wore protective masks, three
packs. These are simply plastic bags containing a of the workers were found to have inhaled
pair of gloves, a pair of overshoes and a wad of plutonium. The committed doses were assessed as
absorbent material (cotton waste, paper towels, between 100 and 200 mSv and the event was
etc.). When a spill occurs, the gloves and classified as level 2 on INES.
overshoes are donned and the spill is wiped up
using the absorbent material, which is then
replaced in the bag for disposal. Having quickly
cleaned up the bulk of the activity, the surface can RADIOACTIVITY
then be monitored and decontaminated further if
necessary. If any person is contaminated as a result
of the spill, they should put on the clean gloves and A major spill of more than 100 megabecquerels or
overshoes, then go to a change or decontamination so of activity, depending on the radiotoxicity of the
area without spreading contamination. nuclides involved, could result in a significant
Spillages and leakages can also occur in more incident. The INES rating could be level 2 or 3.
industrial environments, including nuclear Immediate evacuation of personnel might be
facilities, where the nature of equipment and required together with shutdown of the ventilation
surface finishes in the area are less amenable to system and sealing off the area to contain the
decontamination. Whatever the environment, any spread of activity. A controlled re-entry to the area
spillage that remains undetected for some time is by a team wearing appropriate protective clothing
likely to cause problems because it will be spread and respirators might be necessary. It is
around, possibly outside the area. This is why it is circumstances such as these that demonstrate the
important that areas are subject to routine value of a properly designed facility.
monitoring and that personnel leaving the area Decontamination can be a relatively simple matter
follow strict washing and monitoring procedures. where proper attention has been paid to surface
A release of radioactivity can also result from a finishes. In badly designed facilities,
failure of services such as ventilation or electrical decontamination may be difficult or even
supplies. Glove boxes can pose a particular impossible.
problem in this respect. A glove box is normally
operated at a pressure slightly below atmospheric,
which means that leakage tends to be in rather than

17.4 Loss of containment


One of the earliest reactor accidents occurred at
FROM NUCLEAR Windscale, Cumbria, United Kingdom, in 1957.
FACILITIES The reactor was of a very early design and used
direct-cycle air cooling, that is air was drawn in
through the reactor core, removing heat, and was
Potentially the most serious loss of containment discharged back to the atmosphere through filters
accidents involves the release of fission products and a tall stack (see Figure 17.1). The original
from a reactor. It will be recalled that the fission design did not include provision for filters, but at a
products are contained within three separate late stage of construction filters were added to the
boundaries: the fuel cladding, the boundary of the top of the stack and these turned out to be crucially
cooling system and the reactor containment important. The accident occurred while a special
building. In a power reactor, the most likely cause operation was being performed to release stored
of a fission product release is a loss of cooling with energy from the graphite moderator. This ran out
subsequent overheating of the core. The loss of of control causing the fuel rods to overheat and
cooling could occur because of a failure of the catch fire. The main activity released was iodine-
pressure circuit and consequential loss of coolant 131 (1-131) which, being a vapour, was not
or because of a loss of electrical supplies and removed very effectively by the filters. An
failure of pumps or other equipment on which the estimated 7 x 1014 Bq of 1-131 was released and,
cooling of the core depends. At sufficiently high although evacuation of the local population was
temperatures, chemical reactions between the fuel not deemed necessary, milk produced in a large
cladding and coolant also contribute to heating, area downwind of the site was declared unfit for
possibly leading to melting of the cladding and consumption. This was because of the exposure
fuel. Fission products would then be released from pathway:
the molten fuel and escape through any breach in
the cooling system. In a large reactor, if only 0.1% 1-131 —+ Pasture -4 Uptake by cows —¥ Milk
of the fission product inventory leaked from the
cooling system, this could amount to over 10 17 Bq. Consumption of milk —+ Dose to thyroid
If 1% of this amount then escaped from the reactor
building or containment, the release to the
environment would be 1015 Bq. This would result
in very high levels of radiation and contamination
on the reactor site. It would also be a hazard to the
local population and hence a public emergency.
It was considerations such as these that led to
the siting of the first generation of nuclear reactors
in remote areas. Most plants of more recent design
have massive, high-integrity containment systems
designed to greatly reduce any release of
radioactivity, so allowing their location closer to
populated areas.
Some of the major events of the last 60 years
involving nuclear facilities are described next.

Radiological incidents and emergencies

However, the filters were effective in limiting product gases, so the resulting radiation exposure
the extent of release of other longer-lived fission of the surrounding population was low. However,
products such as ruthenium-106 (Ru-106), some evacuation was undertaken, mainly of young
strontium-90 (Sr-90) and caesium-137 (Cs-137), so children and pregnant women. In spite of its very
avoiding a much more serious event. low radiological impact, the accident had a
Retrospectively, the Windscale accident was rated considerable adverse effect on public attitudes to
as INES level 5. nuclear power in the United States. As for the
Direct-cycle air cooling is no longer used on Windscale accident, the TMI event was
power reactors and so further accidents of this type retrospectively given a level 5 INES rating.
are not possible. A great deal was learned from the The TMI accident led to increased efforts to
Windscale accident about the sort of organization, understand the processes that occur during a severe
equipment and procedures that are necessary to reactor accident and to improve the methodologies
deal with major accidents. of safety assessment. It now seems that, for the
majority of accidents that might occur on PWRs,
the release of fission products would be THREE MILE ISLAND considerably less than had previously been
In 1979 an accident occurred at a large commercial thought. This is because various processes within
pressurized water reactor (PWR) plant at Three the containment, and the containment structure
Mile Island (TMI), Pennsylvania, United States. itself, are very effective in limiting the release.
The accident followed a major leak in the pressure
system and the failure of a safety system to operate
because of an incorrectly aligned valve. The CHERNOBYL
resulting loss of cooling led to overheating of the A much more serious reactor accident occurred at
fuel and release of activity to the environment via Chernobyl, Ukraine, in 1986 and involved a 1000
the gas waste system. The released activity MWe (megawatt electrical) graphite-moderated

Figure 17.1 The Windscae Pi es.

consisted mainly of short-lived inert fission boiling water reactor, a design peculiar to Eastern
17.4 Loss of containment

Europe. An explosion initiated by a power surge needed to handle such situations. In particular, it
resulted resulted in an International Convention on Nuclear
Safety, intended to improve the safety of all
nuclear plants worldwide, and a Convention on
Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident to ensure
that all potentially affected countries are notified
rapidly of any future nuclear incident. It also
provided the main motivation for the INES
concept. Retrospectively, it was given the
maximum rating of level 7. FUKUSHIMA
In March 2011, a major earthquake off the east
coast of Japan and an associated tsunami led to a
Figure 17.2 Chernobyl nuclear plant unit 4. (From serious radiological emergency at the Fukushima
Chernobyl NPP, Reproduced with nuclear site. Of the six boiling water reactors on
permission.) the site, three were operating at the time but shut
down automatically. The reactor plants and the
essential safety equipment generally withstood the
in destruction of the containment and a major fire
effects of the earthquake, as they were designed to
(see Figure 17.2). The resulting release of
do. However, the earthquake caused the loss of an
radioactivity was about a thousand times the
external power connection to the site and the
amount released in the Windscale accident and a
emergency diesel generators started up to supply
million times the amount released at TMI.
cooling pumps and other essential equipment. The
Extremely high on-site dose rates occurred and
plants also had sea defence walls to protect against
there was extensive contamination, not just in the
storm conditions and tsunamis, but these proved to
vicinity of the site but across wide areas of
be inadequate for the magnitude of the event (the
Western Europe. The town of Pripyat (3—5 km
tsunami is estimated to have been about 14 m high
from the site), with a population of 45,000, was
when it reached the site). The site was inundated
evacuated in under 3 hours on the afternoon of the
and this led to loss of the diesel generators and
second day of the release. At that time, dose rates
hence of the means of cooling the reactors. The
in the part of Pripyat closest to the site were in the
coolant temperatures in the reactors increased,
range of 7—10 mSv/h. It has been estimated that
leading to rising pressure and the venting of steam
the majority of Pripyat's inhabitants received
into the primary containment vessel and later into
wholebody doses of radiation of 15—50 mGy and
the secondary containment. The fuel became
skin doses of (3 radiation of 100—200 mGy.
uncovered, leading to melting of the fuel and also
Over 30 years later, the Chernobyl accident to the production of hydrogen from a zirconium
continues to influence worldwide thinking about steam reaction. Venting of this hydrogen into the
the radiological consequences of nuclear reactor containments led to hydrogen explosions which
accidents. Epidemiological studies of the effects of destroyed the superstructures of three of the four
the release on the various affected populations reactor buildings, providing a path for the escape
continue to determine treatment regimens, of fission products into the atmosphere. Figure
particularly for thyroid cancers in children, and to 17.3 shows the damage to Unit 1 from the
refine the risk factors. The accident has led to a hydrogen explosion. Subsequently, the structures
complete reappraisal of the methods for modelling of Units 3 and 4 were also destroyed. A further
the release, transport and uptake of radionuclides, complicating factor arose from loss of cooling to
and of the preparations and procedures that are the spent fuel storage ponds, which caused
Radiological incidents and emergencies

evaporation of water and the uncovering of fuel. any shortterm radiation effects in either the on-site
The loss of water shielding caused high workers or the general population. Overall, the
levels on the site as a result of air scattering and health effects of the on-site radiation and the off-
this impeded recovery operations. site release were very small compared with the
In the initial recovery period, of the several wider effects of the disastrous earthquake and the
hundred workers struggling to bring the situation tsunami, which are estimated to have killed about
under control, a few tens received doses exceeding 20,000 people. One unexpected effect of the
100 mSv but lower than the 250 mSv limit set by disaster was the large number of deaths attributed
the authorities for the emergency. Over the whole to the physical and mental stress caused by
of 2011, when some 20,000 workers were involved evacuation, long stays in temporary
in work on the site, 167 received doses exceeding accommodation and lack of certainty about the
100 mSv and 6 exceeded 250 mSv. future. This was particularly pronounced in the
Within hours of the wave striking the site, a older age group. This issue is being studied at an
nuclear emergency was declared and an order international level and it may be that in any future
issued for evacuation of people living within 2 km event a better balance will need to be struck
of the plant. Over the following 24 hours, the scale between the risks associated with relatively low
of the radioactivity being released to atmosphere levels of radiation exposure and those arising from
caused the authorities to extend the evacuation to evacuation.
include 200,000 people within 20 km and to issue The event was initially classed as INES level 5
stable iodine tablets over a wider area. It was also by the Japanese authorities, but this was revised
deemed necessary to impose a ban on the some weeks after the event to level 7, mainly
consumption of locally grown foodstuffs in various because all six reactors were affected to some
areas. degree. The Fukushima event is unique in that it
Large volumes of contaminated water arose was the first major nuclear accident to have been
from the efforts to cool the reactor cores and spent caused by an external event (the earthquake). In
fuel ponds, much of which had to be discharged response to this, the IAEA developed an action
into the sea, resulting in some contamination of plan which required member states to undertake
marine foodstuffs. assessments of the design of nuclear plants against
It is now clear that the radiological impact of extreme natural hazards and to implement
the Fukushima event was very much lower than corrective measures where necessary.
that from Chernobyl. There was no evidence of


Figure 17.3 Fukushima nuclear plant, Units 1 to 4, March 2011. (Courtesy of TEPCO Holdings.)
17.4 Loss of containment OTHER POTENTIAL provision of neutron absorbers;

2. use of safe geometry; and
SOURCES 3. limitation of quantity (batching).
Other potential sources of a major release of
radioactivity are nuclear fuel-reprocessing plants
and the waste storage facilities associated with
them. As explained in Chapter 13, Section 13.8.2,
after the fuel has been chemically processed, the
highly active waste stream, which contains almost
all the fission products and higher actinides, is
routed into special storage tanks. These tanks may
contain several cores' worth of activity and have to
be cooled to remove the radioactive decay heat and
prevent the build-up of potentially explosive
hydrogen gas. Any sustained loss of cooling over
many hours, or a severe external event such as an
earthquake or the impact of an aircraft, might
cause a storage tank to fail and release a significant
fraction of its inventory. Such potential events
have to be covered in the emergency plans for
nuclear fuel-reprocessing plants.

17.5.1 GENERAL

The process of fission and the conditions under

which a chain reaction can occur have been
described in Chapter 13, Section 13.2.
Uncontrolled critical excursions are possible in
reactors and in any plant or laboratory in which
sufficiently large quantities of fissile materials are
handled. The main feature of uncontrolled
criticality is the intense prompt neutron and
radiation given off during the excursion. If it
occurs in an area where there is little or no
shielding, a very large external hazard results.
However, if it occurs in the core of a reactor, the
hazard is greatly reduced by the biological shield.
In either situation, if the energy released is large
enough, it can result in an explosive reaction, loss
of containment and a release of radioactivity.
There are three approaches to the prevention of
criticality when large quantities of fissile material
are present:

Radiological incidents and emergencies

In a reactor, method 1 is the most important, reprocessing plants, all of which handle large
whereas in fuel plants methods 2 and 3 are used quantities of fissile material. The material may be
either separately or in combination. in solid
17,5 Uncontrolled criticality

form or in solution, the latter form being more
In a reactor, criticality is maintained by adjusting hazardous because of the neutron moderation
the position of the control rods (see Chapter 13, provided by the solvent.
Section 13.3.1). Uncontrolled criticality could
The safe geometry method involves making all
potentially occur if the rods failed to enter the core
process vessels, tanks and pipework of such a
when required or were suddenly ejected from it.
shape that their contents cannot go critical. The
The majority of uncontrolled critical excursions
most efficient shape to produce a critical
that have occurred on reactors have involved low-
arrangement is a sphere, since in this configuration
power experimental facilities rather than large-
neutrons are least likely to escape without causing
power reactors. The accidents were, in most cases,
further fission. Conversely, the safest shapes are
caused by a combination of circumstances such as
thin slabs or tall cylinders.
a bad design feature, a mechanical or electrical
The safe geometry method can also be applied
failure and an operator error.
to the handling of fissile materials in solid forms
One of the most comprehensively investigated
such as billets, rods or plates of fuel. An example
and reported accidents was on the SLI reactor at
of this is the thin-layer method. Here, the essential
Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States, in 1961.
feature is that within a given area, all fissile
Following a routine shutdown for maintenance, an
material is stored, processed, transported and
operating crew of three men was reassembling the
generally handled within a certain layer. For
control-rod drives in preparation for start-up. The
example, if the safe thickness for the type of
design of the rod-drive mechanisms was such that
material being handled is 0.15 m, all fissile
the rods had to be raised manually a few
material would be stored, handled and pro cessed,
centimetres while they were being connected. It
and so on, at a specified height, say between 1.0
appears that the central control rod was manually
and 1.15 m above floor level. All working surfaces
withdrawn about 0.5 m, causing the reactor to go
would be 1.0 m high and trolleys, machines and
critical. The energy released caused a violent
storage racks would be arranged so that the
steam explosion which killed the three operators.
material always remained in the thin layer.
Recovery operations were hampered by radiation
Batching means that the fissile material is
levels of about 10 Sv/h inside the reactor building
processed through the plant in quantities that are
owing to fission products released from the core.
too small to go critical even under the worst
Very little release of radioactivity from the
geometry. To provide a good margin of safety,
building occurred, even though it had not been
batches are usually small enough to ensure safety
designed as a containment. Investigators concluded
even if doublebatching should occur because of a
that the accident resulted from a serious design
mechanical or administrative failure. Another
fault and inadequate supervision or training of the
important point is that vessels and batches must be
operators. Modern reactor designs, both
adequately spaced to prevent interaction between
experimental and power, attempt to ensure that
such events are virtually impossible.
Whichever method of criticality control is used,
an allowance must be made for contingencies. In
17.5.3 REACTOR FUEL particular, the possibility of flooding must be
considered because of the moderation and
PLANTS reflection provided by water. Plans for firefighting
are often complicated by the need to preclude
water from the area.
There are three types of reactor fuel plants, namely
enrichment, fuel fabrication and irradiated-fuel
Fuel plant accidents are typified by that which In the case of nuclear facilities, there has long
occurred at Los Alamos, New Mexico, United been a system in place to prepare for possible
States, in 1958. While an inventory was being emergency situations. However, each of the major
taken of plutonium residues, the contents of two nuclear events discussed in Section 17.4.3 raised
tanks were drained into a third tank. The two tanks new issues requiring reconsideration of
had each contained a safe quantity but, when added arrangements for emergency preparedness. More
together, they constituted an unsafe quantity. The recently, partly as a result of lessons learned in the
residues were fairly heavy and settled in the responses to the Chernobyl and Fukushima events,
bottom of the tank in a subcritical configuration. there has been a fundamental reappraisal at the
However, when the tank was electrically stirred, international level of the basis of and approach to
the residues mixed with the solvent, which emergency planning and response. This resulted in
provided neutron moderation, and the system went the publication in 2015 of the IAEA General
critical. The operator received a fatal dose Safety Requirements Part 7 (GSR-7), which is
estimated at 120 Gy. intended to encourage member states to strengthen
Another criticality accident occurred at the fuel their arrangements and requirements for
reprocessing plant at Tokaimura, Japan, in 1999. preparedness and response for a nuclear or
The accident was initiated by three inexperienced radiological emergency.
and inadequately trained operators who added a The goal of emergency preparedness, as defined
bucket of enriched uranyl nitrate solution to a in GSR-7, is to ensure that an adequate capability
process vessel which was already close to is in place within the operating organization and at
criticality. The material in the tank went critical local, regional and national levels and, where
and, although there was no explosion, very high appropriate, at the international level, for an
levels of neutron and radiation resulted. The effective response in a nuclear or radiological
system continued to experience intermittent emergency. Governments are required to ensure
criticality for some 20 hours before being brought that an integrated and coordinated emergency
under control. The three workers received doses of management system for preparedness and response
up to 20 Sv and two of them died, one after 12 is established and maintained and that
weeks and one after 7 months. Other workers on responsibilities are clearly defined. The goals of
the site, and a small number of members of the emergency response are defined as
public, received doses of up to about 20 mSv. The
to regain control of the situation and to
accident was assessed by the Japanese authorities
as level 4 on INES. It was later concluded that the mitigate consequences; to save lives; to avoid
accident was caused by human error and or to minimize severe deterministic effects; to
fundamental breaches of safety principles. render first aid, to provide critical medical
treatment and to manage the treatment of
17.6 PRE-PLANNING FOR radiation injuries; to reduce the risk of
stochastic effects; to keep the public informed
EMERGENCIES and to maintain public trust; to mitigate, to the
17.6.1 BACKGROUND extent practicable, non-
radiological consequences; to protect, to
the extent practicable, property and the
Whatever the scale of use of radioactive materials environment; and to prepare, to the extent
or equipment that generates radiation, there is a practicable, for the resumption of normal
requirement to undertake a risk assessment to social and economic activity.
identify situations that could give rise to a
radiological incident. Contingency plans These goals represent a significant extension of
proportionate to the scale of the potential incidents the objectives of the system, since they require
need to be drawn up. These plans are included as a wider and longer-term effects of an emergency
component of staff training and are required to be situation to be taken into account in emergency
exercised periodically. planning. They also imply a greater involvement in
the planning system of external organizations,
including local authorities, emergency services and
Radiological incidents and emergencies

relevant government departments and agencies. reference levels shall be set in the range of 20 to
GSR-7 also encourages the integration, to the 100 mSv, and this range has been adopted in
extent possible, of the arrangements and planning BSSD13. The range refers to the doses that would
for nuclear emergencies with that for other hazards arise either as an acute dose or as the dose in the
and emergencies. first year following the event. The purpose of
In the European Union (EU), the revised specifying this as a range is to allow the decision
requirements for emergency response are set out in makers some flexibility in applying protective
the Basic Safety Standards Directive of 2013 actions in the light of prevailing circumstances.
(BSSD13). This requires member states to ensure 17.6 Pre-planning for emergencies
that provision is made for dealing with emergency
situations. It includes requirements for notification
of emergencies and for information to be provided
to members of the public. As with other aspects of For example, in the event of a major release of
BSSD13, the provisions in relation to emergency radioactivity, evacuation of the public downwind
planning and response are required to be of the release would normally be an option.
implemented in the national legislation of member However, as shown by the experience at
states. In the United Kingdom, the Radiation Fukushima, evacuation creates other problems and
(Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) can be detrimental in terms of health and safety,
Regulations (REPPIR) were adopted in 2001 to particularly for vulnerable population groups. In
implement the then-current European directives. some circumstances, the risks associated with
At the time of writing, a revised version, REPPIR evacuation could be considered to be low and the
incorporating the requirements of BSSD13 is in decision would be to move members of the public
course of preparation. who could potentially exceed 20 mSv. In other
cases, for instance in adverse weather conditions,
the balance of risk might suggest a higher dose
17.6.2 RADIOLOGICAL threshold. At higher levels of potential exposure,
FACTORS the case for evacuation would become stronger and
where there was the potential for the exposure to
approach 100 mSv, evacuation would become
Nuclear operators are required to undertake a essential almost regardless of other circumstances.
process of hazard identification and risk evaluation However, in all cases, it is implicit that all
for the facilities on their site. These analyses reasonable precautions and protective actions
identify a range of reasonably foreseeable events, would be taken, such as remaining indoors and
called 'design-basis accidents', which provide a avoiding consumption of potentially contaminated
basis for planning the response. However, there is foodstuffs (e.g. garden produce). The general
no specified level of exposure at which an event principle that applies here is that any
becomes an emergency. Instead, an emergency is countermeasures should do more good than harm.
defined as a non-routine situation or event For emergency workers, who may include
involving a radiation source that necessitates persons working on the site or off the site, levels of
prompt action to mitigate serious adverse exposure should be kept, whenever possible,
consequences for human health and safety, quality within the normal limits but where necessary can
of life, property or the environment, or a hazard be up to 100 mSv. In exceptional situations, in
that could give rise to such serious adverse order to save life, prevent severe radiation-induced
consequences. health effects or prevent the development of
For the purposes of planning and also in catastrophic conditions, a reference level for an
responding to emergency situations, the concept of effective dose from external radiation of
reference levels is used. These are defined as the emergency workers may be set above 100 mSv but
level of dose, risk or activity concentration above not exceeding 500 mSv.
which it is judged inappropriate to allow exposures
to occur (though they are not regarded as limits). 17.6.3 TRAINING
The IAEA specifies that for members of the public

The important point about emergency situations is In any emergency situation there is a
that, fortunately, they occur very infrequently and requirement to provide prompt and regularly
the great majority of facilities will go through their updated information to affected members of the
life cycle without experiencing any significant public. The information is to include
incident. In spite of this, it is essential that the
information on the type of emergency which
emergency management system is maintained in a
has occurred and, where possible, its
continuous state of readiness in case the
unexpected happens. Emergency preparedness is a
advice on protection which, depending on the
vital part of training for all staff, whether or not
type of emergency, might cover restrictions
they have allocated duties in emergency situations.
on the consumption of certain foodstuffs and
For emergency workers (i.e. workers with defined
water likely to be contaminated, simple rules
duties in an emergency), the training needs to
on hygiene and decontamination,
cover those aspects related to their allotted roles as
recommendations to stay indoors,
well as more general instruction. The response to a
distribution and use of protective substances
major incident with potential off-site impacts will
and evacuation arrangements; and
involve personnel not normally involved with the
preparatory advice to establishments with
site, such as local authority staff and the
particular collective responsibilities (schools,
emergency services, and they need training
hospitals, care homes, etc.).
appropriate to their designated roles.
Emergency exercises are a key component of
this training and they also serve to rehearse and 17.7 THE EMERGENCY
test procedures and equipment. This means that the ORGANIZATION
system needs to be exercised in a realistic manner Maintaining the capability for responding to
at regular intervals by means of simulated events emergency situations on major sites requires the
of varying complexity. setting up of an emergency organization. The size
of the organization depends very much on the type
of plant and the possible scale of any emergency.
17.6.4 DISSEMINATION Whilst the person responsible for the day to day
OF INFORMATION running of the system might be full time, the
majority of people involved will be representatives
of different departments and will fulfil their roles
EU member states are required by BSSD13 to on a part-time basis.
ensure that members of the public likely to be The administration department can assist
affected in the event of an emergency are given with such matters as transport, liaison with
information about the health protection measures
external authorities and other services, and
applicable to them and about the action they
communicating with the media. The
should take in the event of an emergency. The
engineering department is responsible for
information is to be updated and distributed at
regular intervals and whenever significant changes providing rescue and damage control teams,
take place, be permanently available to the public decontamination services and maintaining
and include emergency equipment.
The medical department deals with
basic facts about radioactivity and its effects casualties, radiation or otherwise, and liaises
on human beings and on the environment; with hospitals and medical authorities. The
the various types of emergencies covered and health physics department provides
their consequences for the public and the
monitoring equipment and services, and
advises on all aspects of radiation protection.
emergency measures envisaged to alert,
protect and assist the public in the event of an The emergency organization will include
emergency; and representatives of external bodies, particularly the
appropriate information on action to be taken local authorities and emergency services. The
by the public in the event of an emergency. actions required and the responsibilities of the
Radiological incidents and emergencies

various parties in the organization are detailed in the maximum range of their instruments (5 Gy/h).
the emergency procedures. This document includes Instruments extending up to about 50 Gy/h are
instructions on evacuation, monitoring, now available for emergency use.
communications, re-entry and use of emergency Finally, the importance of exercising the
equipment. emergency arrangements cannot be over-
The emergency equipment includes rescue emphasized. No matter what the scale of a
equipment, medical equipment, protective potential situation, regular exercises remind staff
clothing, breathing apparatus and monitoring of their actions and responsibilities, test the
instruments. In the last case, it must be borne in emergency equipment and highlight shortcomings
mind that very high radiation and contamination in the procedures.
levels may occur and so special high-range
instruments are required. In the SLI accident
mentioned earlier, the radiation levels encountered
by the rescue team were greater than

Radiological incident: An unplanned situation that gives rise to an abnormal or unexpected
radiation hazard.
Various levels of severity: Can be localized, have wider on-site effects or have off-site
effects. Radiological emergency: A non-routine situation or event involving a radiation
source that necessitates prompt action to mitigate serious adverse consequences for human
health and safety, quality of life, property or the environment, or a hazard that could give
rise to such serious adverse
INES: Internationally agreed scale to denote severity of an event.
Potential causes of radiological emergencies: Loss of shielding, loss of containment or criticality
— usually as a result of human error or conventional failure.
Detection of situation: Vital that an incident is recognized immediately — importance of
installed instruments.
Emergency preparedness: Aim is to ensure that an adequate capability is in place within the
operating organization and at local, regional and national levels and, where appropriate, at the
international level, for an effective response in a nuclear or radiological emergency.
Planning: Based on hazard identification, risk evaluation and on selection of a range of design
basis accidents.
Emergency response: Aim is to regain control of the situation and to mitigate consequences.
Reference levels: Levels of dose, risk or activity concentration above which it is judged
inappropriate to allow exposures to occur.
Emergency workers: Workers with defined duties in an emergency.
Training: A key component of emergency preparedness for emergency workers and others.
Information: Requirement to disseminate information to members of public likely to be affected
in event of emergency and if emergency occurs to provide prompt and regularly updated
information. Emergency exercises: An essential component of emergency preparedness and of
Emergency organization: Emergency procedures and equipment; emergency exercises.

17.7 The emergency organization

1. What is a radiological incident and how could such a situation arise?
2. When does an incident become an emergency and what would then be initiated?

3. What is the purpose of the International Nuclear Events Scale (INES)? Give examples of INES
ratings for past events.

4. Discuss the importance of the rapid detection of an abnormal situation and explain how such
detection might be achieved in practice.

5. With particular reference to reactor fuel plants, describe the methods by which the criticality risk is

6. Write a short set of emergency instructions to apply in the event of a spillage in a small laboratory
handling about 100 MBq of a low-radiotoxicity nuclide.
7. List some of the lessons learned from major nuclear accidents of the past 60 years.


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