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Opportunities and Challenges

within the Construction Industry
in Canada and Ontario
Construction Methods, Codes and Norms (CPM-705)


27 June 2021


1. Introduction

2. Opportunities

• Employment

• Green Building

• Modern Technology and Materials

• Computer based construction technology

3. Challenges

• Human factors

• The Environment Conditions

• Technological Advancements

• Competitions

• Risk in Contracts

4. References


The development area is a monstrous industry in Canada, utilizing roughly 1.2 million

people, or around 7% of the Canadian labor force. That is a half expansion in positions from

the earlier decade. As Canada's economy and population keep on rising, generally because of

solid migration, the requirement for framework and lodging keeps on extending also. That is

situated the development business for solid development in the future.

The COVID-19 managed a hit to the development area, as the majority of the economy,

anyway when the tempest passes, it's broadly expected the development area will bounce

back quickly.

Over the span of the latest decade, structure and progression have seen huge advancement,

with around 50 tall structures being implicit huge metropolitan regions like Toronto,

Vancouver, and Calgary. Likewise, Infrastructure Canada upheld 6,500 endeavors all through

the country to create and restore a considerable number of kilometers of expressways and

expressways. The use of particular advances like Building Information Modeling (BIM),

development, and modularization has extended as the unpredictability of new pursuits in the

country has extended. Because of the natural benefits similarly as the critical benefit from

theory for wners, green construction and legitimacy has become a normal part of

contemporary arrangement and improvement methods.

Development work has expanded significantly in light of industry interest; nonetheless,

expanding future of those

working in the business, a deficiency of qualified talented work is getting to a greater degree

an issue.

Regardless of the way that the economy is developing, there is a difference between the

different areas. The Construction Sector Council predicts that somewhere in the range of

2018 and 2020, Canada will require almost 320,000 new development laborers as asset

projects arrive at their pinnacle and retirements keep on developing across the world.

Residents are becoming more seasoned, however there aren't enough substitute tasks to fill

the hole, so movement will keep on being a kind of revenue.



Fig. - Key Canadian construction figures via the Canadian Construction Association


The construction industry worker’s employment depends on 5 sectors:

1. Non- Residential Maintenance

2. Residential Renovation and maintenance

3. New Housing

4. Engineering

5. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI)

The chart identifies the percentage distribution of the employed workers in the construction industry.

• As per the graph, among every one of the laborers employed in construction

industry, 27% are working in residential and maintenance area. Absolute 49% of

workers are employed in residential sector.

• Residential construction directly depends on the growth in population. With the

increase number of migrants and immigrants, there is an increase in need of

house. This provides opportunities to the small and medium size entrepreneurs to

be a part of the business.

• According to the report of Build power Canada, construction exercises were

expanded by 10% because of inundation of 650,000 immigrants somewhere in the

range of 2016 and 2017, new home loan rules, and other local changes. As the

construction related exercises rise, it gives more opportunities for engineers,

project managers, and different laborers in construction field.

• In winters, renovation exercises give an employment to workers for maintenance

and renovation.

• Non- residential maintenance like utility, infrastructure usage also increases as per

population growth.

• Ontario is one of the most populated provinces which leads to increase in the

residential construction activities and worker’s employment too.


The opportunities of green construction:

• It is an environment friendly design method and helps in the employment of green


• It includes the building construction life cycle from the designing to the

implementation which involves designer/ engineer and project manager, labors.

• It is an energy efficient construction technique, the solar panels are installed to make

use of energy from the sun and buildings are designed which allows maximum natural

light to enter the indoor spaces. It reduces the use of artificial light and saves



It has lead to many benefits for the construction industry:

• It has reduced the construction time and helps in delivering the project on time.

• The construction has become easier and safer due to technological advancement

which leads to less site hazards.

• The modern buildings are more durable and weather resistant.

• The new technology reduces resource use and leads to the reduction in

construction cost.

• These buildings are easy to expand and modify as per use, and are sustainable.


The Project planning applications can be used and milestones can be set to track the progress

of the project; further the project plan can be shared with the team which will lead everyone

towards the same vision. It helps in efficient communication as poor communication can be

very expensive and it will delay the project. Consistent estimating and accurate job costing

can be done along with the project without any further complications or delay in the project.

Building information Modelling is one of the most common construction technology. It is a

technique which provides model- based drawings which are more relatable and one can go

beyond simple construction sketches. It works on a shorter life cycle with greater efficiency.



Aging Population

Canada’s aging population rate is increasing rapidly, setting a boundary on population

growth. The Figure 1 illustrates the elements adding value to the population development in

Canada. The aging of the population shows the nation may have to rely upon migrants and

immigrants as the vital driver to population growth. Due to the aging population there is a

lack of skill and labor and the total youth population growth is decreasing. The unskilled

labor is very risky and challenging as it can lead to a mishap on the site. Furthermore,

productivity level will decline if there will not be any construction for a long period of time.


The environmental condition plays a vital role in the construction and for choosing the

materials. In Canada, the weather is extremely cold due to which wooden construction

technique is used and working in winters is not easy. It is quite challenging to work in

extreme weather conditions and at times it can lead to a delay in project. The workers are

need to be given proper training and should be aware of the winter hazards, and its

precautionary measures.


The challenge related to the transformation of the innovation is that it needs prepared talented

specialists to have a knowledge of new advances. This interest and appropriation of new

methodologies will create prerequisites for the new prepared labor force that likely be

difficult to meet. If not accessible, the current labor force will be needed to be prepared to a

relating level which would require both qualified staff and additional cash.


Being an enthralling construction market in the world, the Canadian market draws contest

from different spaces of the world, experiencing a mechanical downturn. Such issues brings

about firms to reassure with less edges or ineffective offering.


With expanding request of creative and complex plans of huge scope projects by the

customers, to stand apart from different ventures which helps in speedy selling of properties,

reports of workers for hire being punished because of erroneous understanding of


configuration archives or project workers tolerating offers with ostensible edges which on the

off chance that if project got deferred, brings about monetary misfortune, project workers are

not keen on doing just development any longer. They like to be granted with a coordinated

undertaking conveyance contract, limiting danger of any unexpected circumstance causing

misfortune. The discretion around joining has become a critical test.



➢ Canadian construction labour markets stable over the coming decade, though

provinces tell individual stories | Canadian Design and Construction Report






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