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IE2 Unit 6 – Discovery & Invention – Additional Vocabulary

1. Innovation (noun) - The introduction of new ideas, methods, or products.
• Example: - The company is known for its continuous innovation in technology.
2. Breakthrough (noun) - A significant development or achievement that represents a departure
from previous norms.
• Example: - The scientist made a groundbreaking breakthrough in cancer research.
3. Revolutionize (verb) - To bring about a fundamental change or transformation in a particular
• Example: - The invention of the internet revolutionized the way people communicate.
4. Pioneer (noun/verb) - A person or entity that is among the first to explore or develop a new
area or field.
• Example: - Marie Curie is considered a pioneer in the field of radioactivity.
5. Trailblazer (noun) - A person or organization that leads the way in innovative developments or
• Example: - Steve Jobs was a trailblazer in the world of personal computing.
6. Discovery (noun) - The act or process of finding or learning something for the first time.
• Example: - The discovery of penicillin revolutionized medicine.
7. Prototype (noun) - A preliminary model or version of a product or system used for testing or
• Example: - Engineers are working on a prototype for a new electric car.
8. Milestone (noun) - An important event or achievement that marks a significant stage in a
• Example: - The development of the vaccine was a major milestone in medical history.
9. Inventor (noun) - A person who creates, designs, or devises a new process, device, or invention.
• Example: - Thomas Edison is renowned as an inventor for his contributions to the light
10. Innovative (adjective) - Characterized by the use of new ideas or methods to create something
• Example: - The company is known for its innovative approach to sustainable technology.
11. Contribution (noun) - A valuable addition or input to a particular field or area.
• Example: - Her research made a significant contribution to environmental science.
12. Patent (noun/verb) - A legal document granting exclusive rights for an invention to its creator
for a specific period.
• Example: - The company filed a patent for their groundbreaking technology.
13. Empirical (adjective) - Based on observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
• Example: - The scientist gathered empirical data to support the experimental results.
14. Innovator (noun) - A person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products.
• Example: - Elon Musk is recognized as an innovator in the aerospace industry.
15. Renowned (adjective) - Widely known and admired, often due to achievements or
• Example: - The renowned physicist received accolades for his groundbreaking theories.
16. Cutting-edge (adjective) - At the forefront of technological or scientific development.
• Example: - The research institute is known for its cutting-edge work in artificial
17. Advancement (noun) - The process of moving forward or making progress, especially in
knowledge or technology.
• Example: - Technological advancements have transformed the way we live.
18. Conceive (verb) - To form or devise a new idea or concept.
• Example: - The engineer conceived a novel design for a sustainable energy system.
19. Conceptualize (verb) - To form a concept or idea in the mind.
• Example: - The artist took months to conceptualize the theme for the exhibition.
20. Schematic (adjective/noun) - Representing the essential features of something in a simplified or
diagrammatic way.
• Example: - The engineer presented a schematic diagram of the proposed invention.
21. Unveil (verb) - To reveal or make something known for the first time.
• Example: - The company plans to unveil its latest product at the upcoming conference.
22. Experimentation (noun) - The act or process of conducting experiments to test hypotheses or
explore new ideas.
• Example: - Scientific breakthroughs often result from years of careful experimentation.
23. Forefront (noun) - The leading or most advanced position in a particular field.
• Example: - The company aims to be at the forefront of technological innovation.
24. Incorporate (verb) - To include or integrate something as part of a whole.
• Example: - The new software will incorporate advanced security features.
25. Redesign (verb/noun) - To alter or remake the design of something, often to improve its
functionality or appearance.
• Example: - The team decided to redesign the user interface for better user experience.
26. Revise (verb) - To make changes or amendments to improve or update something.
• Example: - The author decided to revise the manuscript based on feedback from
27. Inquisitive (adjective) - Eager to learn, curious, and inclined to ask questions.
• Example: - The inquisitive student always seeks to understand the principles behind
scientific phenomena.
28. Hypothesize (verb) - To propose an idea or theory based on limited evidence as a starting point
for further investigation.
• Example: - Before conducting experiments, scientists often hypothesize potential
Collocations & Idioms
29. Forge a path - To create or establish a new way of doing something.
• Example: - The entrepreneur forged a path in the tech industry by introducing ground-
breaking software.
30. Chart new territory - To explore or enter a field that is unexplored or unfamiliar.
• Example: - The scientist aimed to chart new territory in the study of deep-sea
31. Push the boundaries - To go beyond established limits or norms.
• Example: - The artist constantly pushes the boundaries of traditional painting
32. Embark on a quest - To undertake a journey or mission with a specific goal.
• Example: - The researchers embarked on a quest to find a cure for a rare disease.
33. Navigate uncharted waters - To deal with unfamiliar or unknown challenges.
• Example: - In the world of artificial intelligence, companies often navigate uncharted
34. Venture into the unknown - To explore or take risks in unexplored areas or situations.
• Example: - The astronaut ventured into the unknown during the space mission.
35. Pave the way - To create the conditions or opportunities for something to happen.
• Example: - The inventor's early work paved the way for advancements in renewable
36. Blaze a trail - To be a pioneer or set an example for others to follow.
• Example: - The environmentalist worked tirelessly to blaze a trail in sustainable living.
37. Open up new horizons - To create opportunities for exploration or expansion.
• Example: - The discovery of a new species opened up new horizons for biodiversity
38. Journey into the future - To explore or plan for future developments.
• Example: - Scientists are constantly journeying into the future with research on
emerging technologies.
39. The tip of the iceberg (idiom) - An indication of a much larger problem or situation that is not
immediately apparent.
• Example: - The initial data we collected is just the tip of the iceberg in understanding
climate change.
40. Break new ground (idiom) - To make a significant discovery or achieve something that has never
been done before.
• Example: - The research team aims to break new ground in cancer treatment.
41. In the same boat (idiom) - Facing the same challenges or circumstances.
• Example: - Small businesses are all in the same boat when it comes to adapting to
market changes.
42. Hit the nail on the head (idiom) - To identify or describe exactly what is causing a situation or
• Example: - The analyst hit the nail on the head with their assessment of the economic
43. A shot in the dark (idiom) - An attempt to guess or solve something with very little information.
• Example: - Submitting the proposal without market research was a bit of a shot in the
44. Up in the air (idiom) - Uncertain or undecided.
• Example: - The future of the project is still up in the air due to funding uncertainties.

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