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IE2 Unit 2 – The Environment


1. Pollution (noun) - The presence or introduction into the environment of contaminants or

substances that cause harm.
• Example: - Governments worldwide are implementing measures to reduce air pollution.
2. Ecosystem (noun) - A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical
• Example: - Coral reefs are fragile ecosystems that support diverse marine life.
3. Renewable Energy (noun) - Energy obtained from sources that are naturally replenished, such
as sunlight and wind.
• Example: - Solar panels and wind turbines are examples of technologies harnessing
renewable energy.
4. Biodiversity (noun) - The variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat.
• Example: - Rainforests are hotspots of biodiversity, hosting a multitude of species.
5. Deforestation (noun) - The action of clearing a wide area of trees, often for agriculture or
• Example: - Deforestation contributes to the loss of habitat for many species and affects
climate patterns.
6. Climate Change (noun) - Long-term changes in the average weather patterns on Earth, often
attributed to human activities.
• Example: - The international community is working together to address the challenges
of climate change.
7. Greenhouse Effect (noun) - The trapping of heat in the Earth's atmosphere by greenhouse
gases, leading to global warming.
• Example: - Increased levels of carbon dioxide contribute to the greenhouse effect.
8. Conservation (noun) - The protection, preservation, and careful management of natural
• Example: - Conservation efforts aim to safeguard endangered species and their habitats.
9. Recycling (noun) - The process of converting waste materials into reusable materials.
• Example: - Recycling paper, plastic, and glass helps reduce the amount of waste in
10. Sustainability (noun) - Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.
• Example: - Sustainable practices focus on minimizing environmental impact and
promoting resource efficiency.
11. Carbon Footprint (noun) - The total amount of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide,
emitted directly or indirectly by an individual or organization.
• Example: - People are encouraged to reduce their carbon footprint by using energy-
efficient appliances.
12. Global Warming (noun) - A gradual increase in the Earth's average surface temperature,
primarily due to human activities.
• Example: - The consequences of global warming include rising sea levels and extreme
weather events.
13. Waste Management (noun) - The collection, transportation, and disposal of waste materials in
an environmentally responsible manner.
• Example: - Effective waste management is crucial for minimizing environmental
14. Ozone Layer (noun) - A layer of ozone high in the Earth's atmosphere that absorbs and filters
ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
• Example: - Depletion of the ozone layer is a concern because it allows more harmful UV
rays to reach the Earth's surface.
15. Water Conservation (noun) - The efficient use and preservation of water resources to prevent
wastage and shortages.
• Example: - Implementing water conservation measures is essential for sustainable water
16. Mitigation (noun) - The action of lessening the severity or impact of something.
• Example: - Mitigation strategies aim to reduce the impact of environmental challenges.
17. Catastrophe (noun) - A sudden and widespread disaster causing significant damage.
• Example: - Preparedness measures aim to minimize the impact of natural catastrophes.
18. Symbiosis (noun) - A mutually beneficial relationship between different species.
• Example: - Coral reefs thrive on the symbiosis between corals and algae.
19. Microplastics (noun) - Tiny particles of plastic, often resulting from the breakdown of larger
• Example: - The presence of microplastics in oceans poses a threat to marine life.
20. Depletion (noun) - The reduction or exhaustion of a resource, often referring to natural
• Example: - Depletion of natural resources requires urgent conservation efforts.
21. Windfarm (noun) - A group of wind turbines used to generate electricity.
• Example: - Windfarms contribute to sustainable energy production through harnessing
wind power.

1. Combat Pollution - Take action to reduce or eliminate harmful substances in the environment.
• Example: - Governments worldwide are implementing policies to combat pollution.
2. Conserve Energy - Use resources efficiently to reduce energy consumption.
• Example: - Switching to LED bulbs is an effective way to conserve energy at home.
3. Promote Sustainability - Encourage and support practices that ensure long-term environmental
• Example: - The organization works to promote sustainability in business operations.
4. Address Climate Change - Deal with the challenges and impacts of changes in the Earth's
• Example: - International agreements aim to address climate change on a global scale.
5. Reduce Carbon Footprint - Minimize the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted by an
individual or organization.
• Example: - Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by using public transportation.
6. Implement Conservation Measures - Put in place strategies and actions to protect natural
• Example: - National parks implement conservation measures to preserve biodiversity.
7. Promote Recycling - Encourage the reuse and processing of waste materials to reduce
environmental impact.
• Example: - Educational campaigns aim to promote recycling in local communities.
8. Combat Deforestation - Take measures to prevent the widespread clearing of forests.
• Example: - Conservation organizations work to combat deforestation and protect
9. Tackle Environmental Issues - Deal with and address various concerns affecting the
• Example: - Scientists collaborate to tackle environmental issues through research and
10. Advocate for Conservation - Publicly support and promote the protection of natural resources.
• Example: - Environmental activists advocate for conservation through awareness
11. Upcycle Old Materials - Reuse and transform discarded or unused items into new products.
• Example: - Creative individuals often upcycle old materials to make unique and eco-
friendly crafts.

1. Carbon-neutral (adjective) - Achieving a balance between greenhouse gas emissions and

removal from the atmosphere.
• Example: - Carbon-neutral initiatives aim to offset emissions through sustainable
2. Eco-friendly (adjective) - Not harmful to the environment; designed to have minimal impact.
• Example: - Eco-friendly products help reduce the ecological footprint of consumers.
3. Biodegradable (adjective) - Capable of being broken down into natural substances by biological
• Example: - Biodegradable packaging decomposes naturally, reducing environmental
4. Invasive (adjective) - Introducing or causing harm in a new environment or ecosystem.
• Example: - Invasive species disrupt native ecosystems and biodiversity.

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