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The ASSURE model is a method for instructional design developed in 1999 by Heinich, Molenda,

Russell, and Smaldino. It guides instructors through the lesson design process by incorporating
technology. Over the years, technology has been used to enhance education. As teachers, it is
critical that we plan our lessons in such a way that they accommodate the diversity in our
classroom. By integrating technology into our lessons, we can increase their relevance and
interactivity. The Assure Model is ideal for meeting a variety of needs.
The Assure Model takes into account students' unique learning styles. Students can build on
prior knowledge; this is consistent with constructivist theory. With the Assure Model,
technology can be integrated into any lesson, making them more engaging and hands-on. This
model is also more detailed because it takes into account students' abilities, needs, and levels;
additionally, the type of technology required is selected in advance. It enables the use of
computer-assisted devices and software to augment learning and eliminates the need for
lectures and chalk and talk.
Teachers, on the other hand, must learn how to use these technological devices as teaching
tools and model for students how to do the same. There may also be a problem because
technological devices are typically limited and children lack their own device to manipulate, so
the majority of activities are projected by the teacher.

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