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Graphic Organizer: Forms of Technology

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Part 1; graphic organizer

Educational Implementation; To support learning objectives across a range of disciplines and grade
levels, educational apps provide dynamic and captivating activities. They offer chances for
experimentation, creativity, and skill development. Interaction; Through interactive
exercises and games, students may investigate topics, hone abilities, and get rapid feedback.
Within the app, they may cooperate with classmates on tasks or difficulties. Description of
use; To offer extra practice, remediation, or enrichment activities, educators might include
educational applications into their classes. They may monitor student progress, assign
certain applications that are in line with learning objectives, and modify lessons in response
Interactive to information gathered from app usage.
Implementation; The instructors may use smartboards to deliver multimedia lessons, mark on
materials, direct discussions, and provide timely feedback. As well, they would also apply
games and other interactive activities for further reinforcement of learning. interaction;
Through touch or interactive technologies students can collaborate on projects, solve puzzles
or interact with the content. They can also showcase their work to the whole class.
Forms of Technology Description of use; Teachers can write on them, edit photos and show multimedia
information through interactive
Digital portfolio

Description of use; Digital portfolios enable learners to present their learning progress,
achievements and thinking by using artifacts that are multimedia-based (Multimedia
artefacts). Learning experience sharing is possible through them. Supportive evidence for this
assertion is found in goal-setting as well as self-assessment. Interaction; Students may also
collect these types of evidence of learning alongside projects, essays, presentations or
reflections. Implementation; This will facilitate tracking student’s performance progress
through provision of performance comments as well as evaluation measures regarding
Learning management
learning objectives given by an instructor who embeds digital portfolios into the assessment
methods that he or she uses. In addition to that a portfolio could be used by teachers as a
means for setting goals, holding student-led conferences as well as reflecting upon what has
Description; Grades / grade book, assignments, course materials / resources - available in
the LMS in systems Organizing; Planning, teamwork, handling of available resources are
accessible to students. Interaction; Talking, submitting assignments, receiving feedback
from fellow-classmates and teachers, and accessing resources of the course made available
by lecturers are accessible through the LMS. Along with accessing more resources, they can
also work collaboratively on larger projects. Implementation; Through LMS platforms,
teachers can plan and present lessons, create and run quizzes from time to time to assess the
students and also track the course progress, give timely feed back to the students. Use of
LMS capabilities to diversify the training process and create more personalized learning
Video conferencing
tools Description; In countries around the world, students, instructors and guest speakers may
hold virtual classes simultaneously while communicating with each other in real time. These
enable synchronous online communication and learning. Interaction; Students can take
classes, chat or conduct small group activities with peers and professionals from around the
world. They can also collaborate and solve problems remotely with other students.
Implementation; They allow instructors to demonstrate something live, hold discussions,
conduct a virtual course/lecture, or bring in experts/scholars or guest speakers to talk to
students. They can also hold virtual office hours for individual conversations and use
breakout rooms for smaller group activities.
Surname 3

Part 2; reflection

Bringing technology into classrooms is more than a trend; it's essential in today's

learning. Tech provides many tools that improve lessons, grab students' attention, and develop

sharp thinking. Recognizing today's students are comfortable with tech in everyday life makes it

a key classroom component. Using tech in school means meeting students at their level, readying

them for modern job demands, and ensuring everyone has equal educational opportunities.

Putting technology in classrooms helps students learn in different ways. Bring technology

into the picture lets teachers customize lessons. This suits students with different talents, hobbies,

and experiences. Everyone can learn at their speed and the way they learn the best.

Along with this, technology helps students work together, even when they're not in the

same room. With things like video meetings and online classroom tools, students can work on

assignments together. They can talk about ideas and learn from their classmates, no matter where

they are. This helps everyone feel part of the group and boosts skills in chatting and working

together. These skills are important in today's connected world.

Technology moves learning past classroom walls, connecting school and home. As

mobile devices and internet use grow, kids can reach educational stuff and learn anywhere. This

lets parents and caregivers join in more on a kid's schooling. It builds a teamwork vibe between

home and school helping student success.

In my future work, I plan to use proven methods of blending technology into dynamic

learning spaces. I'll pick technology tools and sources that match learning goals, encourage

active participation, and meet different student needs. I'll aim to offer continual learning chances
Surname 4

for both myself and my crew to boost tech skills and teaching plans for using technology


I aim to create solid rules for right technology use, highlighting internet safety and vital

tech savvy skills. My goal is to help our students make smart, moral choices online. They'll learn

everything needed to prosper in our digital world. Tech use in classrooms encourages creativity,

team work, and offers every student a chance at an excellent education.

Surname 5


Berry, I. (2021, November 5). Top 10 Technologies For The Classroom.

Boyarsky, K. (2021, September 16). Top 8 classroom technology tools.

Gante, A. (2022, July 10). Examples of Technology in the Classroom. Powergistics.

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