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Topic 1: Environmental dimension in the Ten-Year Public Health Plan

What are the strategies for the two components of the environmental dimension?


Quality of water, air and basic sanitation

It refers to sectoral and intersectoral actions to enhance the promotion, prevention, control

of risk factors and public health surveillance; in the quality of water for human

consumption, therapeutic and recreational use, areas of exposure to risk from solid and

liquid waste, and air pollution, with the aim of achieving increasing levels of environmental

health and reducing health risks.

Chemical safety

Chemical safety, from the environmental point of view, is the prevention of adverse effects

to human health, in the short and long term, inherent to occupational, environmental and

intra-household exposure derived from the management of chemical substances in the

different stages of its life cycle.


The strategy is aimed at strengthening the social responsibility of all companies in the

national territory, the focus is not only on the improvement of social conditions, also

environmental; Since 1997, the Ministry of the Environment established the National

Policy for Cleaner Production as a complementary strategy to the environmental

regulations that already existed. Since then, the industrial sector has been implementing

policies that include clean production such as: (i) the minimization and efficient

consumption of inputs, water, and energy; (ii) minimizing the use of toxic inputs; (iii)

minimizing the volume and toxicity of all emissions generated by the production process;

(iv) recycling the maximum proportion of waste at the plant and if not, outside of it; (v) and

the reduction of the environmental impact of the products in their life cycle (from the plant

to their final disposal). The ten-year health plan talks about the implementation of strategies

that contribute to clean production, these include : Substitution of processes (which are

considered harmful), the gradual adoption of cleaner technologies, according to availability,

accessibility and economic, environmental and technical feasibility, in industrial,

extraction, mining, agricultural, livestock, biotechnological processes, among others .

Through this plan and environmental policies, the public sector and business associations

reached the following commitments:

• Environmental diagnosis

• Productive processes

• Environmental legal and technical standards

• Training, education and research

• International cooperation

• Ecosystem recovery

• Incentives and financial resources

• Monitoring and evaluation processes

Taking into account the environmental impact that indiscriminate industrial production

entails, and the overexploitation of our natural resources should be the great concern that

we must consider, and generate attitudes that adjust to the objectives set out in these

dimensions of the ten-year plan, as well as understand the consequences of our consumerist


Theme 2: Geopolitics and the environment

What are the possible effects of the extraction of strategic natural resources on the

environment and the health of populations?

The extraction of natural resources affects the environment and the community in general,

mining pollutes and destroys a large area of land, destroying its fertility and productivity,

and the speed with which it is consumed is less than its production, which causes that this is

over and this resource is no longer available, so strategies established by geopolitics are

created to reduce the social and environmental impact that it produces through land

recovery plans,

During these governments an evident strategy was set up to create an environment of

stability and credibility that would strengthen the model; Thus, added to the free trade

agreements and following the extractive orientation, it seeks to create the entire complete

platform, of which compliance with international standards is part that guarantees leverage

as members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD),

keeping the same line of liberalization of international trade. The OECD indicates the

importance of Colombia regarding Colombia, as the country has great influence throughout

Latin America, meaning that it is expected to receive, precisely the intervention of agencies
such as USAID is considered strategic for the region, for as it is characterized by its

capacity to interfere, which is instituted through "aid" related to loans or cooperation for

development, technical assistance, emergencies, and military and economic support, all of

which is consistent with the military and political project of the United States, supported by

the «Repressive Confidence Manual. In Ceceña's opinion, the usaid agency was created in

the sixties to guarantee the strengthening of the Alliance for Progress, distributing financing

in development aid and military assistance, with the purpose of preventing the repetition of

the Cuban revolutionary process, also granting its main amounts in moments of coups

against the dictatorships in South America. The agency stands out for financing

development projects that reveal strategic purposes such as the "Colombia Strategic

Development Initiative-csdi", with which the National Consolidation Plan has been

supported. According to González, the strategic plan of the USAID and the State

Department configures aid to developing nations, and to this end they seek to distance

themselves from violent conflicts in order to achieve economic stability. The agency

proposes that the «usaid will identify and prioritize the drivers [of violence], establish clear

objectives, design a focused series of interventions, and systematically evaluate measures

related to the progress and impact [of the implemented projects.

Theme 3: Sustainable development and health

What are the three pillars of sustainable development? Tell me about each one

The three pillars of sustainable development are economic development, social

development and environmental protection at the local, national, regional and global levels,

they are considered the basis of incidence of development of human life, the economy is

related to the economic, the Economic status of individuals is a factor that increases the
enjoyment of a healthy life, education and the standard of living, the population that has a

good socio-economic level allows them to enjoy a healthy life thanks to the fact that there

is no lack of access to Drinking water or basic services in addition to this the environment

that is available is adequate since there is basic sanitation that prevents contamination by

this house.

Enjoying a pollution-free environment allows diseases that can affect the community and

also generate

The impact of social determinants on health that are a direct cause of the majority of non-

communicable diseases, since they are the social conditions that can cause their appearance

in addition to the economic and environmental ones that negatively impact NCDs, they also

directly and indirectly affect the social and economic foundations of society.


Sustainable development seeks to guarantee through strategies that the sustainable

development of our country and the assets of each of the individuals that make it up and of

the population to generate can be guaranteed, this strategy is applied in search of individual

development and the decrease of diseases caused directly by social, economic and

environmental factors, seeks to maintain a healthy life by improving each of the points that

affect people.


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