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1. Cover. You must include the adjusted Title.


This problem affects the Victoria de Valledupar neighborhood

2. Basic information: A statement of the issues chosen in their context,

which includes the relationships between geopolitics and the
environment and the impacts on health and human development.
Description of the context and issues and impacts on health and
human development, in terms of causes, mortality and morbidity. Use
subtitles for each theme.

The current situation and future challenges require a change in the way we
manage our
environment in relation to health and well-being. Current approaches have laid the
groundwork, without However, they have not been shown to be sufficiently
sustainable and effective to reduce environmental risks. and creating environments
conducive to health: hence the call for a new strategy on health, environment and
climate change
The geopolitics of sustainable development views with optimism the solution of the
contradictions between economics and ecology when proposing the conversion of
biodiversity in collectors of greenhouse gases, thereby exonerating the countries
industrialized companies from their surplus emissions quotas, while inducing a
ecological reconversion of third world countries. Known avoidable environmental
risks account for about a quarter of the burden of disease and of all deaths
worldwide, which amount to at least 13 million yearly year after year. A healthy
environment is vital for human health and development. Just the air pollution, one
of the biggest health risks. Climate change increasingly affects people's health and
well-being, as does other global environmental changes, such as the loss of
biodiversity. This causing increased heat waves, droughts, heavy rainfall and
intense cyclones in many areas, and modifying transmission patterns of infectious
diseases transmitted by food or water.

3. Justification: Justification: supports the reason why you chose this

problem and not another with data from the context of occurrence and
bibliographic argumentation. It is a bibliographic review of
Background, minimum 2 (two) scientific articles in English and 4 (four)
scientific articles in Spanish.

Group justification

The reason why our group decided to choose this work topic on the
misclassification of waste is because it is a topic that draws a lot of attention since
it affects the general population, also this problem was chosen because this
problem of contamination affects the environment and everything around it, it is
one of the main causes that generates this phenomenon is of concern to world
society, many countries have come together to reduce the environmental impact
caused by the effects that have been occurring on the health of The people, being
hazardous waste the main cause, we can also see how our environment is being
affected there are many communities like this that are counted living around waste
with continuous exposure to pollution one of the causes is that the person lacks
knowledge about the importance of waste classification, lack of garbage collectors,
cars and their community It does not have sanitary landfills, poor distribution of
waste, it also does not recycle, the risk that hazardous waste causes to the
environment and health is of global attention.

Since these can affect the quality of air, water, the smoke generated by the open
and uncontrolled burning of garbage, which marks the standard of living of the
population, they can also discharge gases when they decompose.
Bibliographic justification
1. Consecuencias de la generación de residuos



3. Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología

4. La problemática del manejo de los residuos sólidos en seis municipios

del sur de Zacatecas

1. Waste prevention for sustainable resource and waste management

2. Materials wastage – a misuse of resources

4. Relationships cause - effect of the problematic situation: Make a diagram

showing the causal chain and effects of the problematic situation (problem
tree, fishbone or whatever you choose) from geopolitics to the environment
and showing the effects on individual and collective health and human
development. Write a research question.
5. Definition of problem solution alternatives: Propose and describe at
least two intra- sectoral alternatives and two inter- sectoral alternatives
to solve the
problem in the strategic framework of the Environmental Dimension of
the Ten Year Public Health Plan and/or in the framework of sustainable
human development.

Healthy habitat. Health situations related to environmental conditions.


to. Inter-institutional coordination to incorporate environmental health in the

formulation of policies, plans and programs of the different sectors, seeking policy
coherence at all levels, improving efficiency, reducing unnecessary overlaps and
duplications, and improving coordination and cooperation between the actors

b. Alliances between the public and private sectors to promote corporate social co-
responsibility, and the active participation of all members of civil society in the
protection of human health, the improvement of quality of life conditions and
sustainable development. To achieve these objectives requires institutions at all
levels that are effective, transparent, accountable and democratic.

c. Primary Care in Environmental Health APSA: seeks to define the participation

and joint intervention of the territorial levels with competencies in environmental
health, in the implementation of PHC, positioning intersectoral management and
social participation in the intervention of health and environmental determinants, in
order to the fulfillment of the objectives and goals of the dimension.

d. Responsible consumption: social and community promotion related to

consumption habits that reduce the impact on the environment, in order to promote
human health and preserve ecosystems that provide environmental goods and
services to populations, in accordance with the production policy and sustainable
and. Education in Environmental Health: comprises the dynamic processes of
social participation developed jointly between State agencies and civil society,
aimed at informing, educating and communicating, with the aim of promoting
behavioral changes, lifestyles and consumption habits, of clean and sustainable
production, responsible exercise of the right to enjoy a healthy environment, taking
into account the specific needs of the individual, the family and the community in
the environments where they live, study, work and interact.

F. Healthy Environments Strategy: seeks to contribute to human security,

sustainable human development and health equity, through actions that influence
the determinants of health under participatory operational schemes organized
around specific environments, such as housing, school, the public space, the work
environment, strategic sustainable ecosystems, and under approaches that
privilege the family and the community.

g. Strengthening of governance in national and international environmental health,

as a basis for the positive impact of structural determinants, recognizing social
participation and intersectorality as axes. The international governance of
environmental health focuses on the country's participation in the formulation and
fulfillment of international agreements, having as key objectives the search for
social equity and environmental justice between the parties.

h. Development of sustainable transport systems and safe mobility; among them,

multimodal transport systems, which are efficient from the energy point of view; in
particular public transport systems, clean fuels and vehicles, as well as improved
transport systems in rural areas. Safe mobility includes road infrastructure, both
vehicular and pedestrian, signage and urban equipment to promote alternative
means of transport (pedestrian paths, crosswalks and pedestrian bridges, cycle
routes and accessibility for people with disabilities), promotion of civic culture to
respect mobilization pedestrian and other alternative means, as well as the
promotion and improvement of mass public transport systems and adaptation of
transport systems and compliance with safety standards and road marking for
people with disabilities, among others. Efficient movement of people and goods
and access to environmentally sound, safe and affordable transport systems, as
means to improve social equity, health, the resilience of cities, urban-rural linkages
and productivity of rural areas. In this sense, we take into account that road safety
is part of the efforts to achieve sustainable development.

i. Integral Management of Water Resources in an intersectoral manner and with

community participation, seeking the protection of basins, the purification of water
and the minimization of generation of domestic and industrial effluents, articulating
national policies, such as the National Policy of Water and Sanitation for the Rural
Zones, the National Policy for the Integral Management of the Hocirdí Resource,
the National Policy for Sustainable Production and Consumption and strategies
such as Cleaner Production, Environmental Health education and Sanitary
Surveillance, among others. Responding to commitments related to the human
right to safe drinking water and sanitation, and to the International Decade for
Action Water for Life, 2005-2015.
6. Description and development of the intra-sectorial and inter-sectoral
alternatives: Make a diagram or outline for each alternative, with the
objectives, goals and resources needed. Make a description of the
diagram by expanding the information and description of the
alternatives presented.


The strategy is aimed at strengthening the social responsibility of all companies in

the national territory, the focus is not only on the improvement of social conditions,
also environmental; Since 1997, the Ministry of the Environment established the
National Policy for Cleaner Production as a complementary strategy to the
environmental regulations that already existed. Since then, the industrial sector has
been implementing policies that include clean production such as: (i) the
minimization and efficient consumption of inputs, water, and energy; (ii) minimizing
the use of toxic inputs; (iii) minimizing the volume and toxicity of all emissions
generated by the production process; (iv) recycling the maximum proportion of
waste at the plant and if not, outside of it; (v) and the reduction of the
environmental impact of the products in their life cycle (from the plant to their final
disposal). The ten-year health plan talks about the implementation of strategies
that contribute to clean production, these include : Substitution of processes (which
are considered harmful), the gradual adoption of cleaner technologies, according to
availability, accessibility and economic, environmental and technical feasibility, in
industrial, extraction, mining, agricultural, livestock, biotechnological processes,
among others . Through this plan and environmental policies, the public sector and
business associations reached the following commitments:

• Environmental diagnosis

• Productive processes

• Environmental legal and technical standards

• Training, education and research

• International cooperation

• Ecosystem recovery

• Incentives and financial resources

• Monitoring and evaluation processes

Taking into account the environmental impact that indiscriminate industrial

production entails, and the overexploitation of our natural resources should be the
great concern that we must consider, and generate attitudes that adjust to the
objectives set out in these dimensions of the ten-year plan, as well as understand
the consequences of our consumerist actions.

Geopolitics has been one of the integrating disciplines of the different dimensions
of geographic sciences that has most served politics for state decision-making in
this matter. Thus, from the utilitarian point of view, geopolitics presents a before
and after that marks a profound difference in its condition of "use" as a systematic
method to understand or interpret a certain reality, and its "use" for the benefit of a
political project to materialize. Consequently, we can find as many geopolitical
conceptions as there are States, which explains why the diversity of their
interactions finds in the general theory of geopolitics a sense of coherent unity,
which emanates from the deduction and verification of cause and effect
relationships in the framework of a multiplicity of interstate spatial relationships.

Various development models advocate the achievement of a prosperous and

civilized society, as a logical consequence of an abundant and varied natural,
genetic and cultural resource base. To combat this anti-ecological activity, a true
aggression against the environment and human health has been practiced.


Geopolitics and its implementation and its efforts to improve the state of the
environment the commitment it has to improve the common welfare of the
community and world society, so it is necessary to apply strategies that improve
the environmental conditions of the community, raise awareness to the community
about the importance of recycling the proper classification of waste to improve and
give our planet a break.

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