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Atheism’s Contradictory Supernatural “Natural” Explanations

by  Eric Lyons, M.Min.

Atheism contends that a supernatural Creator does not exist. Allegedly, a

supernatural Being is unnecessary in our material Universe. Everything can
be explained purely naturally through a study of the natural world. In short,
nature exists “naturally,” not supernaturally.

If such is the case, however, then how did nature get here to begin with? In
nature, matter and energy do not appear from nothing (so says the First
Law of Thermodynamics).1 In nature, nothing always comes from nothing and something always
comes from something. So from whence came the first “something”? That is, where did nature itself
come from? According to some of the world’s foremost atheistic evolutionists, something came from
nothing. Atheistic cosmologist Stephen Hawking stated on national television in 2011, “Nothing
caused the Big Bang.”2 In the book The Grand Design that Dr. Hawking co-authored, he and Leonard
Mlodinow asserted: “Bodies such as stars and black holes cannot just appear out of nothing. But a
whole universe can.”3 So, although it is not natural for something to come from nothing, many atheists
assume that it did “in the beginning.”

And what about the first life form? From whence did it arrive? According to atheistic evolution, life was
not created supernaturally by a supernatural Creator, rather life came from non-life; it spontaneously
generated “naturally.” But does life ever come from non-life naturally? Never. As evolutionist Martin
Moe observed, “[A] century of sensational discoveries in the biological sciences has taught us that life
arises only from life.”4 It would take a miracle for life to come from non-life, yet atheists contend that
no God exists to work in such a supernatural manner. So how did the first life get here? Atheists (who
have “refused to have God in their knowledge”—Romans 1:28, ASV), contend that it must have arisen
naturally, yet it did so in a way that breaks the natural Law of Biogenesis.5

Atheism can continue to deny the existence of a supernatural Creator, but it does so in the only way
possible—illogically and self-contradictorily. Rather than irrationally endowing nature with the ability
to act supernaturally while alleging nothing supernatural exists, the reasonable person should
conclude that what happened supernaturally must be the effect of a supernatural Being at work.

In truth, both Heaven and Earth reveal that “the things which are seen were not made of things which
are visible” (Hebrews 11:3). Rather, the supernatural “God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis

1 See Jeff Miller (2013), “Evolution and the Laws of Science: The Laws of Thermodynamics,” Apologetics

2 See “Curiosity: Did God Create the Universe?” (2011), Discovery Channel, August 7, emp. added.
3 2010, New York: Bantam Books, p. 180.
4 “Genes on Ice” (1981), Science Digest, 89[11]:36, emp. added.

5 For more information on the Law of Biogenesis, see Jeff Miller (2013), “The Law of Biogenesis—Parts
1 & 2,” Apologetics Press,

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