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Bram,Barli 2004.Writing)

Tarigan,Djago 2009.Writing)
%20II.pdf 17 may 2013.
Rany,Dina,Panca 1999.A Study on students difficulties in writing narrative text.
for-design 15 may 2015.
Keraf 1989.Narrative text)
Lyon 1996 Narrative text)
Sequences.pdf 2007.
Afriani,Lilis 2009.Analysis of student Difficuty in writing narrative
Mulyadi 2010.Defenition of learning
Semi 2003.Narrative text)file:///C:/Users/acer/Downloads/170-333-1-SM.pdf.
Krik,Samuel (2012).Defenition of learning
Suryabrata,T,Sumardi http://e-
Robert,Talcott,P.Theoritical framework) 13 december 1902-08 may 1979).

1. Syllabus
What Is a Syllabus?
A syllabus is a document that outlines all the essential information about a college
course. It lists the topics you will study, as well as the due dates of any
coursework including tests, quizzes, or exams.
Your professors will give you a syllabus for each of your college classes. Read
each one carefully to learn about grading policies, professor office hours, and
everything else you need to know.
The four basic parts of a syllabus are:
1. Instructor information Near the top of the syllabus you will find the name of
your instructor, their contact information, and office hours.
2. Reading materials and supplies This syllabus section lists books, online
resources, and other content you will need for class.
3. Additional tools, like a calculator or specific software, will be listed here, too.
4. Typically there is a note about which materials are required and which are
5. Policies A syllabus will outline how you will be graded, attendance
requirements, and how the professor expects students to behave.
6. This section may also include university-wide policies on academic honesty
and respect, or how students with disabilities can request support.
7. Class schedule The syllabus will include when assignments are due and when
tests will be given.
8. This section contains all coursework for the class, including in-class
assignments, homework, essays, labs, and assessments.
Depending on which college courses you take, some syllabi (that is the plural term
for more than one syllabus) may be more detailed or will structure information in
different ways.But each syllabus will cover at least the four topics we listed
Check out this sample syllabus from the University of Kansas. Most of your
syllabi will look like this one. 

Some professors try to stand out, or make their syllabus more fun, with graphics
and designed versions. For example, try searching the term visual syllabus to see
some interesting syllabus examples. How You Will Receive a Syllabus. The steps
for developing a syllabus (Trianto, 2010: 99):

1. Review Competency Standards and Basic Competencies. Review SK and KD

subjects as listed in the Standard Content.
2. Identifying Main / Learning Material. Identifying the main material / learning
that supports the achievement of KD.
3. Develop Learning Activities. Learning activities are designed to provide
learning experiences that involve mental and physical processes in order to
achieve basic competency.
4. Formulating Competency Achievement Indicators. Indicators are markers of
KD achievement. Indicators are used as a basis for developing assessment
5. Determining the Type of Assessment. Assessment of the achievement of
students' basic competencies is carried out based on indicators. The
assessment is carried out by using a test in written form.
6. Determining Time Allocation. Determination of time allocation for each KD
is based on the number of effective weeks and the allocation of time for
subjects per week. Allocation of time is an estimate of the average time to
master the basic competencies needed by various students.
7. Determine Learning Resources. Determination of learning resources is based
on SK and KD as well as main / learning materials, learning activities, and
indicators of competency achievement.

Benefits of the Syllabus, The syllabus is useful as a guideline for the

development of further learning tools, starting from planning, managing learning
activities and developing assessments.The syllabus is useful as a guide in
developing further learning, such as making lesson plans, managing learning
activities and developing an assessment system. The syllabus is the main source in
preparing lesson plans, kaib lesson plans for one Competency Standard or one
Basic Competency.
The syllabus is also useful as a guide for planning the management of learning
activities, for example classical learning activities, small groups, or individual
learning. Likewise, the syllabus is very useful for developing a grading system.
Fill in the Syllabus
1. Subject identity
2. School identity includes the name of the education unit and class;
3. Core competencies,
4. Basic competences
5. Themes (especially SD / MI / SDLB / Package A / etc);
6. Main material, containing relevant facts, concepts, principles and procedures,
and written in the form of points in accordance with the formulation of
indicators of competency achievement;
7. Learning, namely activities carried out by educators and students to achieve
the expected competencies;
8. Assessment, is the process of collecting and processing information to
determine the achievement of learning outcomes.
9. Time allocation.
10. Learning resources, can be in the form of books, printed and electronic media,
natural surroundings or other relevant learning sources.

Principles of Syllabus Development

1. Scientific; The entire material and activities contained in the syllabus must be
correct and can be scientifically accounted for.
2. Relevant; The scope, depth, level of difficulty and order of presentation of the
material in the syllabus are in accordance with the level of physical,
intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development of students.
3. Systematic; The components of the syllabus are functionally interconnected in
achieving competence.
4. Consistency; There is a consistent relationship between basic competencies,
indicators, subject matter, learning experiences, learning resources, and the
assessment system.
5. Adequacy; The coverage of indicators, subject matter, learning experiences,
learning resources, and assessment systems is sufficient to support the
achievement of basic competencies.
6. Actual & Contextual; The coverage of indicators, subject matter, learning
experiences, learning resources, and assessment systems takes into account the
latest developments in science, technology and art in real life, and events that
7. Flexible; The entire syllabus component can accommodate the diversity of
students, educators, as well as the dynamics of changes that occur in schools
and the demands of society.
8. Overall; The syllabus components cover the entire domain of competence
(cognitive, affective, psychomotor) or according to the essence of each


Sekolah : SMA YAPIM Simpang Kawat

Kelas : X (Sepuluh)
Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Semester                      : 1 (Satu)
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis
Kompeten Materi Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian i
si Dasar Pokok Belajar
1.1. Mens Mengamati
Teks lisan Kriteria
dan tulis  Siswa penilaian: 2 x  Audio
sederhan mendengarkan/ 2 JP CD/
 Pencapaia
a, untuk membaca VCD/DV
n fungsi
memapar pemaparan jati D
kan, diri dengan
mem  Kelengkap  SUARA
menanyak memperhatikan
pelaja an dan GURU
an, dan fungsi sosial,
ri keruntutan  Koran/
merespon struktur teks,
baha struktur majalah
pemapara unsur
sa teksmema berbaha
njati diri kebahasaan,
Inggri parkan dan sa
Fungsi maupun format
s menanyak Inggris
sosial penyampaian/p
seba an jati diri
enulisannya.  www.dai
gai Menjalin
 Ketepatan lyenglish
baha hubunga  Siswa mencoba
unsur .com
sa n menirukan
peng dengan pengucapannya  http://am
n: tata
antar guru, dan menuliskan ericanen
Komu teman pemaparan jati glish.sta
kosa kata,
nikasi dan diri yang
intern orang digunakan. es/ae/re
asion lain Mempertanyakan source_f
al iles
Ungkapan intonasi,
 Dengan
yang  http://lea
My bimbingan dan ejaan, dan
diwuj rnenglis
arahan guru, tulisan
udka h.british
is... siswa tangan
n council.
I’m ... I mempertanyaka  Kesesuaia
dala org/en/
live in ... n antara lain, n format
Kompeten Materi Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian i
si Dasar Pokok Belajar
I have perbedaan penulisan/
… I like antara berbagai penyampai
…. dan pemaparan jati an
semaca diri dalam
Unjuk kerja
2.2. Menu mnya bahasa Inggris,
 Melakukan
njukka perbedaannya
n dengan yang
perila ada dalam
ku bahasa
(1) Kat an jati diri
jujur, Indonesia.
a didepan
terk  Siswa
ait mempertanyaka
perca  Ketepatan
den n pengucapan
ya mengguna
gan dan isi teks
diri, kan
hub yang
dan struktur
ung memaparkan
bertan dan unsur
an jati diri
ggung kebahasaa
kek Mengeksplorasi n dalam
elua menyebutk
dalam  Siswa mencari
rgaa an jati diri
melak pemaparan jati
sanak diri dari Pengamatan
an berbagai (observations
Komu sumber. ):
atan  Siswa berlatih Bukan
, memaparkan penilaian
prof jati diri dengan formal seperti
esi teman melalui tes, tetapi
pek simulasi. untuk tujuan
n guru
erja memberi
 Siswa berlatih
Kompeten Materi Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian i
si Dasar Pokok Belajar

dan an, memaparkan balikan.

teman hobi jati diri melalui Sasaran
. . tulisan penilaian:
(2) Kat
3.1. Meng Mengasosiasi  Berperilak
analisi u jujur,
 Siswa
s disiplin,
fungsi percaya
sosial, diri, dan
strukt bertanggu
jati diri dengan
ur ng jawab
teks, dalam
dan melaksan
unsur akan
kebah Komunika
e:  Secara
be, berkelompok
hav  Kesunggu
teks siswa
e han siswa
pema mendiskusikan
dala dalam
paran ungkapan
m proses
jati memaparkan
sim pembelaja
diri, jati diri yang
ple ran dalam
sesuai mereka
pres setiap
denga temukan dari
ent tahapan
n sumber lain dan
tens membandingka Portofolio
e nnya dengan
ks  Kumpulan
(3) Kat yang digunakan
pengg karya
a guru
unaan siswa
nya.  Siswa yang
4.1. Meny memperoleh mencermi
Kompeten Materi Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian i
si Dasar Pokok Belajar
Wh balikan nkan hasil
at? (feedback) dari atau
Wh guru dan teman capaian
o? tentang fungsi belajar
Whi sosial dan unsur berupa
ch? kebahasaan rekaman
(4) Uca yang sampaikan pengguna
pan, dalam kerja an
teka kelompok. ungkapan
nan dan skrip
kata percakap
, an
nyaka  Siswa
 Kumpulan
n, dan mendemonstras
hasil tes
meres ikan
pon penggunaan
pema pemaparan jati
paranj diri secara lisan  Catatan
ati dan tertulis di atau
diri, kelas dengan rekaman
denga memperhatikan penilaian
n fungsi sosial, diri dan
memp ungkapan, dan penilaian
erhati unsur sejawat,
kan kebahasaan berupa
(5) Ruj
fungsi yang benar dan komentar
sosial, sesuai dengan atau cara
strukt konteks penilaian
ur lainnya.
Topik  Siswa
menuliskan Penilaian Diri
Kompeten Materi Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian i
si Dasar Pokok Belajar
permasalahan dan Penilaian
kebah Ketelada dalam Sejawat
asaan nan menggunakan
Bentuk: diary,
, tentang bahasa Inggris
jurnal, format
secar perilaku untuk
a terbuka, memaparkan
benar menghar jati diri dalam
atau bentuk
dan gai jurnal belajar
penilaian lain
sesuai perbeda (learning
denga an, journal).
n perdamai
konte an.
1.1Mensyuk Lagu Mengamati Pengamatan 2 x2  Audio
uri sederhan (observations JP CD/
 Siswa
kesemp a ): VCD/DV
atan D
Fungsi embaca beberapa Bukan
sosial lirik lagu penilaian  www.yo
berbahasa Inggris formal seperti utube
dan menyalinnya tes, tetapi
ur,  SUARA
untuk tujuan
mengun  Siswa menirukan GURU
gkapkan penguncapan
sebagai  Koran/
perasaa dengan
bahasa majalah
n, menyanyikan
pengant berbaha
mengaja sesuai dengan
ar sa
rkan lagu yang - Perilaku
komunik Inggris
pesan didengar tanggung
moral jawab,  www.dai
internati Mempertanyakan
peduli, lyenglis
onal Unsur
 Dengan kerjasama
yang kebahasa
Kompeten Materi Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian i
si Dasar Pokok Belajar

diwujudk an bimbingan dan dan cinta  http://a

an arahan guru, damai merican
(1) Kat
dalam siswa dalam english.
semang mempertanyakan melaksana state.go
at antara lain kan v/files/a
belajar perbedaan pesan Komunika e/resour
2.3 yang ada dalam si ce_files
Menunju lagu bahasa
tata - Ketepatan  http://lea
kkan Inggris,
bah dan rnenglis
perilaku perbedaan lagu
asa kesesuaia h.british
tanggun dalam bahasa
dala n dalam council.
g jawab, Inggris dengan
m pengucap org/en/
peduli, yang ada dalam
kary an dan
kerjasa bahasa
a penyalinan
ma, dan Indonesia.
seni lirik lagu
berb  Siswa
- Kesunggu
entu memperoleh
dalam han siswa
k pengetahuan
melaksa dalam
lagu tambahan tentang
nakan proses
. kosa kata dan
komunik pembelaja
(2) Ejaa pesan dalam lagu
asi ran dalam
Mengeksplorasi setiap
tulis  Siswa
3.11. membacakan Portofolio
Menye lirik lagu yang
tang  Kumpulan
butkan disalin kepada
an kemajuan
fungsi teman
dan siswa
sosial sebangku
ceta berupa
k  Siswa kumpulan
Kompeten Materi Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian i
si Dasar Pokok Belajar
unsur yan lagu yang
lagu yang
kebaha g disalin
disalin dengan
saan jela dengan
dalam s tulisan
dan tekanan
lagu. dan tangan
kata yang tepat
4.16. rapi. beserta
Menan (3) Uca  Siswa berdiskusi kesan
gkap pan, tentang pesan terhadap
makna teka lagu yang lagu
lagu nan didengar
 kumpulan
sederh kata
Mengasosiasi hasil tes
ana. ,
into  Secara individu
nasi siswa

, membandingka  Catatan

keti n pesan yang atau

ka terdapat dalam rekaman

me beberapa lagu penilaian

mpr yang diri dan

ese dibaca/didengar penilaian

ntas sejawat,
 Siswa membuat
ikan berupa
kumpulan lagu-
sec komentar
lagu yang
ara atau cara
lisa penilaian
n lainnya
Topik menyalin Penilaian Diri
dan Penilaian
Ketelada Mengkomunikasikan
 Siswa Bentuk: diary,
Kompeten Materi Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian i
si Dasar Pokok Belajar
melaporkan jurnal, format
kumpulan lagu khusus,
favorit mereka komentar,
yang sudah atau bentuk
dianalis tentang penilaian lain
pesan di dalam

 Antarsiswa
kumpulan lagu
yang dibuat.

The meaning of testing at KBBI is: an experiment to determine the
quality of something (tenacity, endurance skills, etc.). Data Validity Examination
of the validity of data is basically used to refute allegations of qualitative research
that says it is unscientific, it is also an inseparable element of the body of
qualitative research knowledge (Moleong, 2007: 320).
The validity of the data is carried out to prove whether the research carried out is
truly scientific research as well as to test the data obtained. Data validity tests in
qualitative research include test, credibility, transferability, dependability, and
confirmability (Sugiyono, 2007: 270).
In order for the data in qualitative research to be accounted for as scientific
research, it is necessary to test the validity of the data. The data validity test can
be carried out.
1. Credibility Credibility test (credibility) or the test of trust on the research data
presented by the researcher so that the results of the research conducted do not
doubt as a scientific work done.
1. Extension of Observations Extension of observations can increase the
credibility / trustworthiness of the data. With the extension of the
observation, it means that the researcher returns to the field, makes
observations, and interviews again with the data sources that are found or
with newer data sources. The extension of the observation means that the
relationship between the researcher and the source will be increasingly
intertwined, more familiar, more open, mutual trust arises, so that the
information obtained is more and more complete.
xtension of observations to test the credibility of research data is focused
on testing the data that has been obtained. The data obtained after being
checked back into the field is correct or not, has changed or is still
constant. After being checked back into the field, the data that has been
obtained is accountable / correct means that it is credible, then the
extension of the observation needs to be ended.
2. Increasing the accuracy in research. Increasing accuracy or persistence in a
sustainablemanner so that the certainty of data and chronological sequence
of events can be recorded or recorded properly, systematically. Increasing
accuracy is one way of controlling / checking the work whether the data
that has been collected, created, and presented is correct or not.
To increase research persistence, it can be done by reading various
references, books, previous research results, and related documents by
comparing the research results that have been obtained. In this way,
researchers will be more careful in making reports so that in the end the
reports made will be of higher quality.
3. Triangulation Wiliam Wiersma (1986) says triangulation in credibility
testing is defined as
1. checking data from various sources at various times. Thus there is
triangulation of sources, triangulation of data collection techniques,
and time (Sugiyono, 2007: 273).
2. Source Triangulation To test the credibility of the data, it is done by
checking the data that has been obtained through several sources. The
data obtained were analyzed by the researcher so as to produce a
conclusion, then an agreement was asked (member check) with three
data sources (Sugiyono, 2007: 274). Technical Triangulation To test
the credibility of the data, it is done by checking the data to the same
source with different techniques. For example, checking data can be
done through interviews, observation, documentation. If the data
credibility testing technique produces different data, the researcher
conducts further discussion with the relevant data sources to ensure
which data is considered correct (Sugiyono, 2007: 274).
3. Time Triangulation. Data collected using interview techniques in the
morning when the source is still fresh, will provide more valid data so
that it is more credible. Furthermore, it can be done by checking by
interview, observation or other techniques in different times or
situations. If the test results produce different data, then it is done
repeatedly so that data certainty is found (Sugiyono, 2007: 274).
4. Negative Case Analysis Conducting negative case analysis means that the
researcher is looking for data that is different or even contradicts the data
that has been found. If there is no more data that is different or
contradicting the findings, it means that data that is contradictory to the
data found, the researcher may change the findings (Sugiyono, 2007: 275).
5. Using Reference Materials Referred to as references is a support to prove
the data that the researcher has found. In a research report, it is better if the
data presented needs to be completed with photos or authentic documents,
so that they become more reliable (Sugiyono, 2007: 275).
6. Conducting Membercheck The purpose of memberchecking is to find out
how far the data obtained is in accordance with what is provided by the
data provider. So the purpose of member checking is so that the
information obtained and will be used in writing reports is in accordance
with what is meant by data sources or informants (Sugiyono, 2007: 276).

2. Transferability Transferability is external validity in qualitative research.

External validity shows the degree of accuracy or applicability of research
results to the population where the sample is taken (Sugiyono, 2007:
276).Questions relating to the value of the transfer can still be applied / used
in other situations. For researchers, the transfer value is highly dependent on
the user, so that when the research can be used in different contexts, in
different social situations, the validity of the transfer value can still be
accounted for.
3. Dependability Reliability or research that can be trusted, in other words
several experiments conducted always get the same results. Research that is
dependability or reliability is research if research conducted by other people
with the same research process will get the same results.Dependability testing
is done by conducting an audit of the entire research process. By means of an
independent auditor or an independent supervisor who audits all activities
carried out by researchers in conducting research. For example, it can be
started when researchers begin to determine problems, go into the field,
choose data sources, carry out data analysis, conduct data validity tests, to
produce reports on observations.
4. Confirmability The objectivity of qualitative testing is also called the
confirmability test. Research can be said to be objective if the results of the
research have been agreed upon by more people. Qualitative research
confirmability test means testing the results of the research associated with the
process that has been carried out.
If the results of the research are a function of the research process being
carried out, then the research has met the confirmability standard. The validity
or validity of data is data that does not differ between the data obtained by the
researcher and the data that actually occurs on the object of research so that
the validity of the data that has been presented can be accounted for.

3. Keyanswer
Text Narative Questions

Once upon a time there was a wife of a rich man fell sick, and soon she closed her
eyes and departed. Everyday, Cinderella went out to her mother’s grave, and
wept, and she remained pious and good .When winter came, the snow spread a
white sheet over the grave, and by the time the spring sun had drawn it off again,
the man had taken another wife. The woman had brought with her into the house
two daughters, who were beautiful and fairy of face but vile and black of heart.
Since then a bad time for the poor step-child began.
One day the King gave orders for a festival and all the beautiful young girls in the
country were invited, in order that his son might choose himself a bride.When the
two step-sisters heard that they were to appear among the number, they were
delighted, called Cinderella and made to help them grooming, Cinderella obeyed,
but wept, because she too would have liked to go with them to dance, and begg
When the step-mother and her daughters had gone away, Cinderella went to her
mother’s grave and cried, Shiver and Quiver, My little tree, silver and gold throw
down over me.” Suddenly a bird threw down a magnificent gold and silver dress
to her,and were golden too. At the party her step-sister and the step-mother
however did not recognize her, and thought she must be a foreign princess, for she
looked so beautiful in the golden dress.

1. The story above tells about

a.)Snow White
b. Sleeping Beauty
c. Dwarfs
d. Cinderella
e. Princess
2. The first paragraph is the………… of the story
a. complication
b. reorientation
c.) orientation
d. resolution
e. coda

3. Why does Cinderella’s mother dead ? Because she………

a.) fell sick
b. fell injured
c. fell disappointed
d. fell ill
e. fell wounded

4. The genre of the text is…….

a. recount
b. procedure
c.) narrative
d. legend
e. news item

5. When the winter came, the snow……

a.) spread a white sheet
b. spread a white shout
c. spread a shout
b. spread a white sheets
e. spreading white sheet

6. Cinderella lived with her

a. two step-mother
b. her mother
c.) two step-sister and step-mother
d. her sisters
e. two step-sister

7. How did her step-mother treat Cinderella ?

a. she allowed go any where
b. she doesn’t her to allow
c.) she allows goes every where
d. she didn’t go any where
e. she didn’t allow her go

8. Why couldn’t Cinderella go to the festival?

a. she doesn’t dance
b. she has dance
c. she didn’t dance
d.) she didn’t have clothes and couldn’t dance
e. she couldn’t dance

9. The last story called …

a. complication
b. orientation
c. coda
d.) resolution
e. twist

10. The step-mother however did not “recognize” her. The same meaning of the
word “recognize” is…
a. to see
b.) to know
c. to told
d. to talk
e. to tell

11. Orientation of the story means …

a.) to begin the story
b. to amuse the reader
c. to finish the story
d. to tell the people
e. to end the st

12. The purpose of the author to write the story is …

a. to tell the reader
b.) to entertain the reader
c. to told the reader
d. to explain the reader
e. to describe the reader

13. What orientation of the third paragraph ?

a. step-mother gone away
b.) step-mother and her daughter had gone away
c. step-mother passed away
d. step-mother and her daughter
e. her daughter had gone away

14. Finally Cinderella must be a foreign

a.) princess
b. daughter
c. cousin
d. queen
e. sister

15. The two step-sister always feels….

a. upset
b.) jealous
e. wonder
d. regret
e. angry

4. Review test
Review Text is a type of text in English that aims to review or assess a
work, whether film, book and so on. This assessment aims to identify and inform
the quality, strengths, and weaknesses of the work. The communicative objective
of the review text is to criticize an art work, an event for a public audience
(criticizing events or works of art or others for the general public).
Purpose of Review Text In addition to conveying opinions from the author's side,
the purpose of published reviews is to provide information to the audience. This is
very beneficial for all three parties: the author, the audience, and the owner of the
publication. Why is that? First, the authors indirectly provide reviews for free and
can promote publications created by creators.
However, if the review is in the negative form it can have a negative impact on the
publication that is reviewed. Second, the audience's curiosity about new
information will be fulfilled. Usually we will look for reviews first before
enjoying a publication. For example, before watching a film, we will first look for
reviews whether the assessment is good or not.
Third, from the creator, it will provide great benefits such as indirect promotions.
Even if there are bad reviews, it might have a slight impact on the publications
they make. However, they can immediately see the shortcomings and can be used
as input. Even for some things such as food reviews from a restaurant, they can
immediately clean up if there are unpleasant reviews. Also, can try to meet the
expectations of the audience.
The results showed that:
1. Limited time results in ineffectiveness in learning listening in the form of text
2. The students' lack of ability to hear using audio media in class x semester 1 is
in the category of not being able to listen to text narrative.
3. Lack of ability to express one's own thoughts in the form of narrative text
4. Students do not have a large vocabulary
5. Lack of interest in listening to text narrative
6. Students ignore listening lessons in the form of narrative
7. The level of focus of students is reduced in listening to audio-text narratives

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