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12 Traits of Highly Successful

What are the traits of successful entrepreneurs that set them apart from everyone else? What
trait do entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Lawrence Ellison, and Richard Branson
have that the ordinary entrepreneurs don’t? All these questions are going to be answered in
this article.

After understudying the lives of successful entrepreneurs, I have been able to pinpoint 12
traits that make them successful. Without wasting your time, below are the 12 traits of
successful entrepreneurs:

1. Successful Entrepreneurs are proactive learners

Entrepreneurship is a life long process and successful entrepreneurs know this. Things
change so fast in the business world; you could be an innovation today and become obsolete
tomorrow. To stay on course and adapt swiftly to the everchanging trend, successful
entrepreneurs keep studying and learning.

They read industrial journals, books, and magazines. They attend seminars and update
themselves regularly with the latest industrial trend. 12 ms to successful entrepreneurship
know that their cup is never full; they know that they don’t have the right answers to all
questions. So they humble themselves and learn when availed of the opportunity.

2. They thrive on risk

I have never seen a successful entrepreneur who rose to the pinnacle of success without a
measurable amount of risk. Successful entrepreneurs are risk-takers; they risk their time,
energy and resources with the hope of building a strong business. If they fail, they risk losing
everything they’ve ever owned. Risk is the main reason many employees fail to start a

3. They work for free

Working for free is one of the traits of successful entrepreneurs that set them apart from
others. It’s hard to find individuals who will be willing to work for free, without pay for
many years but successful entrepreneurs do this. They work on their business for many years
without pay.

Being an entrepreneur, I can attest to this trait because I have built businesses without getting
a dime from them for some years. All profits generated are re-invested into the business. To
be a successful entrepreneur, you must always bear in mind that you are not building a job
for monthly payments. Instead, you are building an asset that can generate residual income
for you and add value to humanity in the coming years.
4. They work longer hours than employees
what are the 12 characteristics of successful entrepreneurs? are known for their extraordinary
resilience and longstanding commitment to the course of building a business. Building a
business is never easy and it requires time and dedication. Some entrepreneurs are known to
work for 70 – 80 hours per week while average employees work less than that.

So if you are going to join the league of successful entrepreneurs, then you definitely need to
develop the trait of working longer hours than normal.

5. Successful entrepreneurs learn quickly from mistakes

Of all the traits of 12 characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, this one interests me the
most. Many individuals shy away from the game of entrepreneurship because of the fear of
making mistakes. They perceive mistakes as bad because mistakes sometimes cost money
and pain; so they avoid it like a plague. But successful entrepreneurs see mistakes as a
learning tool; they see it as an opportunity to learn something new.

“Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.” –
Henry Ford

Successful entrepreneurs make mistakes in business but they don’t quit. They know mistakes
are part of the process of entrepreneurship, so they learn quickly from these mistakes and
move on. If you are being held back by the fear of making mistakes, I will suggest you read
the article “How to learn from your mistakes in business.”

“Excuses cost a dime and that’s why the poor can afford a lot of it.”- Robert Kiyosaki

6. They have the ability to run on debt

As a rule of life, we are all indebted to someone in one way or the other. With respect to
building a business, I have never seen a successful entrepreneur that hasn’t been in debt.
Everyone owes but successful entrepreneurs know how to use debt to their advantage, they
know how to use debt as an instrument and leverage to build a business and get richer.

“Be careful when you take on debt. If you take on debt personally, make sure it is small. If
you take on large debt, make sure someone else is paying for it.” – Rich Dad

7. They are accountable and responsible

Traits of successful entrepreneurs are accountable and responsible for the failure or success
of the business. They shoulder the responsibility of piloting the business through its trying
times. If they succeed, it becomes a plus to them but if they fail, they will be held responsible.

8. They thrive on criticism

Another trait successful entrepreneurs share in common is the ability to forge ahead in the
face of criticism. Building a business comes with its own challenges; as the entrepreneur, you
are bound to be loved and hated by the public. But successful entrepreneurs always devise a
means to use every bit of criticism to make themselves better and stronger.

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off
against the wind, not with it.” Henry Ford

“Sometimes, I think my most important job as a CEO is to listen to the bad news. If you don’t
act on it, your people will eventually stop bringing bad news to your attention and that is the
beginning of the end.” – Bill Gates

9. Successful entrepreneurs are ambitious

Ambition is one of the traits of successful entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs think
big and do things big. They are never satisfied with their current achievement; they believe
there is always room for constant improvement and they go for it.

Take a look at Mukesh Ambani’s achievement in building Reliance Group; the world’s
largest refinery. Lakshmi Mittal built Mittal Steel, the world’s largest steel producer. Look at
Larry Ellison’s ambition to surmount Microsoft. In generality, entrepreneurs are very
ambitious personalities.

10. They are opportunist

This is another trait of successful entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs share a common
ability to see opportunities, where others see problems. They know that behind every problem
lies an opportunity. Successful entrepreneurs are the drivers of creativity and innovation.

“The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.” – John D.

11. They are great leaders

Successful entrepreneurs are great leaders with a proven leadership strategy. They possess the
ability to bring out the best in their employees. They inspire creativity and foster innovation.
They also have the ability to hire and lead smarter individuals.

“Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior
people.” – John D. Rockefeller

12. Successful entrepreneurs are team players

“I want to start my own business,” ‘I want to be my own boss,’ ‘I want to do this my own
way.’ These are the words I often hear from would-be entrepreneurs. Successful
entrepreneurs know that entrepreneurship and investing are team sports. So, therefore; they
never work alone, they join forces with other entrepreneurs and professional advisers to build
a stronger business.
“Go to the wolf, consider its ways and be wise. A wolf will never hunt alone; it hunts in
packs because it knows the power of teamwork.” -Ajaero Tony Martins

In conclusion, these are the 12 traits of successful entrepreneurs that you must possess to
succeed. Successful entrepreneurs were not born with these traits, they developed them over
time. You can also develop these traits if only you are willing.

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