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GST 101

1. For effective communication to take place _____________ must master its

rule. Ans: speakers

2. The components of communication are… Ans: encoder and decoder

3. How many basic language skills recognized in communication. Ans: 4

4. Which of these is not a basic communication acts required for effective

communication. Ans: Smelling

5. Hindrances to effective listening may include the following except.

Ans: Effective listening

6. __________ is a guide to how students can study without hindrances. Ans:


7. The optimum reading speed of an under graduate is. Ans 600 w.p.m (words

per minute)

8. Which of the following is not an index to judge the level of familiarity of any

given passage? Ans: Being totally stranged to write materials

9. __________ is a formula that outlines a strategy for study reading. Ans:

SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recall, Review)

10. Report may include? Ans: Routine and Special

11. The genre of writing that requires a student to investigate a topic, collect

generate, evaluate evidence and establish a position on the topic in a concise

manner is called__________. Ans Argumentative essay

12. Who gave concise definition of an argumentative essay? Ans: Jack Baker

13. Which of these is regarded as the units or elements of sentence structure?


14. When one used a vocabulary peculiar to his field is known as? Ans: Register

15. _______ is the medium of communication between participants? Ans: none

of the above

16. The social relationship between speakers is known as? Ans Tenor

17. The term “essay” was first coined by _______ in _______ year. Ans:

Mondtaigne 1580

18. A long essay is a research assigned as a major or partial fulfillment of the

_______. Ans: course

19. What type of essay required for first degree? Ans: long essay

20. Dissertations and these are required for? Ans: masters and doctorate degree

21. _____ is usually a plan or summary of the research to be carried out? Ans:


22. B.A/BSC/B.Ed project is usually a long essay which a student carries but on

his own supervision of a lecturer

23. How many chapter contained in a long essay? Ans 5

24. A list of research materials for further reading is called Ans. Bibliography

25. The list of publication classified by subjects is known as? Ans: Indexes

26. The materials that provides information as well as concise definition about

words and topics is called? Ans: Dictionary

27. The section that presents summaries of journals, articles and other literature

is called? Ans: Abstracts

28. Which of these materials gives introductory information about subjects? Ans:


29. The annual publications containing data and statistics about many subjects is

called? Ans: Almanacs

30. What serves as supplements to card catalogues in a university library. Ans

printed catalogues

31. The common documentation style used in the science is called? Ans: APA

32. Documentation used in humanities? Ans: MLA

33. ________ ensures clarity and readability of writing? Ans: Punctuation

34. Which of these is not a principle of footnote? Ans: Whenever a student fails

an examination

35. The word “sic” is of __________ origin? Ans: Latin

36. The word “Sic” is used after _______. Ans Quoted word.
37. The place, publisher and date of publication are given in the ________

reference to a book? Ans: first

38. Quotations longer than 3 lines are usually _________. Ans: set off

39. How many parts does a foot note consist. Ans 2

40. The brain of any university is known as? Ans: library

41. The concept of library was coined from? Ans Latin

42. Liber from Latin word means. Ans Book

43. E-library is also known as? Ans: virtual library

44. The popular saying about information is that is. Ans Wealth

45. Virtual library means ____________. Ans libraries without walls

46. The first person to use the word virtual library was? Ans Nancy Schaller


47. The store house of books and non-books materials is called? Ans: Library

48. The first known library in the world was established in ______ to ____

B.C.E. Ans: 367 283

49. How many types of library recognized? Ans: 6

50. Edo state library is under ________ types of library. Ans: public library

51. WODOC means. Ans: Women documentation Centre

52. WODOC is classified under ______ library. Ans Special Library

53. NIFOR stand for. Ans Nigeria Institute of oil palm research
54. _________ is seen as the fulcrum as well as the heart of any true university?

Ans library

55. An E-library that serves general public is known as? Ans Cyber café

56. Behind the scene of a library is. Ans Known as technical service

57. The process of removing obsolete materials from the shelves is known as

_______? Ans Weeding

58. ___________ library is tagged “Catch them young”. Ans Academic

59. A corporate author may be a commissioner, an association, a committee or

any other group whose individual members are ________. Ans: Not

identified on the title page

60. In writing the author’s name omit titles, affiliations and _____. Ans: degree

61. To cite a book by two or three authors give their name in. Ans: The order as

on the title page

62. The final bibliography of a research essay is known by one of these names.

Ans Working bibliography

63. In order to avoid a crime in academic called ______ there is the need to

document your source of information. Ans: Plagarism

64. An appropriate topic should ________. Ans Be narrowed down to a specific


65. It has been recommended that maribulain______away. Ans goes

66. In every human community ______ is central to all human activities. Ans:


67. __________ is language variation according to use. Ans Register.

68. Three basic factors that determine our choice of a particular variety of

English are ______. Ans Diction, medium and variety

69. The two available modes of transmission are _____and _______. Ans

Spoken and written

70. When speaking it is easy to show our ______ and feeling towards other

people through the features like stress and intonation. Ans: problem,

disagreement and disbelief.

71. _________ is the medium of communication between participants. Ans mode

72. The style is commonly employed by people with intimate relationship. Ans


73. We undertake a research when we want to _____. Ans: solve a problem

74. The primary research essay is the study of a student through. Ans: The

examination of studies that other researchers have made.

75. ____ helps the readers to be ____. Ans Questioning, involving in the reading

76. For a sentence to be regarded as effective it must have at least a. Ans Finite

independent clause
77. Determining familiarity with material is a factor in the reading process. Ans:


78. Which of these houses the vocal cords or the voice box. Ans Larynx

79. The word “happiness” is an example of. Ans: an adjective

80. Another name for short span of recognition is? Ans: lack of rhythmic eye


81. _____ is said to encourage the mind to function freely? Ans Rapid thinking

82. Listening is a waste of valuable time, hearing therefore, is a better option to

save time. Ans False

83. __________ sets the environment for growth and development. Ans Desire

84. Class “U” in library of congress classification scheme represents. Ans

Military science.

85. Classified catalogue contains cards arrange by. Ans title

86. Which of these schemes has pure notation? Ans Dewey decimal classification

87. Which are the ways library can increase their collections? Ans Public


88. In choosing a good topic, the topic should be one that _______. Ans Can be

developed from a single source

89. In choosing a good topic, the topic must ________. Ans be very wide
90. People are not interested in who rule. Ans people are not ruled by the leaders

they want

91. One of these style focuses less on the date and year of publication. Ans:


92. APA documentation style is used mainly in the. Ans Science

93. The goals of the intended study is called the. Ans: Objectives

94. The main objective of research essay is to test the students level of ______..

Ans Intellectual and academic independence

95. Standard English refers to _________. Ans English that is widely accepted as

a model

96. The _______ verb has different forms. Ans Auxiliary

97. An effective sentence is one that has ________. Ans A finite independent


98. The ________ question must have a negative participle. Ans Tag

99. The sentence use in expressing diverse emotions is called ________. Ans

Exclamatory sentence

100. Tidiness of the stock and assistance to readers are duties performed in

_________ units. Ans Circulation

101. Computers accept _________ and bring out processed information. Ans Data

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