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Andrew Jackson and “Jacksonian Democracy”

Chapter 14- Study Guide Name_______________________________Date_______

1.Why did three times as many people vote in the presidential election of 1828 than voted in 1824?
By 1828, voting laws were changed in most states giving all white men the right to vote (not just rich
white men).

2. What does it mean to be self-made?

achieving wealth or influence through one’s own effort

3. What happens when you secede? During which time period did states secede from the Union?
To secede means “to withdraw”. Southern states seceded from the Union directly before the Civil War

4. What group of people supported Andrew Jackson and helped him win the Election of 1828?
“common people”

5. What was the spoils system?

the practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs

6. What was the Nullification Crisis? Who opposed it and who supported it?
South Carolina declared the Tariff of Abominations as illlegal (nullified it) and threatened to secede from
the Union. The southern states opposed it and Andrew Jackson supported it.

7. What was the “kitchen cabinet”?

unofficial advisors to the president

8. What is Mudslinging?
the use of insults, lies, half-truths and name-calling to attack an opponent

9. Jackson and his supporters created the ___Democratic__ party.

10. What were the reasons why President Jackson vetoed the charter for the Bank of United States?
a. The bank did not support farmers. b. He distrusted the Bank president, Nicholas Biddle. c. He
believed it only made the rich even richer.

11. What group of people did not vote for Andrew Jackson and disliked his policies?
rich and well born

12. What are civil servants?

employees of the government

13. What is a tariff?

the tax on goods from another country

14. What did the Force Bill do?

gave the president the power to send in the army to force states to pay the tariff

15. Who was Sequoyah and what did he do? Who did he help become literate?
Cherokee Indian who created an 86-letter alphabet and helped thousands of Cherokee become literate
(able to read)

16. What was the Indian Removal Act and who did it affect?
Forced Native Americans to move West of the Mississippi River (signed by Jackson)

17. What was the Trail of Tears? Explain.

a series of forced relocations of Native Americans from the Southeast U.S to West of the Mississippi

18. During which war and which battle did Andrew Jackson become famous and known as a war hero?
Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812

19. What was the Tariff of Abominations?

A high tariff (tax) on European goods that was hated by the South and also Vice President Calhoun.
(An abomination is something that causes hate or disgust so that is what Southerners called the tariff.)
20. Describe Andrew Jackson’s inauguration. Who was there and what was it like? (TCI 14.2 picture/caption)
It was held at the White House and celebrated there mainly by farmers and workers and their families
and almost turned into a riot with fires, fights, and partying.

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