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Information Technology – Lab Assignment List p.

Wrocław University of Technology Information Technology Course

Faculty of Computer Science and Management Lab Assignment List

Part II. Spreadsheet

1. It is assumed herein that you carry out all the assignments using Microsoft Office 2013 in Microsoft
Windows. You can use any operating system and software though, as long as you are able to demonstrate
your knowledge and skills in the lab room.
2. The “Insert/Symbols/Equation” notation means a command button Equation located on the ribbon tab
named Insert in the section (group) Symbols. The special command “Launcher” is used to display a
dialog box. Launchers are tiny arrows pointing southeast in the lower right corner of some ribbon groups.
3. To carry out some assignments you will need a working document published on the course website.

Assignment E1. Worksheets and Workbooks

Topics: Templates. Inserting, copying, renaming, reordering worksheets. Entering values into cells
manually and automatically. Resizing rows/columns. The Format Cell dialog box. Merging cells.
1. Workbooks and workbook templates
a) Create a few workbooks using different templates available in File/New command.
b) Practice activating workbooks (switching from one workbook to another) using the Windows taskbar,
Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab. Don’t close the workbooks (you’ll need two).
2. Managing worksheets in a workbook
Carry out the tasks below using double-click, drag-drop and right-click – on a tab at the bottom in one of
the open workbooks.
a) Insert a new sheet to the workbook.
b) Copy a sheet from another workbook to the current one. Copy it again within the current workbook.
c) Rename the first 3 sheets to “Potter”, “Weasley”, “Malfoy” and change their tab color to red (with one
rename operation only: select multiple tabs with Ctrl+click first).
d) Reorder the sheet tabs alphabetically (drag-drop).
e) Remove any non-red sheets from the workbook.
3. Entering values and adjusting rows/columns
Carry out the tasks below in an empty worksheet (insert one if needed) in the same workbook as above.
a) Type “Potter Harry”, “Weasley Ron” and “Malfoy Draco“ into cells A1, B1, C1.
b) Resize columns A-C to fit the names using i) free-size: dragging the column divider, ii) autofit:
double-click on the column divider, iii) specific width: Home/ Cells/ Format/ Column Width.
c) Enter the number 1000 into cell A2 and fill the value down to A13 (use the autofill handle).
d) Enter 0.1 and 0.15 into cells B2 and B3 and reproduce the increment 0.05 down up to B13 (select the
B2:B3 block and drag the autofill handle).
e) Enter 10 into C2 and 900 into C13, select C2:C13 and fill with linear data series using Home/ Editing/
Fill/ Fill Series.
f) Insert a new column to the left of A (right-click the “A” header, Insert) and type “Month” to A1.
g) Type 1/1/15 to A2 and 2/1/15 to A3 (experiment with the order and separator, like month-day-year to
enter Jan 1st and Feb 1st 2015). Select A2:A3 and autofill to reproduce the 1-month increment down to
A13 (Dec 1st).
h) Insert one topmost row and enter “Quidditch Overall Score” into A1.
4. Formatting cells
Format the table created in the previous task.
a) Center-align the dates in col. A and the header row cells (A2:D2 “Month”, “Potter” etc.).
Make the header row bold.
b) Format all the values as numbers with 1 decimal place using the Format Cells dialog box – press Ctrl-1
(the keyboard top-row “1” key, not the numpad one) – the shortcut to Home/ Number/ Launcher.
Information Technology – Lab Assignment List p.3

c) Format the cells with dates in col. A to display full month names only (carefully examine all the
number formatting categories in the Format Cells dialog box and use the Custom format category).
d) Select the table (A2:D14). Format its outline with double thin line and the inside cell borders with
single thin line. Fill the header row cells with yellow color.
e) Center the table heading in A1 along its top edge – select A1:D1 and press Home/ Merge and Center.
f) Make the cols B-D 60px wide (highlight B-D and drag one of their edges) and wrap the yellow names
(the Format Cells dialog box, Alignment tab, Wrap). Center vertically cells in the yellow header row.
»You don’t have to save your work for later use.

Assignment E2. Formulas, Functions and Relative/Absolute Cell References (Addresses)

Topics: Performing calculations with formulas and functions. Copying cells with formulas to the
adjacent cells (auto-fill) or elsewhere (copy+paste). The importance of relative/absolute cell
Carry out the tasks below in the worksheet BusinessPlan of the workbook TI.en.Excel.A2.xlsx provided.
1. Entering simple formulas
Enter the formulas to calculate values for January:
a) Sales amount for Jan = [No. of hot-dogs] (the cell above) * [Price] (the green cell).
b) Costs for Jan = [No. of hot-dogs] * [Variable costs] (blue) + [Fixed costs] (red).
c) Profit for Jan = [Sales] – [Costs] (the two cells above - subtract)
2. Copying formulas: relative cell references
Each month the company is going to produce and sell 350 hot-dogs more than in previous month. Starting
from Feb, calculate the No. of hot-dogs = previous month +350:
a) No. of hot-dogs for Feb = for Jan +350.
b) The following months follow the same pattern of 350 hot-dogs more than previous month…
Calculate the No. of hot-dogs for Mar to Dec. Don’t enter the formulas manually!
3. Copying formulas: absolute cell references
a) Enter the formulas to calculate Sales, Costs and Profit for Feb to Dec: notice that the missing formulas
for Feb to Dec are almost identical to the ones for Jan.
Is it possible to copy all the formulas for Jan to the Feb-Dec cells? Experiment.
b) Edit the Sales and Costs formulas for Jan: change relative cell references to absolute where necessary,
accept and then select the three pink cells in Jan and auto-fill right, up to Dec.
Selectively examine the copied cells in the formula bar to check if the cell addresses are correct.
c) The formula in the “No. of hot-dogs” row includes a typed value 350. Modify the formula to use the
address of the gray “Prod. increase” value above – edit the formula for Jan and auto-fill right to Dec.
d) Select entire Table 1, copy it to the clipboard and paste 2 rows below Table 1.
In the 2nd table, modify No. of hot-dogs for Jan = for Dec from the 1st table + the “Prod. Increase”.
4. Using functions in formulas
Append two more columns to the 1st table – with the total and average numbers for the year:
a) Type “Total” and “Avg” into the next two cells to the right of the “Dec” cell.
b) Use the Auto-SUM button (Home/ Editing) to calculate the Total of the No. of hot-dogs row. Why
does the cell show a series of “#” symbols? Apply appropriate number formatting for that cell.
c) Enter the AVERAGE() function in the first cell of the Avg column (AutoSum button dropdown menu).
d) Round the result of the AVERAGE() function to the integer value: make a nested function, i.e. one
function inside another one (find appropriate rounding function in Formula/ Function Library).
e) Copy the two formulas under the cells with “Total” and “Avg” down, up to the Profit row.
Apply the cell border formatting for the “Total” and “Avg” columns to match the table.
f) Copy the two columns with Total and Avg from the 1st table to the 2nd table.
g) What is the function to calculate the minimum value in a row? Choose 3 functions of Text,
Date&Time and Math categories (Formula/ Function Library), experiment and explain what they do.
»Save your work – you will need it later.
Information Technology – Lab Assignment List p.4

Assignment E3. Conditional Formatting and Data Validation

Topics: Dynamic formatting that depends on cell value: general format and Data Bars, Color
Scales, Icon Sets. Validating data that is being entered into a cell.
Use Home/ Styles/ Conditional Formatting in the complete worksheet from the previous assignment.
1. Conditional formatting with font, borders and fill color
a) Define conditional formatting for No. of hot dogs in Jan to Dec: bold text if value > 0.
b) For Sales in Jan to Dec: fill green if above average and fill red if below the average sales value.
2. Conditional formatting with Data Bars, Color Scales and Icon Sets
a) Format the Costs for Jan to Dec in the 1st table with Data Bars of your choice.
b) Format the Profit for Jan to Dec in the 1st table with a color scale from red (negative losses) to green
(positive profits) through yellow in between. Define a custom rule with a 3-color scale where the
yellow midpoint is for value=zero and not for the default percentile.
c) Overlay the color scale in Profit for Jan to Dec in the 1st table with some icon set.
d) Enter “2” as the new value of Price in the “Data and assumptions” above so that the new value triggers
off the formatting in the other cells, i.e. check whether the conditional formatting actually works.
3. Data Validation
a) Use Data/ Data Tools/ Data Validation to allow users to enter the hot-dog price values greater than
zero only. Try to enter a negative value to check the effect.
b) Limit the Variable cost of a hot-dog to allow lower than the Price values only. Try to enter some
disallowed value to check the effect.
c) What are the other possibilities of the data validation? How to use the List validation criterion and how
a cell looks like once such a validation is defined?
»You don’t have to save your work for later use.

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