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To fulfill an English course assignment

Lecturer : Arfian HR

By :

Cyntia Wahyu Nin Tyas

NIM: 191FK01026


Translating History Taking in Medicine and Surgery

Page 22:

Jumlah (alkohol yang dikonsumsi)

Apakah kamu peminum berat, atau kamu minum secara konsisten? (jika yang
pertama benar, tanyakan berapa lama, berapa banyak yang dikonsumsi, berapa
lama antara konsumsi yang tak terkendali dan faktor penyebab pertengkaran).

Tempat Minum

Apakah kamu minum sendirian atau bersama orang lain?


Apa tujuan Anda minum?

Bagaimana sikap Anda terhadap alkohol?

Apakah Anda juga mengonsumsi obat – obatan (narkoba)?

Kondisi yang berhubungan dengan minum

 CNS : sindrom Wernicke-Korsakoff, polineuropati

 Gastrointestinal : gastritis, pankreatitis, penyakit hati, karsinoma esofagus
(kanker esofagus)
 Endokrin : cushingoid wajah
 Kardivaskular : hipertensi, aritmia jantung, kardimiopati
 Metabolisme : asam urat
 Muskuloskeletal : miopati


Apa yang akan terjadi jika Anda tidak mengonsumsi alkohol untuk waktu yang
lama? (manifestasi ketergantungan)

Apakah Anda sadar akan dorongan untuk minum?


Apakah toleransi Anda meningkat? Apakah Anda bisa minum lebih banyak
sekarang daripada sebelumnya?

Conversations about History Taking

Nurse : Hello, good morning Ma’am. My name is cyntia, and today i will do
nursing care to you, before that, i’m gonna ask you some questions to complete
your data, do you allow it?

Patient : Morning Mrs, yes i do

Nurse : Ok, what is your full name Ma’am?

Patient : Dhea Khairani Salsabila

Nurse : Are you married Ma’am?

Patient : No, i’m not married yet

Nurse : Did you have trouble with your Abdomen?

Patient : Yes, i feel pain in my abdomen

Nurse : Where axactly is the pain Ma’am?

Patient : In my upper left abdomen

Nurse : When did it start, was it constant/intermittent, gradual/ sudden?

Patient : The pain suddently started when i ate spicy food yesterday

Nurse : What is the pain like e.g. sharp, burning, tight?

Patient : It was like burning in my abdomen

Nurse : Does it move anywhere?

Patient : No, just in my upper left abdomen

Nurse : Is there anything else associated with the pain, e.g. sweating, vomiting?

Patient : A few hours after i ate spicy food, i was vomiting

Nurse : How long did it last ?

Patient : After i’ve tried dringking coconut water

Nurse : Does anything make it better or worse?

Patient : The naused lessened after i drank coconut water, but the pain in my
abdomen still remained

Nurse : How severe is the pain, consider using the 1- 10 scale?

Patient : Maybe on 5 scale

Nurse : Are you allergic to any medicines or food?

Patient : I don’t have any history of allergies

Nurse : Have you had all the childhood disease?

Patient : No, i don’t have

Nurse : Is there any history of pain in your abdomen e.g gastritis?

Patient : Yes, i was once treated for 3 days because of gastritis

Nurse : Any family history of gastritis?

Patient : My family never had this disease, only me

Nurse: Have you had any operation?

Patient : No, i never had an operation

Nurse : Any other problems with your health in the past?

Patient : No

Nurse : What is your appetite like?

Patient : I can’t eat if there’s no sambal, and i only eat twice a day

Nurse : I’m guessing maybe your gastritis’s flaring up, because you ate spicy
food, and a few hours after eaten you’re vomiting, and feel the pain in the upper
left abdomen.

Patient : Yes, i got it

Nurse : But, to find out more clearly doctor will examine you

Patient : Ok, thank you

Nurse : Yourwelcome Ma’am

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