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You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Recently, people have been enjoying holidays outside of their country. What are the reasons for this and
does this offer more positives than negatives?
Write at least 250 words.

Reading 1


You may wonder if international travel is worth the costs and

challenges. Visiting another country can reward you in many
ways, but you will also encounter issues you would not face at
home. Here are some points to consider as you think about
traveling abroad.


There is something special about standing where history

happened. Whether you want to take a photo from Catherine the
Great’s doorstep at St.

Petersburg’s Winter Palace or walk along the Great Wall of

China, there is an unmistakable thrill that comes from being
where history was made.

World Cultures

Some travelers want to immerse themselves in another culture,

trying everything from local foods to traditional sports. If you
would like to travel like a local, choose a “home base” and rent
an apartment or cottage where you can buy groceries, take walks, experience festivals and hang out with the
neighborhood denizens. You will come away feeling you have really learned about your chosen city or

Food Adventures

For some vacationers, it’s all about the food. You might want to taste all the dishes you have seen on an
episode of “Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern” or learn how to make veal marsala. If culinary
adventures appeal to you, consider combining your trip abroad with cooking lessons or a wine tasting tour.

Sense of Accomplishment

Travel can be challenging if you are unfamiliar with the language, customs and cuisine of your destination

For some travelers, though, that’s part of the fun. When you unscramble the dinner menu or finally board
the right bus, you will probably feel an adrenaline rush and a sense of pride.

Dream Destinations

Perhaps your grandfather told you stories about Lake Como or played Hawaiian traditional music for you,
and those experiences seeped into your subconscious thoughts and inspired you to consider traveling abroad.
If you can supply an answer to “I’ve always wanted to visit (blank)
because..." in five seconds or less, consider crossing a border or two during
your next trip.

Learning Experiences

According to the American Society on Aging, your brain continues to make

new cells and establish nerve connections throughout life. For this to
happen, you must exercise your brain. Combining travel with learning
experiences can keep your brain as healthy as the rest of your body.

Wonders of the World 

Some travelers like to make lists of related destinations – such as the New 7 Wonders Of the World – and
visit each place on their list. If you are looking for a worldwide travel project and climbing the Seven
Summits isn’t your thing, a visit to each of the New 7 Wonders of the World could be just the project you’re
looking for.

Family Connections

Many travelers decide to visit their ancestors’ homeland on their first trip abroad. Genealogy is an extremely
popular hobby, and there is nothing quite like doing your research on-scene. You might see the buildings
your ancestors lived and worked in or meet a distant cousin. Finding new information about your ancestors
and immersing yourself in their culture will add new dimensions to your family history research.

What Problems Could I Encounter While Traveling Abroad?

Language Difficulties

Learning a few words in another language can be a daunting experience. If language barriers bother you, but
you would still like to visit another country, consider traveling with a tour group.

Increased Cost

Transportation costs add up quickly. If you want to travel to another country, you may discover that
transportation costs use up a large portion of your budget. Save money by booking a tour or cruise through
a travel agent who has access to promotions and discounts.

Poor Accessibility

Some destinations are not wheelchair-friendly. Elevators are narrow, important sights do not have elevators
or wheelchair ramps and curbs lack cuts. Subway travel might prove difficult – long staircases are a
hallmark of subway stations – so you will need to check on elevator availability and learn how to request
assistance before you travel.

Check with a travel agent who specializes in accessible travel to find the best destinations for persons with
your particular disability.

Dietary Issues

If you like to eat certain types of food – meat and potatoes, for example – you should expect to pay a
premium for the meals you prefer when you travel abroad. Dietary restrictions and food allergies may
present special problems. Wherever you travel, bring along a menu translation card or dictionary so you can
discuss dining options with the wait staff.

While you can avoid most travel-related crimes by wearing a money belt, securing your valuables in hotel
safes and staying away from high-crime areas, safety is still an important concern. You will need to do
research to identify safe places to stay and learn how to avoid scams and pickpockets.

Passport Problems

If you are traveling on the spur of the moment, you might not have time to get a passport. As soon as you
think you might want to travel abroad, find out how to apply for a passport and start the application process.

Reading 2
Travelling is considered to be one of the most enriching experiences. This is due to the many things that it
can bring us. But which are the most valuable things that we can get from it?
The first thing we can think of getting from travelling is the possibility of living new experiences. A trip can
allow us to do things that we cannot do in our daily lives like eating a variety of new food or visiting places
where we have never been before. Moreover, travelling can make us see that we are able to overcome
challenges such as speaking in a different language or being able to guide ourselves in an unknown place.
But, maybe the best experience that we can have when we travel is meeting new people and making new
Another benefit of travelling to foreign countries is learning new things. It is known that travelling or living
abroad is the best way to learn a language and the reason why is that it allows people to immerse into the
language. As a result of this immersion, not only are language skills improved but also the knowledge about
the culture of the country and its society is increased.
To sum up, it seems to me that travelling abroad brings us a lot of benefits which we could not get staying at
home. In my opinion, we should travel abroad as much as we can while we are young because it gives us the
possibility to get to know different cultures and societies and makes us more respectful with them.

Reading 3

One of the main advantages is the experiance you get from being in a foreign country. While being abroad
you have the opportunity to pracrise the language and sosialise with citizens of the country you visit. This is
especially beneficial if your occupation is connected with a foreign language.
Furthermore, you get aquainted with a new place and that makes you relaxand forget about your routine life.

On the other hand, pretravelling process might be very depressing because of all the documents you should
collect in order to enter the choosen country.
What is more, you can get into trouble if you are not aqcuainted with the laws of the country you want to
visit. What you are used to doing at home is not always normal for foreigners. Or you can also stay
unsatisfied if the country you have chosen does not fit your expectations.

To sum up, it seems that international tourism is a good way of having a rest, but do not be upset if there are
some problems with getting a visa. However, it must be remembered that if you think positively your
holidays are going to be terrific!

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