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Faculty of Engineering Management





Prof. Dr. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber



POZNAN, 2020

I am taking this session to remind everyone that helped me through this entire research
process which is a great mile stone in my academics. I would like to express my genuine
respect and appreciation for their abiding help, suggestions, guidance and dedication to
write this research work and the list of the names is stretching out afar. First of all, my
gratitude goes to my magnificent encouraging promoter, Prof. Dr. hab. Gerhard Wilhelm
Weber, who has directed me throughout this project. He guided me to elaborate my thesis
idea into reality. The idea that I kept inside a shell, he helped me to plant on the field of
my academics. His hand, caring, encouragement and he showed me great compassion to-
wards me in my difficult situation during thesis time period. More than a professor, his
guardianship gave me lot of talents and skills to add details in this work. I am not sure
how to repay for these helping hands. I am so valued to work with his super vision.
Working together with Prof. Dr. hab. Gerhard Wilhelm Weber was a great experience for
me to learn myself and to make an urge for my self-confidence personally. I hope, as a
student, I kept all the dignity to him until I finish the research work.

I also have got important opinions and suggestions from my colleagues and our dearest
professors namely Prof. Dr. Marcin Butlewski and Dr. Joanna Majchrzak. They sup-
ported me and offered a big contribution for my thesis, and through this participation,
I collected more data for my thesis. I am so grateful to them for their proposals and
exhortations for my research.

The person having an important role to make my thesis work more practical through data
evaluation is MSc. Selma Gütmen, the best friend and well-wisher in my life. She en-
couraged me in writing part and time management session to get accuracy for the re-
search. The sacrifice of her time and knowledge is a milestone in the completion of this
project. The prime factor for the finalization of my academic work is dearest Selma Gü-
tmen. I have no enough words to show my abundant thankfulness to her.

I would also like to show my appreciation to one of my friends, Mr Vishnu Vijayan, who
is a former student of Poznan University of Technology. He gave me a proposal about the
business idea of south Indian traditional food on a food truck. Then, of course, I would
like to thank to my lovely parents and all friends of mine for the great support and caring
to me by all kinds of help while my entire academics.


Praca ta wyjaśnia biznesplan pomysłu Start-up firmy Food Wheels z tradycyjnymi

południowo-indyjskimi potrawami w Poznaniu. Głównym motywem biznesplanu jest
dostarczanie klientom zdrowej żywności o wysokiej jakości. Jako innowacyjny pomysł
ogólna struktura wyjaśnia historię polskiej kuchni, kulturę żywności z kuchni
zagranicznej oraz zapotrzebowanie na pomysł biznesowy na rynku.

Druga część daje jasny obraz na temat pomysłu na biznes i operacji na rynku food
truck’ów oraz na temat tradycyjnej żywności z południowych Indii; oferuje szczegółowe
badania na temat podejścia do rozruchu oraz szczegóły analizy marketingowej dla food
truck’a, działu produkcji i serwisu, projektowania firmowych food truck’ów oraz działań
marketingowych i strategii, które mogłyby zostać wdrożone dla Food Wheels.

Końcowa część pracy podsumowana jest objaśnieniem głównego pomysłu wraz

z zaletami i wadami, współpracą dwóch kultur oraz zakresem pomysłu biznesowego. Jak
wynika z badań, istnieje kilka wyników tej pracy. Głównym badaniem wśród opinii
publicznej jest ankieta na temat kuchni indyjskiej; poprzez ankietę gromadzone są i
omawiane nawyki społeczeństwa, opinie ludzi dotyczące gastronomii w Polsce. Na końca
pracy mamy pewną wizję i wyjaśnienie tego pomysłu na biznes.


This thesis is explaining a business plan of the start up idea of food truck company Food
Wheels with South Indian traditional food in Poznan. The main motive of the business
plan is to deliver healthy and high quality nutritional food to the customers. As an
innovative idea the general structure is explaining the history of the Polish cuisine, the
culture of foods from foreign cuisine and for the demand of the business idea in the

The second part is giving a clear picture about the business idea and operations in the
market of food truck and about South Indian traditional food; it offers a detailed study on
an approach towards the start up and details of marketing analysis for the food truck, pro-
duction and service section, Design of the company food trucks, marketing mix of the
company and marketing activities and strategies could be implemented for the Food

Final part of the thesis is summarized with the demand of the business idea in polish
market with survey results, the collaboration of two cultures, and the future of the busi-
ness. As per the research, there are several results found by this for the thesis. The major
research among the public is a survey about the Indian cuisine; through the survey habits
of the society, opinions of the people to the gastronomy in Poland are gathered and
discussed. Having reached the end of thesis, I have got a certain vision and clarification
for this business idea.

Table of Content

Abstract in Polish.................................................................................................................ii

Abstract in English.............................................................................................................iii
List of Figures..................................................................................................................... iv

List of tables......................................................................................................................vii

1. Introduction....................................................................................................................1

2. Purpose and Scope of the Study...................................................................................3

2.1. Purpose of the Study...............................................................................................3

2.2. Scope of the Study..................................................................................................4

2.3. Research methods...................................................................................................5

3. Literature Review of Polish Food Industry and Food Trucks...................................6

3.1. Food culture of Polish Food Service Industry........................................................6

3.2. Foreign Food Culture in Poland..............................................................................8

3.3. The Birth of Food Trucks.......................................................................................9

3.3.1. Understanding the Demand of Startup Food Truck....................................11

3.3.2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Food Truck...................................13

4. Approach towards a Startup......................................................................................15

4.1. Company Description............................................................................................15

4.2 Coconut oil Company in Poznan............................................................................17

4.3 Reason for why coconut oil is required for food wheels Truck..............................18

4.4. Management and Ownership.................................................................................19

5. Market Analysis for the Business...............................................................................21

5.1. Food Trucks of the Company................................................................................23

5.2. Design of Food Truck............................................................................................24

5.3. Supply of Money.................................................................................................24

5.4. Production and Service Section...........................................................................28

5.4.1. Production of Food......................................................................................28

5.4.2. Service of Food............................................................................................30

6. Marketing Activities on the Market...........................................................................33

6.1. 4P Marketing Mix Diagram of the Company.............................................................36

7. Survey Results..............................................................................................................37

8. Conclusion and Outlook..............................................................................................42


List of Figures

Figure 1.1. Image of a Food Truck...............................................................................1

Figure 1.2. Health concept of Indian food....................................................................2

Figure 2.1.1 Quick service option...................................................................................4

Figure 3.1. Zapiekanka..................................................................................................7

Figure 3.1.2. Pierogi.........................................................................................................7

Figure 3.2.1. Knowledge of Indian cuisine......................................................................9

Figure 3.3.1. Old Chuck Wagon.....................................................................................10

Figure 3.3.2. Roach Coaches on Street..........................................................................11

Figure Graph about food truck familiarity...........................................................12

Figure 4.1.1. Image of barrel.........................................................................................18

Figure 5.2.1. Design of the company food truck...........................................................24

Figure 5.3.1. Reasons for Startup fails...........................................................................25

Figure 5.3.2. Break Even Analysis................................................................................27

Figure 5.4. Production line of Food truck...................................................................30

Figure Service chart of food truck.......................................................................32

Figure Eco friendly glass.....................................................................................33

Figure Eco friendly plate......................................................................................33

Figure 6.1. Pricing for restaurant and food truck........................................................35

Figure 6.1.2. 4P analysis for the food truck...................................................................38

Figure 7.1. Indian foods recommendation..................................................................39

Figure 7.2. Graph about Indian food is worth for money..........................................40

Figure 7.3. Hygiene and quality graph.......................................................................41

Figure 7.4. Difference in the taste of Indian food......................................................41

Figure 7.5. Scatter plot matrix of survey results................................................................42

List of tables

Table Advantages and Disadvantages of Food Truck..........................................15

Table 5.3.1. Expenses of the Company..............................................................................25

1. Introduction
The purpose of this thesis is to figure out a business plan for the food truck with
South Indian traditional food to the Polish food industry with proper strategies
engaging with customers. Food Wheels food truck company is planning to change the
fast food consumption of public. The world of taste is with diversity while time re-
volves around new inventions in the world of culinary arts. Most of the contrives in
the culinary section is aimed at reducing the time of cooking by making tasty food.
This tasty food cooked just in time with the low nutritional value and contains very
harmful preservatives with food colour. This is enough to make the humans sick.
Although, the consumer is enjoying these injurious junk foods from the corporate fast
food chains. The business plan is to make a wrap for this junk food consumption and
to provide good healthy quality food in Poznan by the launch of the company Food

Apart from Continental food, South Indian traditional street food may keep unique-
ness in polish broadways. Attracting the customers with wide varieties of Indian
foods which is rich in vitamins, proteins and nutrients, during this decades, Indian
cuisines will create a space of their own here ( Legrand, Sloan, 2013).

Figure 1.1. Image of a Food Truck.

Source: Posbistro.

For gaining and getting more customers, healthy traditional food is the unique selling
point of the company. From this business plan of “Food Wheels” food truck, Polish food
service industry can experience a lot of services and features. Indian food promises more
benefits than satisfaction. Indian traditional foods have medicinal properties, and the
dishes are essentially very tasty and healthy. Traditional Indian cuisine uses fresh
ingredients almost always and involves dishes from starch which means fewer
preservatives and good food in general.

Figure 1.2. Health concept of Indian food.

Source: Survey Result.

From Figure 1.2, we can see that the public opinion about if the Indian food is healthy or
not. People mostly registered with the neutral and agree votes. These votes are
generally showing a positive chance for the south Indian traditional food. Majority of the
people knows that Indian food have health benefits and the motive of the company is
delivering healthy and quality food, which contains higher nutrients and fiber contents.
The category of Food Wheels will not be in Junk foods. After Food Wheels company
launch the public will change their opinion to “Strongly Agree” regarding the health
concept of Indian food.

Traditional Indian foods include carbohydrates, proteins, fibres and good body fat, all of
which are important for a balanced diet. Indian cooking uses several spices such as tur-
meric, ginger, garlic and green chillies, all of which have medicinal and healing proper-

Thus people can fight more against the diseases, since consuming lots of different spices.
people think that Indian food is spicy, they do not realize that the spices used to make the
dishes actually good for the body and not just for good taste. All these remarks are com-
menting a strong base for Food Wheels (Iyer et al., 2009).

2. Purpose and Scope of the Study

2.1. Purpose of Study

The main purpose of the study is draw-out strategies to implement South Indian
traditional food into the Polish market. There are numerous numbers of food trucks in the
Polish market. This implementation can create a market space for South Indian products.
Deliver good customer service and delicious healthy meals can enhance the customers to
buy South Indian products as well. This mission might create a market for the upcoming
entrepreneurs to concretely elaborate this business plan.

Figure 2.1.1. Quick service option.

Source; Survey result.

The graph above is showing the public opinion about the service of restaurant and a food
truck. As per the customer’s needs, “easy cooking” and “easy selling”: that is what we are
aiming at. For the quick service, the 41.49% of the people is choosing food truck and
44.68% of people are choosing restaurants. This is showing a great opportunity for the
Food Wheels to attract the customers with the quick service and best quality foods. The
company is with “Easy Cooking & Easy Selling Method” style, as a result, our quick
service will help the buyers to get the food faster.

Food trucks have become more common in international and domestic market. In Poznan,
from college campuses to outdoor festivals, this food truck system has a great scope to

reach out to adventurous foodies. Our strategy is rather simple: instead of “waiting for
them to come to us”, “go where the customers are”. Food Wheels is focusing to create a
demand among the consumers and to become a form of corporate company in the future.

“People do not want to spend more money than necessary, and they are entitled to get
quality products”(Furst et al., 1996), so in this case, with the cheaper price Food Wheels
will provide extra quality foods. When the consumers see that food is with hygiene and
healthy, definitely, the queue will increase in front of the truck. As per the outcome of
first discussions that resulted from some group of Polish natives, the people are looking
for diversities in their food. This launching can cause a special attention on the Polish
broadways. ( Daria. Questionnaire,2020)

2.2. Scope of the Study

Nowadays, people are expecting on the go instant products and services in today’s
market. They are not ready to wait. The technologies and modernization have changed
the expectations to instantaneous. So, for having a quick appetite people depend on fast
food. Generally, consumer is entitled for good quality and healthy food from the
restaurants and food selling places according to the money that the consumer is paying.
However, the hidden kitchens in the restaurants will not show up the hygiene and cooking
of food. Based on this fact, for the first time, we created the Food Truck idea. So, the
transparent style of cooking food makes people more comfortable and confident to have

This research will help South Indian kitchen and products in Polish market by fulfilling
the healthy food aspect demand from customers. Customers will be more familiar with
the healthy South Indian traditional foods and would try to explore more. This business
idea could open a possibility for lots of Indian products into the Polish market. As per the
future of growing food industry, the food truck can find out perfect space in the food
market with the new marketing strategies. Through this business idea, the Polish market
will explore more South Indian traditional foods from India. The pros and cons for the
South Indian food truck are showing the clear broadways in the polish food market. The
implementation of food truck can be helpful for growing Polish-Indian collaboration, cul-
tural understanding, joint research and friendship.

2.3 Research Methods
In order to collect succinct data and to make the research more understanding, the re-
search work, Questionnaires and Google form survey methods have been used. The data
collection questionnaires are enlisted below:

A. Questionnaires to the Polish natives:

(i) Polish cuisine and its culture,

(ii) International cuisine in Poland and its culture,
(iii) Polish people’s approach to foreign food, in the change of time,
(iv) Gastronomy of Tomorrow in Poznan,

B. Google form survey questions.

1. What is your gender?
2. What is your age?
3. Do you sometimes (enjoy to) eat outside?
4. What time do you usually eat out?
5. How often do you eat outside?
6. What do you prefer?
7. Are people in Poland open-minded towards foreign cuisine?
8. Which Asian cuisine is more preferable for you?
9. Would you recommend Indian food to your friends?
10. How much knowledge do you have about Indian Cuisine?
11. How much do you like Indian food?
12. How different is the taste of Indian food for you?
13. Do you think the Indian food is generally worth for money?
14. How much money do you consider as a fair price(in zloty) for a regular meal in
Indian restaurant?
15. How much money do you consider as a fair price(in zloty) for a regular meal in
Indian food truck?
16. Do you think Indian food is healthy?
17. Do you know what food trucks are?
18. Do you like to eat from food truck?
19. Do you think that food trucks ensure hygiene and quality?
20. Would you choose a restaurant or a food truck for the quick service?

3. Literature Review of Polish Food Industry and Food Trucks

3.1 Food culture of Polish Food Service Industry

In the middle ages, Polish cuisine was based on dishes made from agricultural and cereal
crops (millet, rye and wheat), wild and farmed meat, vegetables, forest berries, honey,
herbs and local spices. It was primarily known for the plentiful use of the Wieliczka salt
and the permanent presence of groats (type of oats). In the 5th to 15th century, Polish cui-
sine was with high calorific value of dishes and with beer. Polish cuisine was hot and
spicy in that period of time. Especially meat; both game (Hunted animals), beef and cere-
als were main ingredients, originally, they used in the middle ages. Regular
beverages included milk, whey, buttermilk and various infusions of herbs. Beer and mead
(drink fermented with honey and water) were the most popular alcoholic drinks
(Dembińska, 1963).

In the modern era, a wave of new restaurants opened with the fall of communism in Po-
land in 1989, and the basic food were again easily available. This resulted in a gradual
return of rich traditional Polish cuisine, both in home cooking as well as in restaurants. At
the same time, restaurants and supermarkets encouraged the use of ingredients which are
typical of other world cuisines. Cucurbits, Zucchini and all kinds of fish were among the
most notable foods that started to become popular in Poland. These were available mostly
in the seaside regions during the communist times. Now, the multinational corporate food
chains obtained the Polish dining areas.

However, one can still get traditional and very popular Polish fast food such as
Zapiekanka(cheese baguette, mushrooms, onion or peppers, sometimes meat and ketch-
up), but also kebab, hamburgers, hot dogs and sausages in most of Poland.There are also
a lot of small, quick-service restaurants that usually serve food stuffs like Zapiekanka,
(Dumplings) Pierogi, (Sweet Pastry) Rurki etc ( Dembińska,1963).

Figure 3.1.1 Zapiekanka.
Source: Wikipedia.

Figure 3.1.2. Pierogi.

Source: Wikipedia.
Foods service has experienced major changes and has undergone a tremendous transition
since the nineties of the last century. It refers to the number of channels, styles, modes of
operation, and the size and structure of revenue. Increasing competition in Poland's
food service market forces players to introduce more innovative and consumer-oriented
offers(Dembińska, 1963).

3.2. Foreign Food Culture in Poland

To taste the food around the world, not everybody can take a trip to abroad; so, people are
trying to taste these different cuisines in their own country. In Polish food market, there

are wide varieties of meals from different parts of the world. Foreign food restaurants
became very popular in Poland. The newer generation of people are more open to
foreign foods. They love to try the food from the other poles. They are trying to eat out,
to know the culture and traditional foods of other countries (Food in every country forum,
Food in Poland).

Poland is located in between two powerful nations: Germany and Russia. Historical
proofs say that a lot of political alliances throughout the history. The Italian food
customs and introduction of green salads and pasta have came in Poland from the
marriage of Sigismund III Vasa to the Italian princess Bona Sfora in the 16th
century(Kasprzyk, 2014). There are also several further dishes that became a part of
Polish people’s life. Hungarian food called Goulash (stew), Pastry from France, Borsch
(beet soup) from Ukraine these are the regular ones in Polish cuisine from foreign
countries. At this period of time, Asian foods, Arabic foods, Mediterranean foods,
African foods, Turkish kebabs are more available on the street. The most popular food in
Poland is the Turkish kebab. These all foods from the European countries or from other
continents are a part for Polish cuisine now. American food chain companies, most
notably McDonald’s, KFC, Subway and Pizza Hut are also popular among Polish young
generation (Food in every country forum, Food in Poland).

Polish natives are accepting the cuisines from other countries; they are ready to taste
something new, learn about the tradition and culture and would like to take a break from
Polish foods. European peoples are ready to socialize with other countries traditions and
cultures in this generation (Kamil, Questionnaire,2020).

Figure 3.2.1. Knowledge of Indian cuisine.

Source: Survey result.
In the above Figure 3.2.1, people’s knowledge about Indian cuisine divided into
different levels from the chart. We can see that the most of the chosen options are 37.23%
and 32.96% for medium and excellent. It shows the food eaters have the knowledge about
the Indian food’s quality, taste, consistency and its ingredients. Even 23.40% have the
basic knowledge about the Indian foods. This figure shows the chances that people would
like to explore the tasty and healthy South Indian traditional food from food truck to get
more knowledge and taste.

3.3. The Birth of Food Trucks

The mobile cuisine caused a great change in the food service industry. The
metropolitan cities are enjoying the convenience of mobile dining and cafeteria. These
days in each and every corner of city, we can find out vendors with food. Furthermore,
food vendors have been known as food trucks. A food truck can range from an ice cream
truck to a full mobile kitchen capable of demand for food. The increase in food truck
popularity may seem relatively sudden. This relatively modern concept of cooking in a
vehicle is more humble innovation. However to eat from a food truck is an experience to
enjoy the food with fresh air (Philips, 2012).

The presence of food trucks came up on the American roads during the late 17 th
century. Food trucks have since taken up a front seat in the American street food scene
and it is a part of growing food movement. Chuck wagons are the first food trucks in the
world with mobile cuisine. In 1866, the “father of the Texas Panhandle”, Charles Good-
night, a Texas cattle rancher, built a robust old U.S. Army wagon with indoor racks,
drawers and loaded with kitchenware, food and medical supplies. Food consisted of dried
beans, sugar, and cornmeal, greasy bacon wrapped in cloth, salted pork, beef, usually
dried or salted or roasted, and other easy food stuffs to store. The wagon was also loaded
with a barrel of water and a sling for heating and cooking food to kindle fuel (Moe,

Figure 3.3.1. Old Chuck Wagon.
Source : Mobile cuisine.

Meanwhile, the other invention which is comparable with the invention of chuck wagon
was as conceived by the food vendor Walter Scott in 1872, and it was almost the same as
the modern food truck and labelled lunch wagon. He cuts some part of vans body into
windows and sold sandwiches, pies and coffee to the people who were in front of the
newspaper office at the providence Rhode Island. During the 1880s, the designs and the
systems inside the truck changed. Thomas Buckley manufactured lunch wagons at
Worcester, Massachusetts. Eventually, the Owl and the white cafe models were upgraded
with sinks, refrigerators, cooking ovens and coloured windows. Later on, U.S army
enhanced the facilities and they used it in the state side army bases(Agyeman, Matthews,

Later, the mobile cuisine nick named “Roach Coaches” was roaming around the con-
struction sites, near the factories and for the blue-collar localities to find
customers. This kind of service to the buyers gained more popularity for the food trucks;
with low cost, they can grab a bite (Albala, 2015).

Figure3.3.2. Roach Coaches on Street.

Source: Model T Ford Forum.

After the 90s, the great recession caused massive change in the food industry. The
construction sites and factories dried up. So, the brick and mortar restaurant cooks lost
their job and it caused a surge of numerous food trucks. Food truck seemed to be a per-
fect choice for the chefs with low investment. On comparing it to the restaurants, the cap-
ital was very less (Albala, 2015).

Nowadays, the food truck is not one of the cuisines that can be found in the construction
sites or nearby posh locations. The trend changed, in wedding functions, festivals, con-
certs food trucks got an attractive space. The experienced chefs began launching their ca-
reers with new food trucks. Now, food trucks are the choice for food eaters to get a bite
of an exciting meal with reasonable price.

3.3.1. Understanding the Demand of Startup Food Truck

Buyers need some unique quality meal stuff which is healthier for the body. So, demand
for the food truck is quite high in the market. The South Indian traditional foods are the
proposed highlight of the new food truck. Presenting the South Indian traditional food
items would be in the structure of Polish foods. So, it would be quite attractive for the
consumers to fascinate with the food truck foods, and with the proper service the
company is providing healthier food for the customers without any hidden walls.

The collaboration of two cultures can deliver a distinctive experience. Food truck is al-
so targeting white collars from the office restaurants that are tired of eating and want a
different experience. Food trucks allow for affordable prices, and very enjoyable food
without any distinction between high class and low class (Lewis.,2011).

The figure is showing that how people are familiar with food trucks. This chart is
with the major question about the familiarity of customers with food trucks. This 87.23%
outcome helps us to identify the popularity of food trucks among the people and 11.70%
of the people do not know what food trucks are. The idea of South Indian traditional food
on a food truck in Poznan would be a new experience for them. The idea of food wheels
would help the food eaters to explore the best quality and tasty South Indian traditional

Do you know what food trucks are

1, 1%
11, 12%




80, 87%

Figure Graph about food truck familiarity.

Source: Survey Result.

Apart from all the food trucks, the entrepreneurship is keeping a corporate identity with
the professional way of approach to the customers. This will lead the way to gain

customers. Food Wheels can deliver freshness and better quality of food to the customers.
Through the dining engagement with Food Wheels the people to get know more facts
about the diverse South Indian food traditions and products. This could lead to a cultural
and traditional journey for food eaters. Apart from other food trucks, the strategies to
reach the customer would be totally different from the Food Wheels team. In this food
truck sector in Poznan, the marketing strategies and the loyalty packs for the customers is
not so popular. Food Wheels approach in the service, food items quality, promotions and
the brand identity will create a unique experience for the diners.

3.3.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Food Truck

Food trucks are now becoming a popular choice for opening a restaurant business, partic-
ularly for first-time restaurateurs, with low investment and minimal risks involved. The
expenditure needed to open a food truck is very small; a significant proportion from the
decors of a restaurant would be enough to spend on food truck marketing. The
operational cost for a restaurant is very high as well.

Although the food truck is mobile, location of food truck is utmost important, because
the whole company depends on sufficiently high volume of orders. So, mainly the service
would be in big office complexes, highways, hospitals, airports or university areas (The
Restaurant Times, 2018). Sale spot is changing according to the rise in the market. Quick
service restaurants usually serve fast food that is semi-prepared in advance and can be
prepared in a short time that is convenient for a hurry customer. From this business idea
of the mobile restaurant, the cost of setting up the decor, the chairs and the crockery will
be saved. Owning a restaurant entails investing in expensive equipment, hiring a wide
variety of employees including cooks, cashiers, servers, kitchen managers, cleaners, etc.,
and paying property tax or a monthly rent if the property is on lease. Maintaining
and operating costs are therefore imperative; particularly the hidden costs are quite high
from the restaurant. On the other hand, a food truck’s operating costs are month-to-month
limited to food, equipment and electricity. There is no need for full staff for the food
trucks; with a small team the company can do it, and most taxes will be much smaller.
Food trucks have also become the latest trend among consumers with better quality food
(as opposed to street vendors) at a marginally lower price, internationally and in polish
market (NCASS).

With their place, restaurants come up and die. Most of the restaurants come to a halt
because of their location but food truck can do location experiment, can choose the
location of the food truck as per the choice. With its mobility the food truck can attract
potential customers. Based on the footfall rise in certain places, strategically, trucks can
change the location on a daily or weekly basis (NCASS).

Disadvantages of a running food truck will come up with challenges;

(i) Brick and Mortar restaurants: All the demandable places with sale there would
be brick and mortar restaurants, and they can resist the presence of food trucks.
(ii) Vehicle issues: The vehicle is one of the most important ones among the food
truck business. The problems include auto accidents, fire, electrical and
mechanical break downs.
(iii) Limited space: Most of the converted food trucks do not have a lot of space,
they would have limited space where two people can do the service in “chip
chop”, this can cause less productivity and the impact of the service to the
customers can make variation in the income.
(iv) Parking permits: Cannot park the trucks everywhere on the road due to the
parking permits.
(v) Limited storage: There is no commissary kitchen inside a food truck, therefore;
the food has to be stored inside the truck with limited storage.
(vi) No brand: The brand identity is an essential title in the market, then only the
customers will think what they are eating is good in the market. Lack of brand
identity is another disadvantage (NCASS).

Advantages Disadvantages

Low investment and minimal risks Weather changes is affecting the sale
Less maintenance cost Rules and Regulations
Low operational cost No place for Dine-in
Cheaper food Competition from other food trucks
Movableness Small working space
Transparent style of cooking Fire and Road accidents

Table Advantages and Disadvantages of Food Truck.

Source: Own research.
4. Approach towards a Startup
4.1 Company Description

The main agenda of the food truck company is to satisfy the Polish customers with the
unique taste of South Indian traditional foods. As per the research conducted, the Food
Wheels would be the first one which is launching in Poznan with South Indian traditional
food on a food truck. The plan is to deliver convenient set of menu with good quality and
healthy food to the Polish market. Instead of spending money on a restaurant which caus-
es high expenses for all the equipments and the products, Food truck with low in-
vestment and low operational cost: can help the company to move on the food market
(Adrian, 2019).

Normally planning a stationary kitchen to serve food in the Polish market is expensive.
In this circumstance, a non-stationary kitchen in the food truck is the best alternative way
to serve food items on the market. This mobile cuisine is able to change the location to
find more customers from the market, Which means Food Wheels will focus on the
demandable areas which can expect more customers. In this mobility we can change the
place according to the available market in time to time. To give an instance, on weekdays
the truck will be located in front of office buildings, universities and near student dormi-
tories, whereas on the weekends the location can be changed to concerts, festival places,
and weekly markets. Mobility with the food truck can do favour for a better sale.

The company is using authentic spices from India to make the food. Food Wheels will
import few selected ingredients from South India in order to guarantee the unique
flavour and taste while keeping the transportation cost as low as possible. The raw
materials are stored in a small warehouse which is accompanied with operational or
processing unit in order to supply the food items to the food truck in adequate demand. In
the Initial stage, the company will start with one food truck and one small ware house to
keep operational equipments.

The weather will also impact the food trucks. Every season the customers want to taste
different food to satisfy the body. The weather also influences people to go out and
socialize. During summer, the major locations are crowded so weather will not affect the
sale of food. But in winter season, 50 % of sale is affecting by the cold weather.

In this scene the company have to face the variation in sales. Usually the people do not
want to stay outside during the frozen climatic conditions. So, there would slight var-
iation for the incoming customer. So, Food Wheels Company can expect some loss in the
winter time. To avoid this lose in the sale the firm have some extra plans for the winter
season (Taylor, 2013).

1. Catering services

When it is frozen outside the company will look for the customer who wants us. For
example, Food Wheels will approach the business firms, office buildings, schools and
universities with the offering of catering service in best quality. In the winter time also
the people have parties and meet ups, through proper communication the company will
approach the related ones and will make the proposals

2. Shuffling the Menu card

The summer sale and winter sale is different for the food trucks. The cooking of food
items is according to the climatic conditions for Food Wheels. So, in the winter season
the company will change the meals to attract the customer in with the foods that is
suitable with frozen climate. Mostly Food Wheels concentrate on different varieties of tea
and coffee with hot winter snacks.

3. Be More Mobile

During the winter time the food trucks have more opportunities for the delivery of meals.
Actually, winter tide is an option to cover more places for the service and find new
customers. There are more demandable places in the city during the freezing climate. So
this relocation Food wheels would have chance to find new destinations and new

4.2 Coconut oil Company in Poznan

The team already have an assured client in Poznan who is distributing pure coconut oil
named as Kerala Coco. Kerala Coco is a south Indian coconut oil Company which is
supplying coconut oil in Poznan for the restaurants. The Food Wheels Company is
cooking the authentic food with pure coconut oil from South India. The genuine healthy
food are guarantee for the customers so that is why the need of pure coconut oil in the
food truck. There are no preservatives and unhealthy contents in the food that which

company is delivering, so in the case of cooking oil also company policy would be the
same .The coconut oil is a basic component for the food. According the cost
reduction the firm have got an opportunity to buy the coconut oil from the coconut oil
distributing company Kerala Coco.

4.3 Reason for why coconut oil is required for food wheels Truck
Food wheels are supplying pure South Indian meals for their customers; the importance
of coconut oil in South Indian dishes is popular due to the traditional style of cooking and
the taste. Coconut oil and its importance in South Indian cuisine is just one of the ways in
which Kerala is different from the rest of the states in India. South Indian coconut oil
nourishment is very well known around the world. South Indian fish, chicken or meat
stew is given an entirely different measurement by including rich coconut oil. The sea-
soning with coconut oil inside South Indian food is well known for its low calorie, and
tantalizing delights. Moreover, buying the product from the team Kerala Coco would
save time and cost for the food wheel truck company.

1. Packing and delivery

Estimated amount of oil needed for one week to run the food truck is 15 litres, after the
discussion between the management of Kerala Coco and our team we came to a point for
packing and delivering. Every end of the week, one of the team staff will provide a barrel
of 15 litres and shape looks like the following Figure 4.1.1.

Figure 4.1.1.Image of barrel

Source: Vector stock
4.4 Management and Ownership
Management team is the authorized and innovative team to research the desired problems
to find out the organizational chances in a way that fulfils the purpose and goals. Our
team is responsible for overseeing the core business activities of the company as a whole,
which includes the coordination of different development process, group values and
group procedures, as well as monitoring the progress of financial matters and group
business plan. The management is working and assisting to keep the outcome in best
quality for both the customers and the team. With the structured policies and conditions,
the Food Wheels team can make successful results as a corporate.

For the establishment of new company, a new kind of restaurant, a new format in
gastronomy, etc., the foundation and basic principles of management sciences apply.
These basics and principles come from are widely accepted in the managerial areas of,
organization, supply chain, inventory and management, marketing, human resource
management, and in particular, finance (Susan, 2020).

Among the decision variables of a control of risk in the hand a founder, of the founders
of a new company, there are so many ones from organization, supply chain, inventory
and management, marketing, human resource management and finance. At the
preparatory and initial stages of a new company, the following basic attitudes and strat-
egies are very much recommended:

(i) Collaboration both inside the company and with carefully selected other
companies, at every stage,
(ii) Use of synergy effects,
(iii) Cost minimization,
(iv) Sufficient degree of specialization and profiling,
(v) Building up and maintaining excellent relations to the customers,
(vi) Surveying of markets, societal and cultural trends, both locally, nationally and

In this company, the top management is the Owner or Manager. For each and every
category there are no different persons, for some supervisions, one person can fill more
roles. While committing into the part of cost minimization, the role of the owner is
expanding to many divisions. This would help the firm to get more stabilized with the
dedicated authorization. So, the role owner or manager is holding by one person with

several major functions and duties. The company is not planning to spend money in all
departments at the initial stage. The positions would be few and manageable. Giving
instructions for the staff, recruiting staff, daily operation planning, the owner can manage
all of these functions and it would be an advantage. In the case of book keeping, financial
analysis, tax payment and legal advising there could arise a need of specialized employee
(Myrick Richard, 2019).

Functions and duties of owner/manager are the following:

(i) Expanding Business Strategies for the Startup

Owner or manager would develop business strategies for the food truck keep
the track of sales, checking the customer feedbacks and to make the plans to
strengthen the problematic areas to boost it up.
(ii) Employee Oversight
Supervising the employees and managing their day-to-day activities with
proper instructions.
(iii) Boosting the Brand
The public relations of the company are very essential in the market. In order
to get more customers, the owner or manager will plan on promotions and
public relations. So working out the customers discount services, seasonal
promotions, post on social media, all the activities regarding brand boosting
the authorization is from the manager or owner.
(iv) Managing Accounts
The owner will decide about the day-to-day financial operations. For the
start-up the food truck owner would get point-to-point expenses regarding
menu pricing, budgeting of the day-to-day spending.
(v) Inventory Control on Food Trucks
The Owner/Manager can do coordination and monitoring of food
procurement, storage, distribution and documentation to ensure sufficient
quantities for current needs without undue supply or loss.

The staffs are coming under the Manager/Owner. For food wheels there are 2 staff in one

(i) Executive Chefs/Driver

Each food truck needs one staff that can do multitasking. The functions of each driver
would be to drive the truck and after parking the same person will do the job of chef as
well inside the kitchen of food truck.

(ii) Kitchen Helper

Kitchen helper will assist the executive chef with the preparation of food. The helper will
sanitize the kitchen, equipment that is used for food preparation. This staff will also take
care of the order from the customer and deliver it.

a) Accountant

For the pay roll, tax payments and book keeping, and all the accounts functions related
with the government will be the duty of the manager.

b) Legal Advisor

Legal advisor is the employee who is dealing with the permits and emergency legal

5. Market Analysis for the Food Truck

To launch a new start up a perfect business plan is essential. It is extremely important for
the business. The business plan is keeping the business in the perfect track during the first
stage of development. Through the proper business plan company can identify the issues,
market opportunities and weaknesses. To invest the money in the food truck market,
proper scientific research is necessary; it will enhance the scope of the business.

Here, the business plan of the intended new company, new restaurant or new format in
the gastronomy. It has to view all the respects of organization, supply chain, inventory
and management, marketing, human resource management and finance in their close
dependence with each other, and as dynamical processes in the course of time. As these
dynamical processes are yet unknown before and during the establishment of a new
company, new restaurant or new format in gastronomy, they can merely be estimated,
more or less well, and addressed in terms of expectation. In fact, those dynamical
processes are exposed to so many changes that are characterized by high uncertainties, in
terms of new developments regarding our awareness about health, our life expectancy,

life styles, cultures, civilizations, the process of globalization, the processes of climate
change, etc. Here is where a lot of risk enters into the decision making about all the basic
ideas, concepts and details of the novel company, restaurant or format in gastronomy. In
the case of the new concept of a food-truck with South Asian cuisine, the degree of
uncertainties is, such to say, multiplied even by the dualism given by the two regions of
the world: Poland and South India.

With respect to risk, the attitudes, positions and behaviour differ from person to person,
from company to company, from business plan to business plan and from concept to
concept. The younger people are involved, often with very little financial means or wide-
ly unknown in the branch or business world. This fact is particularly true in the case of
the concept of a food-truck based novel enterprise with South Indian specialties. For the
sake of protecting that new concept, any such a new company and, very importantly, the
young founders of such enterprises, they have to be very careful with respect to risk in
order not to destroy health, personal or family lives, existence in so many forms and at so
many stages which have to be protected.

The invention of the company is to deliver South Indian traditional food to the Polish
market powered by authentic cuisine, with best quality and high content of nutrients. As
per the research for this thesis none of the Indian restaurants in Poznan is delivering
South Indian traditional food. Due to the non-availability of South Indian traditional food
in the market the company Food Wheels can supply the best quality foods to the
customers. As per the survey most of the people love to eat Indian foods. There are no
proper marketing activities in the food market to boost Indian food sale. The news and
information from the media is helping the consumers to try and taste new varieties of
healthy food. This generation is more sensitive about their health and hygiene. Extreme
usage of preservatives in junk food and the consumption is forcing the people to say good
bye to the instant foods. Food Wheels Company is planning to focus on this
customer who is searching for the authentic healthy cuisine.

5.1. Food Trucks of the Company

At the beginning of 2008 financial crisis, most of the enterprising chefs like Roy Choi
(celebrity chef) started their business on the food trucks to set up a cheap cuisine and that
became so demanding. Now the food trucks are cultural staples in cities (Alex, 2014).

The new developments and the technologies caused a lot of changes in human
day-to-day life. As a part of that, the number of vehicles increased in the city area. The
congested traffic jams are creating issues in the city centers. The development of such
food trucks in this century reduced the spaces. These all are figuring out relocation. So as
per the current traffic condition my company is planning to use a smaller vehicle for food

Advantages by choosing smaller vehicle for food sale:

(i) Higher fuel efficiency

The smaller van has smaller engines, while this may not be powerful to pull a
trailer, these engines can give more economy and efficiency. For the city
runabouts this small vehicle is an advantage to save the fuel cost.
(ii) Easy Parking/Driving
It is very scary and difficult to drive a big, wide and tall vehicle in close area and
in the heavy traffic. In the busy streets or the parking areas these small vehicles
are easy to park even in the parallel parking spot that bigger vans cannot fit into.
(iii) Lower Cost
Smaller van is cheaper and very easy to maintain because of the small engines.
Apart from that simple mechanics upshots not much break downs or major
(iv) The license and permits are;
 Emission guidelines
 Proximity restrictions
 Parking permits
 Staff regulations

The company has to submit the documents for the health and safety to the Sanepid Poz-
nan (Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Poznań), and has to follow the
Regulation of European council (“EUR-Lex - 32004R0852 - PL.).

5.2. Design of Food Truck

When serving the food in a mobile kitchen the design of the food trucks matters a lot. The
genuine renaissance of the food truck came on late 2000s. The designs and styles of the
food trucks ought to attract customers a lot. They should catch the eyes of the people. By

a unique style the customers can feel more freshness. Hence having a big truck in the
market areas on the roads will create the issues on the road, market places and parking
spots. Regarding these issues the Food Wheels is renovating the small motorized vans for
the food selling. The interior and the equipment inside the food truck are different than
other normal food trucks.

Figure 5.2.1. Design of the company food truck.

Source: Own design.

5.3. Supply of Money

The base of a business is working with circulation of money. The money supply is the
entire stock of the currency and the other liquid things circulating in a company’s
economy at a particular time. The company’s money supply is included with the
company properties and the materialistic holdings which is helping our firm to work out
(JIM, 2019).

Being a startup, the company have a lot of functions with the money. The function of
money is playing a major role in each and every department in every business. To use the
money efficiently is the key function in the startup business. In the startup business, the
exceeding limit of finance is also a major reason for failure. Some of the reasons for the
failure of business are the following;

a) Lack of a Proper Business Model,

b) Low Market Demand,
c) Poor Money Management,
d) Bad Business location,
e) Poor Product,

The following figure is showing the reasons for start up fail and its percentage;

Figure.5.3.1.Reasons for Startup fails.

Source: Quick sprouts.

The Food Wheels Company is a startup which needs initial capital to start operations. Our
management have a clear forecast about the investment of money in Food Wheels. The
firm is fore-casting a great plan for the Food Wheels. The forecasting will not yield the

same result all the time, so the estimate amount will differ from the actual investment for
the business. The table shows initial investment required to open the business.

Legal 2000 PLN

Cost of food truck and Equipments 15000 PLN

Import Cost 2500 PLN

Grocery Shopping 2000 PLN

Parking and Permits 500 PLN

Advertising 1000 PLN

POS system 1000 PLN

Security System 2000 PLN

Insurance 3000 PLN

Miscellaneous 2000 PLN

Total 31000 PLN

Table 5.3.1. Expenses of the Company.

Source: Own Research
The above mentioned total cost is not the actual amount for the whole business, as per the
survey most of the business is failing due to running out of cash. The company has to
raise more money than the total cost.

The break-even analysis tool will help company for the financial calculation for finding
the number of services to cover the cost:

TR = Total Revenue

FC = Fixed Cost

TC = Total Cost

Figure 5.3.2. Break- Even Analysis.
Source: Quick sprouts.

A break-even analysis is a financial instrument that helps to assess at what point the
business will be profitable, or a new service or product. That is, it is a financial
calculation to decide the number of goods or services that a business can sell to cover its
costs (especially fixed costs). By continues operation of the business if the company is
able to achieve break even analysis even after six month of time period, it would be a
great success. The prediction of this time period is because of the low initial investment
in the company and low operational cost. The profit after break-even analysis can be
spending either for the future expenses or some other purposes that can elaborate the
company branches.

5.4. Production and Service Section
5.4.1. Production of Food

One of the most important functions of a food service company is food production. This
feature impacts directly on operating costs. The cooking team knows the quantities
expected for each day’s activity through a food production schedule. Production planning
is ensuring adequate staffing, early preparations, defrosted foods manufacturing process
flow, and many other functions (Virginia, 1970).

In Poznan, as per the research all the Indian restaurants are serving North Indian foods
and snacks. Indian foods are not only Chicken Tikka Masala and Butter Chicken.
Each and every state has its own cuisine in India. India is rich with wide varieties of
spicy, non-spicy, vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods. Each and every food has its
own nutrients and benefits. Indian foods evolved thousands of years ago. Traditional
Indian cooking style is always choosing fresh ingredients to make healthier food. An
Indian tradition meal contains fibre, carbohydrates, proteins and all the healthy
aspects to make a balanced meal (Sarkar, 2019).

1. Ingredient sourcing

Food Wheels is a food truck company which is producing the authentic South Indian
foods. For cooking the food usage of genuine spices is the identity of the food.
The genuine foods are guaranteed for the customers. There are no preservatives and
unhealthy contents in the food that which company is delivering. The authentic spices
and selected vegetables are going to be imported from India.

In the role of start up company the team cannot import a bulk quantity of raw materials
in the primary stage. The stage of import is in collaboration with other Indian restaurants
will give the company a lot of benefits, so the collaboration with the other Indian
restaurants would help the company to import the goods here in Poznan.

2. Collaboration effects:

At every stage of importing raw materials, this will create benefits for the company.
These are the few advantages:

(i) Lower prices

If the importing of raw materials for the company is in an individual way, it would be a
massive burden on the cash management. This would cause a problem in keeping all the
goods in one package. In this case, when the Indian restaurants are importing their goods
at the same time, Food Wheels company can also add the goods in packages as per the
needed quantity. This will minimize the cost and can add the goods as much needed with
lower price.

(ii) Opportunity to Import Ingredient

In the initial days of business, raw materials can be imported as per the sales figure of the

(iii) Other benefits

In the case of collaboration the food trucks will get the recommendations from Indian
restaurants for the local functions and operations.

Production line

After all, our production line will be as shown in Figure;

Importing of Raw materials

Raw Materi- from Poland
Collaboration + Collaboration
als from India

Ware house

Food truck
Collaboration Collaboration

Collaboration Collaboration

Figure 5.4.1. Production line of Food truck.

Source: Own Research.

5.4.2. Service of Food
The service in the food industry is an important part, so food service in business are the
major function involved, especially, service to the people who are eating away from
home. The reaching of the product to the customers is a vital part in the business. As in
accordance with the customer experience report a group of experts found that the
customers are rejecting the brand due to poor quality, untimely, unsatisfied customer
service from the firms (Restaurant Engine, 2020).

In all sections and functions, the Food Wheels are helping the people to get new
experiences on the service of food. Better services create more groups of customers. The
company functions and services include the following parts;

POS system (Point of Sale)

POS system is the technology that is using to calculate the amount that owed by the
customer and can prepare invoice for the customer, which is giving an option for the
customer to choose the payment (POS System, 2019).

The customer choose the food item or beverage and staff will select the chosen item
from the POS system and final step for the payment customer can pay by cash or card.
This process will register in the system and the financial authorities of government will
get up to date actual data of the sales as well.

Service from the Food Truck

For the service in the food truck, the foods are not pre-cooked, all the food items in the
food truck is in best quality and fresh. Thus, when the buyer is ordering the food and the
consumer is getting the order from the staff, then chef will start to cook the food and will
give it to the delivery department, this is how the procedure works. For the loyalty
customers and normal customers the service section works in two different ways.

Food service chart

The Food Wheels Company is going to service the food for buyers are shown in the chart
given below. According to the purchase of food from the food truck The Company has
divided customers in two types. The below chart is explaining how the service of the food
to the customer since placing the order with the food truck staff.



POS System

Loyalty Customers Normal Customers


Discounts, offers, Would they like to go with

Yes promotional meal or regular meals?
Promotions Loyalty

Updating the points
in the database
Would they like to have juice
or beverages?
Serving the food


Taking the order

and delivering Serving the food with water
the food

Figure Service chart of food truck.

Source: Own research.

 Delivery from the Food Truck

As per the survey, there are lot of people who like to order online and they like Indian
foods as well. These customers would like to eat at home. Food Wheels is delivering the
food online through the application with in 2 km radius. The customers who are within
2km radius can make the order from the online application of food wheels. Those
customers will get the delivery for free of charge.

 Tableware’s of Food Truck

The food trucks are not intending any dining in front the van. The service of the food is
take away. Food is ordered by a customer, received and taken home or any other place
rather than eaten in the same spot; this is the option for consumers.

For the take-away boxes and coffee cups, the company is looking for biodegradable
products to be a part of highly eco-friendly business philosophy. Through this initiative
the company can also attract a group of people who prefers to be a part of economic
development which is not exhausting for the natural resources (No Harm, 2016).

Figure Eco friendly glass. Figure Eco-friendly plate.

Source: Affinity. Source: Affinity.

6. Marketing activities on the market
In food truck industry, most of the food trucks failed due to inefficient marketing
activities. The major drawbacks for the food trucks are:

 No Social media Presence,

 Improper location,
 Lack of Customer loyalty programs,
 Higher Pricing,

To boost the brand, it has to show the presence in the market. So a dynamic and bouncy
level of marketing activities is needed in this area.

Food Wheels Company is delivering healthy fast food. In this century, all the fast food is
in the category of low nutritional value, the customers are consuming unhealthy meal.
They are aware of this fact. But the non-availability of healthy foods is dragging them to
consume the junk foods which are instantly available and, the poisonous food which
will affect the upcoming generation (Czarniecka-Skubina & Kowalczuk, 2015). Food
Wheels Company is planning to change the fast- food concept of customers by focusing
on best quality and taste of food by delivering healthy and hygienic South Indian
traditional food. This can be a contribution for healthy generation. The unique selling
proposition of the company is “Grab a bite to make a fit life”. Food Wheels will assure
about the quality of food from the company food trucks.

The pricing of the food also matters for the food eaters. Customers are spending more
money for the junk meals which has low nutritional value. So, if the food which is worth
for money and healthy, public will spend a good amount of money to get it and it is profit
for our company foods. Food Wheels want to serve the food items to the customer who
has lower and higher income. The pricing would be more affordable for the consumers
so, each and every customer can enjoy the food.

The price of basic meal from the company food truck Food Wheels is comparatively low,
as per the research and survey; people are ready to spend money for healthy foods.
Reducing the prices of healthy food is a good public strategy for health that become
implemented by good initiatives and with corporate collaborations (French, 2003).

In Figure 6.1, we have two average values obtained according to responses of questions:
14 and 15. Column 1 and 2 show the fair price for a regular meal in Indian food trucks
and Indian restaurants, respectively. Column 1 has value as 17.8461. This means that the
price for regular menu in Indian food trucks is supposed to be approximately 18 zl, and
for Indian restaurants, it can be 25 zl. Through these results, it can be said that food
trucks should be cheaper than restaurants and food trucks can run with reasonable prices
between 15-20 zl. Thus, food trucks can be very competitive for restaurants and attractive
for the customers.



1 2

Figure 6.1. pricing for restaurant and food truck.

Source: Survey Result.

Experiment with location

Another advantage the food truck can be highly manoeuvrable according to the demand
of sale. Strategically the food truck will change the location. On weekdays from the
morning onwards, the spot for the sale is in front of universities, office buildings etc.
Majority of the people would have skipped their food in the morning. For a healthy quick
snack they can choose the Food Wheels.

In Poznan there are a lot of festivals happening throughout the year. For that festivals lot
of people would join. Food trucks can locate to the festival areas to get more customers.

In Poznan some of the festivals are;
(i) Poznan Design Festival,
(ii) Tour Salon,
(iii) Poznan International Fair,
(iv) Beer & Food Festival,
(v) Retro Motor Show| Poznan International Fair,
(vi) Short Waves Festival,
(vii) Indian cultural Festivals,

From these festivals with offers and promotions the food tucks can attract the customers
(, 2020).

The Promotions and Advertising

The promotional strategies make company food trucks more social in market. The
strategies our company are as follows;

Product sample in the universities

According to the survey the people who loves Indian food is in the age category of 15-40.
So, to show up the samples in the universities can attract a large group of students. In
office buildings, also the company will provide a sample of South Indian traditional food.

Bottomless coffee cup

Bottomless cup of coffee for the coffee lovers is a great offer. This offer is giving
customer to drink unlimited coffee without seeing the bottom of cup and customer has to
pay for one time in one serving. From the company food trucks the customer can refill it.

Birthday meal

Birthday meal is the promotion strategy to attract the customers to celebrate the
memorable day with our food trucks. Celebrating his/her birthday on a week he/she will
get 20% discount on that day.


To reach the customers company are going to be used several advertising

methods. Realizing the contemporary innovations the proper medium of communication

will make a surge in the sale. In the world of technologies, people are more interested in
their smart devices. These smart devices are a part of public life. News, videos, images
and information: all the related data about anything it is from the social media and the
e-devices. By the contemporary life of a human these technologies have a vital part.
Thus, the company is mostly focusing on these mediums to communicate with the


The company employee will distribute the leaflets in the markets, town areas, near the
food truck location. The customer who is coming with the leaflet to the food truck will
get a 5% discount as well.


The food videos on the YouTube have millions of viewers. Many people love to watch
the ratings, taste, and the cooking style of food. Posting YouTube Vlogs via the vloggers
can influence the customers to try the food.

Hash tags on social Medias

Hash tags are the special keywords using to draw attention of the audience. Company is
also using the special hash tags to post contents on social media like Instagram, Fa-
cebook etc.

Display Advertising

Through this method the company is attracting the internet users to be a customer by their
often search on special online food delivery websites, social media search for food other
digital platforms related to food. The users will get the specific result and meanwhile they
can see the company popping advertisements on the related websites or digital platforms.

6.1. 4 P Marketing Mix diagram of the Company

The 4 Ps of marketing area are the important factors that are essential in the marketing of
a product or service. The 4 Ps are Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, and is known as
the marketing mix, the four Ps are mannered by external and internal factors in the
complete business, and they interconnected significantly with each other. The advertising
and marketing blend refers to the set of actions or process, that an organization uses to

promote its brand or product in the marketplace (Twin, 2019). Whilepositioning the
product in each category will give rise to the perfect response from the target market.
From the following figure the business plan can find out the openings and barriers.

Product Price
Ideal portion with fare price(Standard
burger with 210 gram)
Healthy and quality food
According to customer demand, fair price
Authentic spices and ingrediants with no for regular meal is 20zl
The attractive discounts are ''birthday meal
Easy cooking and Easy selling and leaflet discount''
Vegan, Vegeterian , Non Vegeterian foods Food on food truck-20 zloty (survey result)
and natural bevereges
Food in Indian restuarant-30 zloty (survey

Place Target Promotion

Mobile food delivery
During the festival , social events and
Ambulatory locations by the demand of sale National day celebrations the customers will
and events get the marketinhg messages.
Customers are not findind us, we are The customers is connected with leaflet,
finding customers social media, Google ads.

Figure 6.1.2 4P analysis for the food truck.

Source : Own research.

7. Survey Results
From the conducted survey, the results are showing the pros and cons for the start up
company here in Poland food service industry. The following shows the view of the
survey and the graphs are showing the various responses from the public about Indian

a) Recommending Indian food

Most of the people love Indian foods and they are ready to recommend to their friends
and family. 77.66% people are referring Indian foods to others. It demonstrates the taste
of Indian foods are much convenient for the people here in Poland. This will help the
company show up the real taste and quality of South Indian food to the buyers in polish
food market

Figure 7.1. Recommendation for Indian foods.

Source: Survey Result.

b) Worth for money

Here in the Figure 7.2 most of the votes from survey is YES with 64.89%. That shows the
majority of the public is believes Indian food is worth for money and they are satisfied
with the Indian food. The registered votes for NO is 13.83%, which is less when com-
pared to the group of people who chose option MAY BE 18.09%. Generally, the custom-
ers are buying Indian foods with the point that it is worth for money. The Food Wheels
comapny pricing will attract the customers.

Figure 7.2. Graph about Indian food is worth for money

Source: Survey Result

c) Hygiene and Quality

The hygiene and quality of the food matters in current food markets, the customers are
more concern about the hygiene and quality of the food that they are consuming. The
people opinion about the hygiene and quality of the food trucks is neutral from the survey.
It shows the cooking style is more transparent and the customers have the live experience.
There is a group of voters who have voted for STRONGLY DISAGREE. The Food
Wheels Company can ensure the hygiene and quality of the meals that is delivering from
food trucks.

Figure 7.3. Hygiene and quality graph. Source: Survey Result.

d) Taste difference in Indian food

The following Figure 7.1 shows that a clear majority of the people interviewed by the
questionnaire perceives Indian cuisine as different from their domestic or familiar
food. In fact, a very group of voters assesses with a degree of 7 or 8, and a still large
group even went for the highest score of degree 10 of difference.

Figure 7.4. difference in the taste of Indian food.

Source: Survey Result.

Scatter Plot Matrix

This basically shows whether there is a relation between selected variables and how
strong it is. Variables were arranged according to questions which might be related to
each other and illustrate some similar information about respondents. The question
numbers are: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,13 and 18. Moreover, this matrix provides understanding
structure of the dataset.

Matrix Plot
Survey Analysis 10v*95c










Figure 7.5. Scatter plot matrix of survey result.

Source: Own research

Herewith, our dataset has discrete variables and qualitative information. In fact
responses have generally accumulated around some certain values and had distribution
accordingly these values based on survey results.

8. Conclusion and Outlook
The thesis investigated a lot of facts which is good for the business model to implement
the South Indian traditional food in the Polish food service industry on a food truck. For
the data collection there were conducted questionnaires and surveys as well. To make a
business plan for the south Indian traditional food truck in Poznan, the demand of the
company were an essential part. The opinions collected from the polish natives, food
eaters and foreigners helped to find out the answer regarding the healthy and quality food
enterprise in Poznan.

As far as the survey results have brought lot of positive impact for the research topic,
implementation of South Indian traditional food on a food truck in the polish food service
industry. The research allowed collecting feedbacks for a new business plan with pros
and cons. In the case of good food and taste, I can assume that majority of the answers
from the survey were genuine. In the current food market the consumers cannot find the
healthy and quality food. The survey which was conducted and the questions asked in
them to find out the demand of healthy and quality food was concluded with a lot of
possibilities for our team. From the survey it is found out that 77.66% of the people
recommend Indian food to others. Even if half of the people try South Indian traditional
food from our food truck, it would make a higher profit. While forecasting these
outcomes from the public our company has a great business scope.

The product launch is based on the customer demand. This business idea came after the
experience of living in Poznan for more than two years. So the birth of this idea is from
the demand of customer. So the demand of our products is proved from the survey result.
The survey conducted among all nationalities and all the registered votes show the
demand of meals which providing nutrients and proteins. The public voting suggest that
majority of people have an idea that Indian food is healthy. As per the mentioned articles
and book have strong proof for that the south Indian traditional food have the healing and
healthy properties.

While considering the changes that people want, our business is recommending all the
aspects to the food market in Poznan, Meals which can consume with in low price, quick
service and worth for money. When the business is fulfilling the necessities of the
customers the percentage of success rate for the product would be high. The business plan
that I am proposing is with the basic demands of the customers in food market. In the

case of practical implementation of this work can open a wide opportunity to get a
profitable market.

Here in the business plan the company has the collaboration with other enterprise which
is delivering South Indian coconut oil all over the restaurants in Poznan. The
collaboration with the company Kerala Coco would bring up a chance of cost reduction
in the business plan. As per the benefits of coconut oil explained in Mr Alex’s thesis,
May be the people will begin to buy coconut oil and Indian foods which is cooked in
coconut oil. Eventually the market for the South Indian products will increase.

All over the world the health scale of the people is getting down. The body started to
react badly because of the artificial foods consumption. The situation is getting worst
among this generation because of the low nutritional food that they are consuming. The
long term eating of junk food with high amount of calories and low nutrition is the main
complication to make greater risk in the case of obesity, unhappiness, abdominal issues,
heart attacks, diabetes mellitus type 2 and lower life expectancy. Be in a part of this
generation the observation about the consuming products also made a thought about the
food truck idea with health contented South Indian foods in market. South Indian
traditional food includes vegetarian, vegan, low cholesterol and medically valuable foods.
In order to respond to the changes that is happening in the world of food market. I believe
the startup can help to make a great change against the junk food culture.


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