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Sebelum memulai pembelajaran, siswa mengisi asesmen diagnostik berikut:


Instruction: Read the text and answer the questions with your own words. Do not worry so
much about your grammar.

My name is Jack Ortiz. But please call me Jack or Carlitos. Carlitos is a Spanish name which means
that Masculine in English. I was born in Texas on 31 October 1998. I am 18 years old. I live in Austin
No. 40 Round Rock, Texas. I live with my parents. I am single and I am a student. I study at The
University of Texas. I have taken a Business as my majoring. Because business is my passion and I
can prove to the world that I’ve chosen the right choice. I will be an entrepreneur in the future. I will
have my own business and my own office with a thousand employees. I am a Catholic. My blood
code is O. I like playing the guitar and listening to music. I play and practice the guitar every night
before I go to sleep. In my opinion, the man with the guitar is the coolest art in a single picture. I like
playing and listening to blues music because it makes me relax and peaceful. You will do agree with
me if you like blues music. I am inspired by Slash, he is one of my favorite guitarists.

I would like to tell my family. My father is Antonio Ortiz. He is Mexican and he is 57 years old. His
job is a mechanic. My mother is Grace Helena. She is American and she is 52 years old. She is a
housewife. I have no brother but I have a sister. She is Samantha Ortiz. She is 28 years old. She has
married and she has a son. I am the last child in my family.

I think that’s enough. Thanks for your time and your attention. It’s nice to see you. Good Morning.

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the purpose of the text?

3. According to the text, who is the guitarist that inspired him?

4. The word He in paragraph 2 line 1 refers to …

5. Why he takes business as his majoring in the University of Texas?


Untuk mengetahu kesiapan dan kondisi psikologis siswa mengikuti pemebelajaran daring,
dilaksanakan asesmen nonkognitif sebelum program pembelajran

1. Sarana Penunjang Belajar

Instruksi: Berilah tanda √ pada kolom YA/TIDAK sesuai keadaan di rumahmu.


Memiliki HP

Terdapat jaringan internet baik

Ada pendamping belajar

Ada buku penunjang belajar

2. Psikologis Siswa
Instruksi : Berilah tanda √ pada kolom sesuai dengan perasaanmu.


Memiliki waktu cukup untuk belajar

Perasaan belajar dari rumah

Perasaan tidak bersama teman-teman

Perasaan tidak belajar langsung dengan guru

Perasaan belajar Bahasa Inggris


Untuk mengetahu pemahaman siswa tentang materi yang sedang dipelajari, siswa mengisi
form berikut secara online yang hasilnya bisa langsung dianalisis

Diberikan sebuah teks, siswa mengisi form untuk mengetahui pemahaman siswa tentang
teks tersebut

Write things that you learn from the text
1. ……
Write 3 things that you learn from the text 2. ……

3. ……

1. ……
Write 2 things that interest you from the text 2. ……

1. ……
Write 1 thing that I still don’t understand from the


Asesmen sumatif menggunakan Google Form melalui link di bawah ini.

I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Fatya Kartika.

My nick name is Fatya.

I am 10 years old. I am a student.

I am from Bogor

1. The girl is ...

A. Drawing

B. studying

C. listening

D. introducing

2. The girl name is ...

A. Fatya

B. Kartika

C. Kartika Fatya

D. Fatya kartika

3. The girl's nick name is ...

A. Fatya

B. Kartika

C. Tika

D. Tya

4. Fatya is ... years old.

A. seven

B. eight

C. nine

D. ten

5. Fatya is a ...

A. teacher

B. student

C. doctor

D. nurse

Pengayaan dan Remedial

1. Pengayaan
Siswa dapat membuat teks dialog perkenalan diri dengan bahasanya sendiri dan
diunggah di LMS
2. Remedial
Siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam mencapai KKM dijadwalkan untuk melaksanakan
kelas tatap muka terbatas.

Refleksi Peserta Didik dan Guru

Link Refleksi pembelajaran Siswa :
Can you write a letter?
Do you know how to describe yourself?
Can you write or talk about your self?

What went well


What went wrong


What I wish I had done instead


Introducing Oneself and other

Introducing self adalah memperkenalkan diri kita dalam bahasa Inggris kepada orang lain
dengan menggunakan kalimat dan ungkapan yang benar sehingga orang lain dapat mengenal
diri kita secara lebih dekat dan lebih baik dari sebelumnnya.

Sementara, introducing other adalah memperkenalkan orang lain (teman, sahabat, rekan
kerja, kolega, ayah, ibu, dan yang lainnya) dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan
kalimat dan ungkapan yang benar sehingga baik yang kita perkenalkan maupun orang yang
mendengarnya dapat mengetahui gambaran seperti apa sebenarnya orang yang kita
perkenalkan tersebut.

Contoh Expressions of Introducing Oneself and others

Introducing Oneself
 My name is Ira.
 Hi, I am Ira.
 Hello, my name is Ira.
 My full name is Sarah Akira.
 My nick name is Ira.
 Good evening. My name is Ira.
 How do you do? My name is Ira.
 May I introduce myself? My name is Ira.
 Let me introduce myself. My name is Ira.
 First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ira.
 Hi, Ira. I am Tania, nice to meet you.
 Hello, My name is Tania. Glad to meet you.
 Good evening. I am Tania, How do you do?
 How do you do? My name is Tania. Pleased to meet you.
Introducing Others
 Do you know Ahmad?
 Have you met Ahmad?
 He is my friend, Ahmad.
 Alif, this is Ahmad, my friend.
 May I introduce my friend, Ahmad.
 Let me introduce you to Ahmad our new friend.
 Please allow me to introduce our new friend.

 Mr. Alif. this is Mr. Ahmad from Palembang.
 No, I haven’t.
 No, I don’t think so.
 Hi, glad to meet you. I am Alif.
 Hello, Ahmad. Nice to meet you.
 It is great to see you.
 I am pleased to know you
 How do you do?
 How do you do? It is very glad to meet you.

Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris untuk latihan
Faruq : Good morning. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Faruq.

Roy : Good morning. My name is Roy. Pleased to meet you.

Faruq : Pleased to meet you too. We are in the same project, right?

Roy : Yeah, right. I hope it will be great. Anyway I am from Kediri, East Java. And

Faruq : Oh I see, I hope too. I am from Jakarta.

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