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Organization Behavior

Term 2 Supplementary coursework

Submitted by –Ashish kumar verma

Pg No. – IGSM/2020/0715

Research on genetic influences on personality suggests that more than half of the
variation in personality is due to nurture - to life experiences. What life experiences
could make someone more conscientious? More agreeable? More neurotic? More
extraverted? More open to new experiences?

Ans- First of all lets know what personality means Sum of total ways in which an
individual reacts and interacts with its surroundings and others. Stable set of striking
characteristics, responsible for person’s identity. Stable set of striking characteristics,
responsible for person’s identity.

The Big Five Model, also known as the Five-Factor Model, is the most widely accepted
personality theory held by psychologists today. According to the theory, personality may
be broken down to five main characteristics, abbreviated as CANOE or OCEAN:
1. Extraversion
2. Agreeableness
3. Conscientiousness
4. Emotional stability
5. Openness to experience

After doing some research I got to know that the personality is influenced significantly by
both genes and the environment, with an estimated heritability of 50%. And how the
person has been nurtured, these big five remain relatively stable throughout most of one’s

1. Extraversion - Extraversion has an interpersonal component and is strongly

related to positive affect such as being enthusiastic, energetic, interested and
• Extraverts show less anxiety over negative feedback.
• It has long been noted that Extraversion is associated with leadership
• Ask an extravert what he or she values in life, and the answer will often be
cheerfulness and an exciting life.
• They interacted with more people than did those low in extraversion; they also
reported having more control and intimacy in those interactions.

Now talking about the life experiences which makes someone extraverts are-

 A person is more likely to be extroverted if his parents give him a safe and stable
living condition where he is allowed to express himself free
 Also someone having a sibling to whom they can be freely talked to also make
them extraverts.
 If a person is having a good life with all his basic needs are being fulfilled than he
is more likely to be an extraverts.
 Having a good friend circle also makes a person extravert as he will open up more
and share about his thought and will be more cheerful.

2. Agreeableness- Someone who has a tendency to be compassionate and

cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others.
 Agreeableness, which is sometimes instead called Social Adaptability or
Likability, indicates a friendly, compliant personality, one who avoids hostility
and tends to go along with others.
 The agreeableness scale is linked to altruism, nurturance, caring and emotional
support versus competitiveness, hostility, indifference, self-centeredness,
spitefulness and jealousy.
 Agreeable people can be described as altruistic, gentle, kind, sympathetic,
softhearted and warm.
 They value being helpful, forgiving, and loving.
 They report little conflict in their interpersonal relationships, when conflict
occurs, it reduces their self-esteem.

Now talking about the life experiences which makes someone Agreeable are-

 Having someone to love also makes the person more agreeable. For example if a
person has a dog who he/she really loves then the person will be more agreeable.
 Someone who has been loved and taught how to behave from starting by parents
are tend to be more agreeable
 A person is more likely to be Agreeable if he/she had a happy childhood.
3. Conscientiousness- conscientiousness is the personality trait of a person who
shows an awareness of the impact that their own behavior has on those around
them. Conscientious people are generally more goal-oriented in their motives,
ambitious in their academic efforts and at work, and feel more comfortable when
they are well-prepared and organized.
 Conscientiousness, also called Dependability, Impulse Control, and Will
to Achieve
 Conscientiousness is a measure of goal-directed behavior and amount of
control over impulses.
 Conscientious people value cleanliness and ambitiousness
 It has been linked to educational achievement and particularly to the will
to achieve.
 The focused person concentrates on a limited number of goals but strives
hard to reach them, while the flexible person is more impulsive and easier
to persuade from one task to another.

Now talking about the life experiences which makes someone Conscientious are-

 Children whose parents were affectionate towards them tended to be

 Someone who has been given some responsibility tends to be more Conscientious.
 Person who has lived in mainly urban area with clean and safe environment are
more Conscientious.

4. Open to new experiences- It is a measure of depth, breadth and variability in a

person's imagination and urge for experiences.
 The factor relates to intellect, openness to new ideas, cultural interests,
educational aptitude and creativity as well as an interest in varied sensory
and cognitive experiences.
 People with a high openness to experience have broad interests, are
liberal and like novelty. The preservers with low openness to experience
are conventional, conservative and prefer familiarity.
 The factor Openness to experience is perhaps the most difficult to
describe, since it doesn’t correspond to everyday language as well as the
other factors.
 They seek out new, unconventional and unfamiliar experiences, travelling
to new destinations, embracing different cultures and practices.

Now talking about the life experiences which makes someone Openness to
experience are-

 A person who parents are traveling moving one place to another because of job or
any reason are tend to be more Openness to experience.
 A person who has close friends with whom he/she can share the thoughts that
person is more likely to be Openness to experience.
 Someone who gets respected in the society also tends to be more Open to
 If a person has been nurtured in open environment and with freedom to do what
is best for him/her then the person is more likely to be Open to experiences.

5. Neuroticism - Neuroticism describes people who frequently are troubled by

negative emotions such as worry and insecurity.
 Emotionally, they are labile (readily aroused) instead of stable, like their
low-scoring peers; thus, the factor, turning attention to its opposite pole—
low Neuroticism—has also been called Emotional Stability, Emotional
Control, and Ego Strength
 Lower scores on neuroticism also are associated with fewer health
complaints, are happier and more satisfied with life than those who score
high, and they are more satisfied with their marriage.
 It is associated with negative emotionality, such as feeling anxious,
nervous, sad, and tense.

Now talking about the life experiences which makes someone Neurotic are-

 A person is likely to be neurotic if he/she has been brought up in an unstable and

abusive environment.
 If the person did not had childhood where his basic needs were not fulfilled then
he is likely to be more neurotic.
 If the person does not get a chance to share his thoughts then he is tends to be

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