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Instructions Part 1

Start your timer After you make sure you have all the right materials. And
have read this page.

Decipher The Latitude, Longitude, and Elevation using the enclosed materials.
You should have:

1. A section of the GPS Manual found in a compartment in the cab of the

2. A Latitude square that is printed on both sides. If you have printed the
two different sheets, they need to be glued together according to the
instruction on the ‘Setup” page
3. An excerpt of an Elevation table manual
4. Longitude Deciphering key
5. A computer to enter your GPS coordinates at the following link or using
the QR code below

Good Luck! You will need to get your coordinates quickly so that you do not die
of hypothermia in the bitter cold.
Part 1, Latitude Side 1
Part 1, Latitude Square, Side 2
Part 1, GPS Manual Fragment
Instructions Part 2

Decipher The Door code to the Arctic research center. To accomplish this task
you should have the following:

1. A picture of the door key pad

2. Page with colored wheel and clues
3. A computer to enter the Door code at the following link or the QR Code

Good Luck. If you don’t get into the Arctic Research center, Dr. Lee’s amazing
work will be lost forever.
Part 2, Door Key Pad
Instructions Part 3

Decipher The correct computer password using multiple clues. To do this you
will need:

1. Clues from a picture of Dr. Lee’s Office

2. Clues from a periodic table
3. notes left behind by Dr. Sneed.
4. Crossword Puzzle left By Dr. Sneed
5. A 3x5 card left by dr. sneed
6. Check to see if this password is correct using the following link or the QR
code below
Part 3, 3 x 5 Card from Dr. Sneed
Instructions Part 4

Reorder the correct Codon sequence of the Wooly Mammoth DNA. To do this you
will need:

1. Genetic Sequence Picture

2. Codon strips and clues
3. Check to see if the sequence is correct using the following link or the QR
code below
Part 4, Codon Strips

I am impressed if you made it this far. However, I doubt your intellect can undue my superior job of
scrambling the codons you have worked so hard to discover. Only I know the correct seqwence. I enjoy
this game I have put you threw and the thought of your misery of defeet. To make it more enjoyible (for
me), I have left you some clues to frustrate your mind to the vary end. You’ll never be able to rearrange
which 7 groups of three will lead you back to the write codon sequence. Enjoy my puzzles in order

Puzzle 1

1) 12 Blue Friends

2) Adam ate 18 Oranges

3) I impaled two Brown balls

4) Harry has 15 Blue and silver hats

5) Larry’s 17 yellow and black yak

6) 20 pink mice

7) 10 white and blue towels

Red F 1

Yellow E 2

White/Blue S 19

Blue/Silver J 6

Black/Yellow G 13

Orange 4 21 β

Red/Brown N 15 ±
Green/Purple L 7 €

Grey/White O 20

Brown D 3 ∑

Blue C 8 µ

Black R 18

Red/Purple M 16

Pink/Purple I 4

Silver H 9

Orange/Gold K 17

Pink P 14 α

Gold A 5

Gold/Silver T 11 Ω

Green Q 12

Purple B 10
Ω α µ ∑ € ± β

7 6 1 3 5 4 2

Puzzle 2

To celibrate my victory, I went to a caseeno. The sign at the entrance said, ‘The first shall be last and the
last shall be first.’ I spent 6 of my tokens and lost half of my loot. I tried to play craps three times and
kept winning with the oppisite side of the dice. I played four slot machines buy myself but wished for
someone else to be the oddest prime. At five o’clock I bought moore tokens and asked the casheer how
5 𝑥𝑥 23
many one more than paper Lincoln wood buy. She handed me two tokens and a receept that read:




3) ∑





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