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 The first piano was invented in 1709 by an Italian harpsichord maker

Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori.
 The piano was first called gravicembalo col piano e forte, which
roughly translates to “soft and loud keyboard instrument.”
 According to many studies, learning piano may enhance a child's
language building skills and overall academic achievement.
 Piano is technically a stringed instrument, played percussively.
However, unlike, say, a violin, the piano is played percussively with little
hammers hitting its strings to produce sound.
 Priced at 1.36 million dollars, the galaxy piano is among the world’s
most expensive pianos boasting a body made completely of 24-carat gold.
 Pianos are more likely to stay in in tune when they are not in overly
damp or overly dry environments.
 At 19 ft long, the Alexander Piano is one of the world's largest pianos.
It was built by New Zealand piano-maker Adrian Mann, who was only 15
years old when he began building it.
 Elephants respond to music just like human do. Acclaimed pianist and
teacher Paul Barton discovered this after having spent 20 years working
with Elephants World to rehabilitate elephants.
 You can visit the earliest surviving piano at the Metropolitan Museum
of Art in New York.
 Back in 2015, Steinway unveiled the “Fibonacci,” a piano whose
spiral patterns were inspired by the spirals generated from the
mathematical Fibonacci sequence, nature’s “golden ratio.”

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