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Instruments of the Classical Period

Classical clarinet
The clarinet is an instrument composed of a single-reed moutpiece and a straight cylindrical tube. The
clariunet is believed to have been invented in Germany by Johann Cristoph Denner around the year
1700 by modifying the chalumeau

The violin is a four-string wooden wind instrument that has a hollow wooden body that is played by
drawing a bow across its strings. The violin was first known in Italy and has since been distributed
across the globe and is known as one of the most popular instruments.

The pianoforte is a keyboard instrument originating in Italy. The pianoforte, is an archaic Italian term
for piano which refers to the instrument's early 1700's versions. Sound is produced when strings are
struck by wooden hammers which are connected to a row of keys. When a pianist presses down on a
key, it strikes the strings creating sound.

The buccin is a trombone that was made to resemble the head of a snake opening it's mouth. It was an
instrument that was popular in military bands in France during the first half of the 19th century. It is an
instrument that has faded into obscurity and has only little surviving music left

Basset horn
The basset horn is a musical instrument of the same family as the clarinet. Unlike the clarinet, it is
pitched a fourth lower and is larger in size. The instrument also features a bend between the
mouthpiece and the upper join.

The chalumeau is a medieval single-reed woodwind instrument that precedes the clarinet. Chalumeau's
are cylindrical in shape and has eight tone holes with a broad mouthpiece. Chalumeau's became
fashionable in urban society, inspiring Johann Christoph Denner of Nurnberg to add an extra finger
hole and two keys to create the chalumeau's successor--the clarinet.

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