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First Portafolio

When I was a child, I used to procrastinate all my obligation, because I didn’t

like to do my homework and I spent all my time playing videogames. I waited

until the last time to do my obligation, so I didn’t do a good job. I remember,

When I was in the school, I had to present a project about the Incas. Even

though I put off my job and I did not do that project. I was not glad to have put

off my job.

In the past, When I put off my obligation I felt to much stress because I did all

my homework in the last moment. Therefore I couldn´t finish my homework.

However, When I entered to the university. I changed my habits. I made my

own schedule, I reduced my sleeping time and I began to do exercise. My

performance at the university improved, so I was happy to have improved at the


To change your habits and avoid procrastination, I think We need motivation,

You should make yourself these questions: What do you want to do? What is

your purpose?, Are you going to be persevering?

Beginning a new project, in this case, avoid your bad habit, is always difficult.

But the secret is to begin. You can have too many ideas about How you are

going to change, but If you don’t start, Your ideas are going to be only that

“ideas”. It is not going to be easy but You are going to be happy with the

There are many books that You can read to avoid procrastination. One of the

most famous books on this topic is called “Las 21 Leyes Irrefutables del

Liderazgo”, It was written by Stephen R. Covey. The book has helped a lot of

people around the World. I read the book 2 years ago and I enjoyed it.

There are many ways to avoid this bad habit. We decide to change this habit

every day.

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