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Review Questions

1. How were illustrations used in Medieval texts? - These illustrations added another

layer of meaning as well by illustrating the details of the text.

2. What advance in printing was Roger Fenton responsible for and how did he

accomplish it? By using photojournalism through sharing news with photographs.

3. What is the difference between advertising and branding? – Advertising is the

releasing a trailer of a product to catch the attention of the consumers. On the other

hand, branding is a recognition by a product’s logo or symbol.

4. What was the message in Andy Warhol’s art? - Andy Warhol wanted people to think

about the relationship between art and its.

5. Why is street art often illegal? - Graffiti is a form of vandalism. It is an invasion of

private property which is a crime or theft.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. What kind of illustrations do you think were made once printing presses could create

images? - Newspapers, textbooks, pamphlets, textbooks

2. What do you think makes advertising effective?- By the quality of the product and its

impact to do consumer. Describe an example of an advertisement you think is

particularly well done. – One of the most successful products in Vietnam is “Hao

Hao”. It is an instant noodle soup which blends to the taste of local people and

3. Why is branding an important part of a successful franchise? – Because branding is

the key to make a successful franchise by branding a product according to the needs

of the consumer.

4. How does it help a product to put a picture of it on a t-shirt?- It makes product more

familiar and attention grabber to the consumers.

5. Were the posters that encouraged women to work during World War II an example

of propaganda? What bias is present in that message? - The posters that were

encouraged women to work during World War II an example of propaganda. The bias

present in the message is want to say that only women can it.

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