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First Order Amount Requirement Per Coin @ Max 3 Margin Calls Only change the value in the YELLOW box!

Total USDT Per Coin @ Max Trading Fund (Spot Wallet) 400
First Order Amount 3 Calls
(USDT) Wallet 80% (Sync Strategy -Hands-Free) 320
(Available in Spot Wallet) Management 20% (Contingency Fund) 80
$10 120 1 320 / 120 2.7

$20 240 2 320 / 240 1.3

$30 360 3 320 / 360 0.9

$40 480 4 320 / 480 0.7

$50 600 5 320 / 600 0.5

$60 720 6 320 / 720 0.4

$70 840 7 320 / 840 0.4

$80 960 8 320 / 960 0.3

$90 1080 9 320 / 1080 0.3

$100 1200 10 320 / 1200 0.3

$150 1800 11 320 / 1800 0.2

$200 2400 12 320 / 2400 0.1

$300 3600 13 320 / 3600 0.1

$400 4800 14 320 / 4800 0.1

$500 6000 15 320 / 6000 0.1

$600 7200 16 320 / 7200 0.0

$700 8400 17 320 / 8400 0.0

$800 9600 18 320 / 9600 0.0

$900 10800 19 320 / 10800 0.0

$1,000 12000 20 320 / 12000 0.0

Designed By: Dr. John David (JDWINNER Sync Strategy) - Version: 15 Jul 2021

1. Focus on lesser coins, while maximizing the first order amount for greater profit realization.
2. Hold the 20% reserved fund for contingency manual replenishment once max 3 margin calls are hit, when market
is declining aggresively.

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