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Motivasi untuk menyertai Fellowship

Menjadi jelas mengenai tujuan anda bergabung dalam Teach For Malaysia Fellowship

adalah mustahak untuk kejayaan anda sebagai Fellow. Adakah anda berkomitmen

untuk bekerjasama dengan kami dalam mewujudkan impak dalam pendidikan?

Tulis kira-kira 80 hingga 120 perkataan untuk setiap pertanyaan (Jangan cuba

mengemukakan permohonan anda jika anda telah melampaui batas kata. Ini boleh

mengakibatkan kesalahan teknikal di mana permohonan anda mungkin tidak muncul

di sistem kami)

a. Apa pemahaman anda tentang Fellowship Teach For Malaysia? Apakah misi kami

dan bagaimana anda dapat menghubungkannya secara peribadi?

Fellowship Teach for Malaysia was founded in 2010 in partnership with

Malaysia's Ministry of Education, a charity that mobilizes the most outstanding young

people. The group will provide teaching programs in high-need classrooms for two

years and is committed to dramatically enhancing the success of children of low

socioeconomic backgrounds. In line with this organization's commitment to overcome

educational equity disparities, it gives me the ability to gain expertise in educating the

country. As you already know, I am a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) student majoring in

History. Students like me are not considered to be absorbed as teachers because my

learning is not from learning at school, but the syllabus is the same.

b. Mengapa anda memohon untuk menyertai Fellowship Teach For Malaysia? Sila

jelaskan secara terperinci.

My objective is apply to join the Teach For Malaysia Fellowship because I

would like to find school teaching experience. In line with the intent of this

organisation, I am a Bachelor of Arts student on the topic of equity disparity in

education, where the courses I study are appropriate for educational students. There is

a small distinction after graduation, though, as I will not be invited to teach the course

I learn at another school is the same as college. Various such entities may increase

employment opportunities for students like me to teach in college. I know now that

seeking a compilation job is really difficult. So I will give this initiative the chance to

give my full commitment.

c. Fellowship akan sangat intensif dan sangat mencabar. Terangkan mengapa atau

bagaimana program ini menarik bagi anda.

To other partners, in accordance with this organization's mission and vision

for social change. This program is therefore very interesting to me because I am able

to think critically and manage as well as self-maturity and high dedication. I

understand that with full dedication, courage, creativity and rather low self-esteem,

this very intensive and challenging program can achieve high goals. Furthermore,

what interests me is that this program can strengthen students and the community and

work to get the final word in solving problems together with different parties.

d. Pergerakan aktif Alumni Teach For Malaysia yang komited sangat penting untuk

mencapai visi kami. Sebagai alumni / alumna masa depan setelah menyelesaikan

Fellowship, sila jelaskan secara terperinci bagaimana anda melihat diri anda

berperanan dalam mencapai visi.

To achieve the organization's vision, the dynamic movement of dedicated Teach For

Malaysia alumni is critical.This is in line with the strengths offered, such as the ability

to think objectively, leadership qualities, self-maturity and high determination. This

will allow me to develop my emotional intelligence to some degree, strengthen my

leadership skills with diverse partners, presentation skills for formal or casual events,

and communication skills with individuals from different walks of life. The sort of

hard work, dedication, innovation and civic knowledge of this problem is shown by

Teach For Malaysia Fellows, thereby driving me to further improve the marketability

of seeking work in different educational fields.

Pengalaman Kepimpinan

Anda perlu menunjukkan kepemimpinan diri dan dapat mempengaruhi orang lain

secara positif agar dapat memberi kesan di dalam dan di luar kelas semasa

Fellowship. Dalam soalan ini, kami ingin anda memikirkan masa ketika anda

"berusaha lebih jauh" untuk memastikan kejayaan bagi diri sendiri, pasukan, atau

tempat kerja.

Tulis kira-kira 120 hingga 150 perkataan bagi setiap soalan.

a. Apa yang anda anggap sebagai pengalaman kepemimpinan anda yang paling ketara

(dalam 2 tahun terakhir)? Terangkan secara terperinci bagaimana anda menunjukkan

kemampuan kepimpinan anda melalui peranan ini. Anda boleh menerangkan

pengalaman yang disenaraikan di bahagian kerja atau ekstrakurikular anda atau

menyerlahkan contoh baru.

Among my leadership interactions, I was interested in the 2018/2019

academic session of the USM Sustainable Student Program Counselor (PPSL) session

for the admission of new students. PPSL is the front line that will work with new

students to be admitted to ensure that they can adapt to the campus atmosphere and

also think about the difficulties well and wisely. This PPSL leadership camp is

dedicated to physically and mentally training participants to affirm their personalities

in the face of the entry difficulties of new students. In addition, in a motivational

initiative for schools under an organization specializing in Universiti Sains Malaysia,

I became a facilitator. The purpose of this program is to assist university-level

students in additional studies through the use of various programs such as form six,

university-level registration and diploma base. Besides, I also engage in an

organisation that wants schools to come to Universiti Sains Malaysia.

b. Terangkan secara terperinci, bagaimana anda menganggap pengalaman

kepemimpinan yang dijelaskan dalam jawapan anda di atas akan menyumbang kepada

kejayaan anda sebagai Fellow?

The task of implementing the Student Leaders program is based on concept of

'Ensuring Tomorrow's Sustainability' based on several key student model
development thrusts, generating feelings of love for the university, love for the nation,
patriotic and respect for the nation, resilience, instilling sustainability, improving soft
skills, sowing spiritual qualities and improving intellectual ability.Participants will
therefore undergo a number of activities that are capable of improving leadership and
teamwork, learning through experience, strengthening inter-racial relationships, and
understanding the sustainability conceptIt is therefore clear that it is based on modules
designed to educate learners to be more courageous, stronger physically and mentally,
and more competitive. Furthermore, my involvement in school student associations
also makes me more skilled in the management of a program and sharpens or builds
leadership. For instance, to some extent, the scope of tasks given while conducting
programs involving students has enhanced my ability to speak in public.

Cabaran Peribadi

Semasa Fellowship, anda akan menghadapi banyak cabaran. Dalam soalan ini, kami

ingin anda memikirkan masa ketika anda mengalami situasi yang paling mencabar

pada masa lalu anda.

Tulis kira-kira 120 hingga 150 perkataan bagi setiap soalan.

a. Huraikan secara terperinci situasi yang paling sukar / mencabar yang anda hadapi.

Mengapa sukar? Terangkan juga bagaimana anda bertindak balas atau bertindak balas

terhadap situasi dan pelajaran yang diambil.

When studying online when the world was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, I

experienced the most difficult situation. Ever since I was in my final year, this has

prevented me from looking for reference sources to produce documentary studies. In

addition, my house is located in a remote area where internet access is difficult to

obtain. When each class is held online using the Webex application, this is even more

difficult. So I took the initiative to stay in a hostel by applying. I can access different
resources in the library when I return to USM. I understand many complain that their

CGPA grades have been impacted by online learning. However, to enhance my

CGPA grade pointer this semester, I make this issue a challenge and incendiary. I

believe that the work given by the lecturer will go smoothly if we do the work


b. Adakah anda fikir cabaran yang anda hadapi di atas akan membantu anda semasa

Fellowship? Sila jelaskan alasannya secara terperinci.

I assume that while being a Fellowship, the struggles I face will assist me. In

order to create a decent essay, for example, a final year student like me desperately

needs a lot of primary source. The use of authoritative tools is very useful in this

writing, such as primary and secondary sources. I took the opportunity to return to

campus at a crucial time when a movement management order was declared for all

nations. I did not want to delay the work given, even if the lecturer extended the

delivery date. By receiving cross-state approval, I took the initiative and returned to

campus to complete the assigned task. I managed, thus, to complete the assigned task

on time. Since primary school, I have nurtured this mentality. I am very committed to

the fulfillment of a given assignment.

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