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green building objective

A truly sustainable built ernirunment re-,nIcgratc’ humanay into nature. In a natural system there is no
such thing as asie and each indi iduals waste pni UCIs beiainic Inputs for someone else. Ii is possible
fo humamtv to once again become part of these natural cyclical systems.
lluildingc that take their cue from nature and their surroundings can support. strengthen and improve
the functioning of natural systems while also inipnn’Ing their own functionality.


Structures and infrastructure tend to disturb the natural environment and ecosystems significantly.
Topsoil. vegetation. water cycles, animal behavior arid hio4iheri.ry in general arc iinpaieil on by the
built environment. All of these systems arc necessary for the healthy functioning of the planetary
systems iluii are ncded for our survival.


Ituilding materials util’c natural resources. Obtaining these materials requires limber harvesting.
eultisution. mining and quarrying. Mans of these sell’. ities arc currenils degruding the cnmronmcnt.
Once obtained, these materials need to he processed, manufactured and transported. Using local
materials as far as possible is an easy way 10 he greener.
It is therefore unperatise to specify the most sustainable building materials posadsie and to use them
an the must eflkient was.


It is estimated that around 4tru of the energy used on the planet is by buildings. Ity far the majority of
energy is generated using nc’n-reticwablc sources such as coal, gas and LIII. fleing non-renew able.
these resources will get depicted and. as ihes become scarcer, become more espensive and more
diffleult to etmucl, The process of converting these fossil l’uels inb cnergs an most eases produces
greenhouse gases IGHGs) which contribute to global wanning
hnergv efficient buildings contribute significantly to lowering humanity’s overall energy
requirements. which in turn reduces the building sectors carbon footprint.

Watere efficiency
Fresh waler is increasingly being recognized as a scarce resource and water systems ale becoming
inercusingly pollutoi. It is eslituated that buildings eunsutec 4(r. of all fresh waler that is used. This
water is used for dnnktng. cooking. imitation. ckanmg and for the industrial proces that take place in
many buildings. Appropnate water harvesting. recycling and conservation can make a significant
impact in preserving this most precious commodity.
Buildings generate an ongoing amount of waste during their lifetunes and in their eventual
rleeonstnwtion, this waste can he liquid. solid or gas and places a burden on the ens imnment hccatise
it can’t be aatly and healthily disposed of. Recycling is one of the best ways of managing waste. Not
only can the continuous wass generated by the building be recycled but the actual building itself is
able to be recycled when no longer required. In efl’cctis e recycling waste from one hinctaun heroines
a resource for another. The careful management ofeotisumption. elecr design and appropriate intiterial
choice can significantly reduce waste output


Buildings have a profound effect on their occupants and users influencing and shaping the way in
which we live, learn. woik, play, contemplate and relax. The design, resolution and ongoing condition
oh’ buildings can either improve or detrimentally impact on the wellbeing of the occupants. A built
ens in,mm,nt tInt protilotes human dignity. safety. secunty. hygiene. cats’ of use and sound
comnwnirs values will promote wellbeing on an mdi’. idual and collective level. Well adjusted.
balanced and cared about people and societies arc sustainable. Dyafundiona ones are not.


Buildings have a protøund etlxi on their occupants and users influencing ad shaping the way in which
we use, learn. work, play. coniemplaic and relax, The design. resolution and ongoing condition of
buildings can either improve or detrimentally impact on the wellbeing of the occupanls. A buik ens
irt’nmcnt chat promotes human dignity, safety. securny. hsgwnc. case of use and sound community
values will promote wellbeing on an individual and collective level.Well adustcd. balanced and cured
abuui people and societies are susiainahl. l)ysfunciional Litici arc not.

lluildings effectively create an internal environment which profoundly affects its occupmis. Air
quality. light quality, acoustics, temperature and hygiene can promote iw lunder hcullh, depending on
how they pcrfonu. It hits been found that buildings that are environmentally susiai,iibk tend to
promote health, which in turn improves the wellbeing ui itS occUpatus as well their productivity.
There are many case siud.c proving that the increased productivity uhwcupanLa has been the must
lucrative result cii a greening process.

ECONOMIC sustabinility
Sustainabilil tnchidcs financial and voooiuic austaimbility. Resource-hungiy builabngs are costly to
produce and use, and this places a strain on the oserall socin-econumic fahnc of society.
The costs oi’cncrgy. water and materials are going to continue to increase as they become rq iscarcer
and an eflicient building can conlnhuie hugely towards the rinancul au-stainability of its users or
owners, Poverty and financial hardship in the world are inercasitig and a thougbit’ul and efficient
but)! environment could reali,e benefits for many lesek in sociers’.
Design of green building
I. Program Planning and Site Sclcction
A. Set preliminary environmental perform
All the building owner sets preliminary perfomiance targets at the outset of theproject. These should
be appropnalc to the site and and shiId ciner the following areas:

i. Energy: Energy Usc. Energy Source. Clean Energy Transport

ii. Water: Water Use. Water Filtration. Ground Water Recharge. Human Waste
iii. Landscape: Integrated Pest Management. (Inxn Space, Native Plantings and Wildlife Habitat
iv. Matcnats: Recycled Matenals. lfficient Materials. Salvaged Materials. Local Materials. Durable
and Low Maintenance
v. Waste: Recycling and Composting Facilities
vi. Construction Practices: Construction Waste. Reuse Topsoil. Vegetation and Watercourse
vii. Indoor Fn. irontitental Quality: Air Pollutani Fmissions. Ventilation FlTectivenes and Air
liltraiion. System Conunissioning and Cleaning. delighting
viii. Lconomic Performance: Life-Cycle Assessmenl Capital Cost Accounting

B. Research funding opportunities

There are itiany financial and supporting resources to support green buildings. The application to
these programs should be made as soon as possible.

C. Reuse existing buildings

Reuse an existing building as much as possible through renovation or redevelopment. Roughly XO” o
of an a erage building’s ens ironinental impact is from its operalions and maintenance over its
lifetime, and only 20”a from the embodied energy of materials therefore. the trade-oils and lifi-cycle
costs of building new must be done carefully.

D. Start early to source salvaged materials

Early on. look for appropriate salvageable materials from demolition contractors, specialty suppliers,
salvaged building material suppliers, or buildings that arc being dcconstructcd. All coiisulla:its should
be ready to specify sakaged iiiatenals. When a source has been identified, the availabilits. quality of
material. timing and storage should be confirmed.

E. Select appropriate land

Select land that:
i. Is a short walk from public transit, pedestrian and bicycle routes
ii. Exists in an already-urbani,cd area
iii.Is walking distance from amenities
iv. Is already serviced by the requisite urban infrastructure (roads, utilities. etc.)

2. SInge in the Process: Selection of Design Team

A. Select a design team with experience or interest in green and integrated design

Ensure that knowledge; skills and experience with green design arc critcna (or the sclcetioii of’
archiwets. landscape architects, engineers and other members of the design team. All upplieanL%
should be asked to preside proof of their knowledge of and or previous experience with green design
principles and practices
B. Select appropriate professionals for the expanded design team
Ensure that the following skills are uailahle aniong team members:
i. Facilitation: Has ing someone with experience in both green and integrated design can help the team
make the best use of time at the first few design meetings. An experience facilitator can aLso help to
steer the team in the right direction, and provide information on green design issues.
i. emergy Simulation: Ihis is indispensable for significant building energy conservation. Energy
engineers specialize in analysis. research and engineering of energy consersation and renewable
energy methods. Thc are best involved early during schematic and early design development and later
at or near completion to verify the actual energy pertbrrnance.
iii. Green Expertise: A professional tsith expertise in green design practices will stimulate the group
logo beyond current practice. In addition, they will provide some
reassurance to an inexperienced leant about the best strategies to investigate given the specilics of the
iv. Value and cost Analysis: The role of this person (or people) is vital to the success of the project.
The cost consultant must be in’ olved cry early in the process and must understand the process and the
objectives targets of the project. They must have the tools to respond quickly as to the cost impacts of
vanoLLs design concepts and vanauons to these concepts. lbev will need to be able to provide
appropriate cost information at various stages of the process.

C. Set environmental performence targets

The integrated design team sets pertormanx targets. The team, including the owner. fi.irthcr develops
the performance targets sct by the owner. These targets should be appropriate to the site and program.
and should deal with the all the sets of preliminary performance targets.

3. Site Design
A. Protect or enhance site’s ecological integrity and hiodiversity.
I. Minimum the development footprint: Ibis includes parking. building. roads, and (s buildings
II. locate building to preserve the site’s natural areas. Do an invcntory of the site’s ecology. If
there are concerns, send in a map of the site to the Conservation Data Centre to have it
assessed for rare or endangered species. Avoid making major dunges to sensitive landscapes,
wildlife habitat, or topography.
III. Re-establish: damaged native ecosystems: l’lani native species and take out
ecologically harmtiil non-nativC or invasive species. Plant native species along
streams to act as butTers. Use landscaping to control erosion.
IV. Preserve, establish, or re-establish native biodiversitydiversitv of native plant and animal
species) during construction, salvage native plants to be replanted on the site or elsewhere.
V. Make connections beiecn the natural ecology of the site and natural systems both within and
beyond the site.
VI. Build sUpport lir urban gnxnsays that can hc used by wildlik. pedestrians, cyclists. and others.
This can be done by working with the relevant local or regional
government agencies to help you establish, connect with or tiarther develop a

B. Reduce or eliminate disturbance to water system

I. Minimiie stomi wuier runoff. Increase site infiltration where soil conditions allow
by maintaining the natural pcrvious landscape or designing a pervious landscape.
Use penious surfaces (e.g. ones which allow water to penetrate) for as much as
possible of the surtaces that are usually paved leg.: roads, parking. coUrtyards
and pathways). where soil conditions permit.
II. Use organic storm water management features like egelative swales. filter strips.
vegetative butTers. infiltration basins, or drywells instead of subsurface storm
drains to treat storm water runofl from fields, roofs and roads, where soil
conditions pennit.
III. Celebrate these natural water management techniques by making them Into
attractive landscape elements. Examples can be seen in many of the case studies.

IV. Celebrate these natural water management techniques by making them Into
attractive landscape elements. Examples can be seen in many of the case studies.

V. Design roads and parking lots without curbs or ith curb cuts or openings that
drain to storm water treatment & infiltration measures.

C. Prevent or reduce the use of potable water for tmgation

i. Hanesi rainwater or use recycled storm water, or site treated grey or saste water lbr irrigation
ii. Use water-efficient plants. These are often natisc species. or species that have adapted.
iii. Use water—efficient irrigation, including: micro imgation. nhr,isturc sensors. and weather data
based controllers.

D. Reduce urban heat islands

i, Maximiic green space through usc of native gardens, trellises, roof gardens, etc.
ii. Maximize pervious surfaces for parking areas, paths. courtyards. etc.
iii. Use light coloured. high.albcdo materials for all nonpcrvioUs surfaces. Drawings and
specifications must record expected albedo requirements.
iv. Provide shade on impervious surfaces where high-albedo nuterials cannot be used.
E. Design infrastructure to support alternative transportation
I. Locate building to have access to public transit, bike routes, and pedestrian routes,
ii. Encourage walking and bicycling by designing attractive, safe pcdcstnan and cycling
infrastructure. Iliese features can be centrall located and grouped with bndscape
features. Site tatures such as walking and cycling paths. public squares. and outdoor
scaling can be located to opiimt,c the solar access and access to attracti’.c landscape
features. Internal infrastructure can also be impoilani to encourage walking and
cycling. Central, attractive staircases can encourage the use of stairs over elevators,
iii. Masimiie bicycle-parking paces and minimiic car parking spaces. Internal ciwered
bike parking may be appropnate in some cases, and can be designed to be an attractive
feature of the building. At other times, external bike parking. or a combination of both will be more
appropriate. Vhether inside or out, bike parking can be made more desirable by being covered from
the rain and Iocaicd centrally.
iv. Build changing faciliiies and showers for cyclists and joggers.
v. Give prcti-rcd parking to car pooi cars.

4. Huildtng Orientation and Contiguratlon

A. Usc site resources to reduce building loads and enhance indoor environmental qualilv

i. Use exiting and proposed trees & plantings to reduce heating. cooling and lighting loads.
Plantings can reduce sumtner solar gain, channel summer breezes, and block winter winds,
while still allowing daylighting. Deciduous trees, for example. ki winter sun through while
shudin summer sun, and therefiire arc useful in front of south. and west-facing windows.
Evergreen trees are particularly useful for blocking winter wind on die North of the building.
ii. Oncni the building in optimize prailing wind. and solar opportunities. Prevailitig winds
should be used to create appropriate air pressures in the building if natural ventilation is being
used. However thermal loses due to infiltration of prevailing winds should be minimited. The
building should be sited and oriented to optimize the site’s solar resources. Winter solar gain
atid summer shading are often imponant. hut sun studies and energy computer simulations
will need tobe dotie to deselop strategies appropriate tiir each building and sitc.
iii. L’sc existing and proposed topography to create thernial mass around the building. Earth
berms and other topographical features can be used to enhance the building’s
energy perfrrmancc.
iv. Assess the feasibility of using on-site renewable or alternate energy. Consider geothennal or
ground source energy, co-generation. passive and active solar energy.
passi’.e and active wind energy, and other energy sources.

B. Develop a project specific building form and massing

i. Namn floor plates can he used w give greater access to daylight. vicws and natural ventilation.
Windows in rooms with 14 or 9 foot ceilings typically bring light 15 to 25 fect into the building.
Light shelves and other reflective glazing can etcnd natural light in depths of lOin 35 feet if
narrow floor plates arc not possihk. Narrow floor plates allow etlective cross’s enlikition Ihe
benefits of greater views, natural light and natural ventilation need to be balanced with the
potential for heat loss through the greater wall area.
ii. Interior temperature fluctuations can he rnoderaied by thermal mass. Materials like concrete
and masonry store and release heat slowly.
5. Building Systems Design
A. Design and select all building systems to meet energy targets
i. Conduct an energy simulation. The energy simulation provides the energy and cost
information required to make the hct’ selection of building systems. The besr selection will be
the one that provides the lowest life-cycle cost within approved cost budget This is the most
iterative phase of the overall design process. The goal is to incstigale energy and cost sasings
resulting from the synergies between the various building syslctns .intl their components
ii. Onec energy loads are opitmiied through the selection of 11w best combination of structural.
envelope. entiIatpon. water, and lighting systems). the design team will select the most
appropriate mechanical s stem to meet this. This process will generally lead to the selection of
a smaller mechanical system than would normally bc the case.

B. Choose environment ally sensitive structural tiiatcrials

i. Design with salvaged. recycled and etlicient materials as much as possible.
ii. Usc locally harvested or manufactured nwcrials. This will reduce the
environmental impacts of transportation.
iii. Use materials with low environnwntal impact over their life, Selecting materials this ssay
requires research, using sofiware like tiFFS or AT)IFNA. ordoiiig book research.
iv. Use low-VOC materials. Use structures that do not require finishes that emit vOCs.

C. Design for reuse

i. Design for (kxihilitv, Design a structure that allows for changes in use over time. This may
include modular building materials, or fleiblc lloor plans. with column spacing and floor-to-floor
heights that can be easily adapted to many uses, to ensure long structural life.
ii. Design for disassembly. Select building systems that can be deconstructed at the end of thc
building’s useful lifc

D. Design en elope to reduce heating. cooling. lighting, and ventilation load

i. Design an energy eflicient envelope: appropnate tnsulation. tight construction and high-
performance. low-c windows (when this reduces life cycle costs).
ii. Avoid thermal bndges in walls (use conirnuous insulation, or eliminate metal studs in
outside walls, or otherwise ensure thermal break).
iii. Opumize solar heat gain and reduce glare. The design options include: selecting glazing
with appropriate ratio of visible light transmittance to solar heat gain
coefficient; using trees.
iv. 1 he 1 dos Office Building. above, uses 30” Less Lnergy than ASI IRAL 90.1 Ilie third
skin creates an air gap which keeps heat in during the winier and proviles
shade in the summer.
v. Plantings to reduce summer solar gain: and ensuring windows have appropriate exterior
vi. locate and sue fenesiration to capture the wind and fresh air available on site, This can
reduce the need to mechanically heat, cool, and move air.
E. Optirni7e indoor environnntal quality
i. Oplimife dayligliting and views. Design the en elope to bring in dawlight and views to as much
of the inhabited floor area as possible
ii. Design the envelope to provide adequate fresh air. In addition, users should be provided itli as
much comfort and control a,s pinsihlc.

F. Reduce ventilation loads

i. Select an efficient mechanical or natural ventilation system. Buildings with access to clean air
and a quiet outdoor environment ma bcnciit 1mm usc of natural ventilation systems at least in
swing seasons..
ii. Assess the potential far heat recovery systems. Heal can be recovered front both sensible and
latent heat.
iii. Consider using zones top areas with similar occupancies and ventilation needs.
iv. Weidi the benefits of VAV (variable air volumcair distribution systems. Vhcn there is
reduced demand. reduce the system kind.

G. Provide users corn lbrt and control

i. Provide mdiv idual controls for entilation. Operable wmdows, in addition to
individual controls for airflow, encourage users to turn ofT ventilation when needed. and also allow a
high level of comfort and controL Individual controls should therefore be provided where feasible.
See resources and case studies above.

H. Provide adequate fresh air

i. Separate air intakes from pollution. Trees. wiiterwa%s, forested areas, fields and other planting
options can improve outside air quality. The intake must be far enough away to ehminate exposure to
contaminated air.
ii. Use carbon dioxide sensors to monitor eniilaiion rules and to provide ongoing infonnation
concerning an’ quality.
iii. With the help of building users and owner, reduce pollution sources. For pollution generating
sources that cannot be eliminated from the building, create isolated zones that arc sepanitclv
iv. Consider consuhing professionals like those at the Seattle Lighting Design Lab [he Lab provides
assistance to residential and to commercial lighting designers seeking the most efficient lighting
technologies and .tratcgics. and it uses a 1.200 square foot mock-up facility and a davlighting lab.

6. Interior Finishes and Appliances Selection

A. Reduce internal loads
Install high-efficiency appliances. Select energy efficient equipment, including: copy
machincs.coniputcrc printers etc. in oflkes: a.shing rnachines.dshashcrs. refrigerators, microwaves,
ovens. etc.. for domestic uses: and other energy efficient equipment for oilier uses. Often the
appliances are selected once the building is complete.

B. Reduce disposal of waste materials to landfills

i. Provide built-in recycling amenities that make it easier for occupants to recycle than
thniw awa. Create accessible areu.s for separating, collecting, and storing paper. glass.
plastics and metals.
ii. Proside built-in comnposting amenities, including storage and use areas for
iii. Select indoor finishes that are recycled or salvaged.

C. Ensure indoor air is free of pollution

i. Select indoor finish materials for minimal indoor air pollutant emissions. Strive to make indoor
finishes (paint. adhesives, surface coatings, and surface urcas)
“Ecologo” Certified. “Zero VOC’ certified. “Green Seal” certified fot paints and coatings) or
Carpet and Rug Institute Certified (for carpeting) or equivalent.
ii. Surfaces esposed to inhabited spaces. supply or return air should Dot trap or release dust,
mineral or glass fibre, lbc building design should ensure that acoustic duct linings arc protected.
tibaius linishcs arc avoided and that ceiling plenums that espose the airsireani to artificial mineral
or glass fibres arc usoided.
iii. Locate air intakes distant from sources of outdoor pollution. Review site conditions carefully
to ensure that the air intake is placed to bring in fresh air. The proposed ASHRAF standard 62
r( 1997) is a good source for recommended separation distances.

7. Specifications Construction Drawings

A. Specify the overall environmental intent of the project
i. Provide detailed spec and dnn mit information for the preservauon of site ecology. Site disturbances
can be limited by delineating recycling and disposal areas, and by establishing clear construction
boundanes. Natural areas can he rehabilitated and appropriate wildlife buiierflies. birds. etcl can be
encouraged using native species and ecosystems. A horticulturalist. landscape architect or native plant
society cati assist in selecting the ilecessary plants and landscape features to he specified in the
construction contract.
ii. Provide detailed spec and drawing information for all site water features. Features like the ones that
follow will need drawings and specifications to describe them:
Vegetative swales. filter strips, vegetative buffers. infiltration basins. drywells. pervious paving. oil
water separators. curb-less roads, and roof gardens. Any systems that are intended to bc used to harcsi
rainwater use recycled shimi water or site-treated grey or waste water for irrigation should be
specified and drawn. All water-efficient plantings and irrigation systems need to be specified.

B. Specify energy efficient systems and products

i. Specify the package of energy conservations measures and other systems that were selected through
the use of energy computer simulation software. This will include specifying the selected enselope.
ventilation. water. lighting, and mechanical systems.
i. Specify energy efficient equipment, including: cops machines. computers. printers etc. in offices;
washing machines. dishwashers. refrigerators, microwaves, ovens. etc. 11w domestic uses; and other
energy efficient equipment for other uses,

C. Specify green products and materials

i. Specify salvaged, recycled and efficient materials as much as possible. The (VRD’s Oircctoiy of
Resource and Eflicieni Building Products can he used to find appropriate materials. See the glossary
for definitions and standard examples of these materials.
ii. Specify local materials. Avoid the environmental and economic costs of
transportation by specifying local materials, products. services and systems as much aspossibk.
iii. Specify rapidly renewable materials. See the glossary for definition and esamples of standard
products to specify.
iv. Specify minimally processed products. Use materials that have not been highly processed. as they
will hac less embodied energy, and then: sill be little risk of chemical emissions from the
manufacturing process. Lxamples include natural stone and sbtc shingles. wood products and plant
prudu1s (agricultural or nona gricultural).
V. Specify low-emissions products. This includes iero- and low-VOC paints, caulks, and adhesives. It
also includes other reduced-emissions materials or products, like nonftwmaldehvdc manufactured
vi. Specify alternatives to ozone-depleting substances Many building materials still utilize HCECs.
including rigid and blown foam insulations, some carpet pad and comprcssion.eyelc HVAC
equipment. Alteniatiscs should h specified.
vii. Specify alternatives to PVC. polycarbonaics. and other hazardous components. ‘Ihere are many
alternatives available to vinyl. PVC cabling and PVC pipes. Other
alternatives to hazardous materials include low mercury lluorcsecni lamps and chromium-free solar
viii. Specify durable and low maintenance materials and products. These include products such as
fiberglass windows. fihcrcetiienl siding. slate shingles, and vitrified clay waste pipe.

8. construction and commissionrng

A. Prevent erosion during construction
i. Mtnimi,c site disturbance. There arc a number of strategies that include:
ii. Maintaining or providing vegetated ground cover controlling erosion with mulch or pass
iii. Controlling sedimentation by building silt fences. stabilized slopes, or sediment traps. The
prevention of erosion is iniportant because properly done, it will also prevent the accompanying air
pollution, and sedinientation of streams and storm sewers.
B. ensure protection of site ecosystem
I. Rare vegetation, large trees, and watercourses arc protected during construction. Requirements for
landscape and watercourse protection should be written into contract documents, and there should he
killow-up during construction. For this to be done properly. an inventory should have been ctsnplctctl
at the initial design stage, which can be referred to now A wide area around the trees and other
features to be protected can be l’enccd olT. and construction can be scheduled to minimize damage to
these protected areas. An area can he designated fOr washing down concrete trucks etc. to ensure
there is no erosion of site soils.
ii. Use a formal Site Sediment and Lrosion C’ontrol Plan to ensure that stormwjter does not erode site
soil and contanunate local water bodies. This may mean maintaining site landscape throughout
consiruction or providing ground cover. or it might mean phasing construction. stabilizing soils, or
usaig other measures, (‘renting and following a plan should present loss of she soil as well as and thc
sedimentation of storm sewers. streams and the local air.

C. Minimize the disposal of construction waste

i. Construction and demolition waste is reused. rcccled or salvaged Cur later reuse. This can be
achieved through using a project waste management specification.
ii. Ensure that the contractor follows a formal Waste Management Plan. This ‘MP shall ensure
construction-site recycling ol corrugated cardboard, clean dimensional wood. palette wood, concrete.
bnck. concrete block, asphalt, metal, drywall, land clearing debris. paint. For demolition projects. this
WMP shall encourage the salvaging ot:
dimensioned lumber: heavy timbers: wood siding: structural steel: wood panelling:
moulding: trim and wainscoting heritage architectural elements: cabinets and casework: brick and
block: electric equipment and light fixtures: plumbing fixtures and brass; windows, doors and frames
and hardis nod flooring,

D. Commission all major systems

I. All major building systems are commissioned. This is so that they are installed and calibrated to
operate as the design indented. An independent commissioning authority should be hired to verify the
installation. performance. training and documentation. Consider making contractor payments
dependent on the commissionIng agents’ verification of system pcrfonnuncc that complies with
design antI construction documents.

E. Protect and conserve topsoil

1. All topsoil removed during construction is saved and reused. Even if it not uscd on the same site, i
can be sold for use on another site.

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