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(Booklet of final

Exam) ِ
Academic year


A:English Advanced level:
A. Vocabulary and Structure: (10 marks) 10
1) Underline the correct words in brackets:

1- The (storm –smoke-rubble-engine) caused a serious damage to our house.

2-(Speaking-Talking-Walking-Warning) people before natural disasters might help

decrease danger.

3- (Rescue team -Medical supplies – Tsunami- Death) weren’t enough for the injured


4-I enjoyed the trip to Madrid, it was (amazing-dangerous-horrible- frightening).

5-Trees in the park have got a lot of (climates-branches-grass-seeds).

6-Who’s that man sitting (over-next-between – behind) Judy?

7- Kate (usually walks-walks usually- walking usually –usually walk) to school in the


8- While I was eating, the phone (rings-rang-ringing –ring).

9- After Kate (finished-had finished-finishes-finishing) reading the book, she left

the library.

10-It isn’t two o’clock yet, (isn’t it –is it – isn’t there-aren’t there)?

B. Reading Comprehension: (10 marks)

2) Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Mother's Eyeglasses
Kevin loves to read mystery books. He reads mystery books because he likes
to try to solve the mystery himself before he gets to the end. Solving puzzles is
like solving mysteries, so he likes working on puzzles too. He also likes solving
problems. Kevin can usually solve any mystery, puzzle, or problem.
One day Kevin's mom was trying to find her glasses. Without her glasses,
she could not drive. This was a problem because she was going to drive Kevin to
his friend's house. It was also a mystery and a puzzle. Kevin really wanted to
solve this mystery.
"Where did you last remember seeing your glasses?" Kevin asked his mom.
"I had them on while I was watching the news this morning," she said.
"Where were you watching the news?" asked Kevin.
His mom thought for a minute, and then she answered she was in the living
room. She remembered sitting in her favorite chair and taking off her glasses
when the news ended. She thought she placed her glasses on the table, but they
weren't there.
Kevin asked his mom to try remembering everything she did after watching
the news. She mentioned making breakfast, folding the laundry and working in the
garden. It was after gardening that she started looking for her glasses. Kevin
remembered that Roger, the family dog, likes to hide and bury things in the
garden. Kevin went outside to the garden and found Roger wagging his tail happily.
"You buried mom's glasses didn't you?" said Kevin. Roger barked and jumped
happily as Kevin found mom's glasses buried in the garden.
Choose the suitable answer for the following questions:
1- What is the author’s purpose of the passage?
a-to entertain
b-to persuade
c-to inform

2-What is the main idea of the passage?

a) How to solve a mystery
b) How to make fun with others
c) How to put things correctly.

3- Why does Kevin like reading mystery books?

a) Because he likes reading.
b) Because he likes to try to solve the mystery himself.
c) Because he wants to become a police officer.

4- Choose one of the correct supporting details:
a) Kevin tries to make a lot of models.
b) Kevin can solve any puzzle
c) Kevin removed all the items in the garden

5- What did Kevin's mom remember doing after watching the news?
a) She played with Roger in the garden.
b) She made breakfast.
c) She watched a movie.

Total Mark


B- Deutsche Prüfung


Nach den Sommerferien beginnt die Schule im September. Ashraf und Wael
sind zwei Freunde. Sie gehen immer zusammen in die MLS Schule in die siebte
Klasse. Die Schule beginnt am Morgen um 8 Uhr und ist am Nachmittag um 3
Uhr zu Ende. Die Freunde lernen viele Schulfächer. Sie lernen in der Schule
Englisch, Arabisch, Deutsch, Mathematik, Sachunterricht, Sport und Kunst. Das
Lieblingsfach von Ashraf ist Deutsch. Er fliegt jedes Jahr nach Deutschland.
Das Lieblingsfach von Wael ist Englisch. Er möchte als Arzt in England arbeiten.
Ashraf und Wael finden Kunst sehr langweilig. Sie spielen zusammen Fußball und
Basketball in der Sport Stunde.

1- Beantworte die folgenden Fragen ! 2.5

1. Wann beginnt die Schule?

a) Am Abend um 8 Uhr b) Am Morgen um 7 Uhr c) Am Morgen um 8 Uhr

2. Wie viele Schulfächer haben Ashraf und Wael?

a) 6 Schulfächer b) 7 Schulfächer c) 8 Schulfächer

3. Was ist das Leblingsfach von Wael?

a) Deutsch b) Englisch c) Kunst

4. Wie finden sie Kunst?

a) okay b) interessant c) langweilig

5. Was spielen sie in der Sport Stunde?

a) Fußball b) Basketball c) Fußball und Basketball

2. Wähle das richtige Wort aus!

1. (Am _ Um _ Im) Mittwoch hat Peter eine Party.

2. (Wie _ Wann _ Was) spät ist es? – Es ist viertel nach fünf Uhr.
3. Der Film beginnt (am – um – im) 4 Uhr.

4. Es ist (halb sechs – halb sieben – halb acht) Uhr. (6:30)

5. (Wo – Wann – Wie) gehst du in den Klub am Samstag ?- Um 11:00 Uhr.

6. Tina (liest -ruft- kauft) heute Abend ein.

7. Wir (malen – rechnen – schreiben) in der Kunst Stunde.

8. Tom spielt am Computer in der (Mathematik – Sport – Informatik) Stunde.

9. Meine Mutter (sieht- fährt- kauft) gern mit meinem Vater fern.

10. Es ist (zehn vor neun – viertel vor neun – viertel nach acht) Uhr. (8:45)

3. Was passt hier nicht?

1. Donnerstag – Samstag – Sommer – Freitag

2. Wie – Was – Wir – Wer.

3. Zwölfte – sechsundzwanzigste – dreißigte – fünfzehn

4. fernsehen – einkaufen – können – aufräumen.

5. halb – viertel – Was – Uhr.

Total Mark


‫اختبار تربية دينية‬
‫أوًل ‪ :‬القرآن الكريم ‪-:‬‬
‫من سورة ( الملك ) "تبارك الذى بيده الملك وهو على كل شىء قدير (‪ )1‬الذى خلق الموت والحياة ليبلوكم‬
‫أيكم أحسن عمال وهو العزيز الغفور ‪.".........‬‬
‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة مما بين القوسين ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬معنى الملك ‪ (.............‬السلطان والقدرة – المال والثروة – الجاه والعظمة )‬
‫‪ -2‬تناولت سورة الملك ‪ (............‬إثبات عظمة هللا وقدرته – قصة ثمود – معجزات األنبياء )‬
‫‪ -3‬نزلت هذه السورة فى ‪(................‬مكة ‪ -‬المدينة ‪ -‬الطائف )‬
‫‪ -4‬خلق هللا الكواكب لـ‪(..‬إضاءة الكون لنا بالنهار – حفظ توازن األرض – عالمات يهتدى بها الناس )‬
‫‪ -5‬المقصود بـ (ليبلوكم ) ‪ (...............‬ليحاسبكم – ليهلككم – ليختبركم )‬
‫ثان ايا ‪ :‬الحديث الشريف ‪-:‬‬
‫قال رسول هللا (صلى هللا عليه وسلم )" أرحم أمتى بأمتى ‪..........‬وأشدهم فى أمر هللا ‪.........‬وأصدقهم‬
‫حيا ًء عثمان "‪.‬‬
‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة مما بين القوسين ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬أرحم أمتى بأمتى ‪ (...........‬علي – أبو بكر – عثمان )‬
‫‪.2‬أشدهم فى أمر هللا ‪ (..........‬عثمان – عمر – أبو بكر )‬
‫‪ .3‬شهد عمر بن الخطاب لعثمان بـ ‪ ( .........‬كرمه – قوة اإليمان – الشجاعة )‬
‫‪ .4‬هاجر عثمان بن عفان رضى هللا عنه الهجرة األولى إلى ‪(.........‬مكة – المدينة – الحبشة )‬
‫‪.5‬جهز عثمان جيش العسرة فى غزوة ‪ (...............‬تبوك – مؤتة – بدر )‬
‫ثالثا ‪ :‬الفروع ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬قال السحرة آمنا بـ‪ (.............‬فرعون – رب موسى – التماثيل )‬
‫‪ -2‬تميزت الخنساء بـ‪ (...................‬الشعر – القصص ‪ -‬النوادر )‬
‫‪ -3‬وكل هللا ميكائيل ب ‪ (......‬نزول الوحى – المطروالنبات – قبض الروح )‬
‫‪ -4‬خلق هللا المالئكة من ‪ (...‬طين – نور – نار )‬
‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪ -5‬من معجزات سيدنا موسى ‪ ( .........‬الناقة – الجبل – العصا )‬


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