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1) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of tense:

a) If vegetables are deep fried they ……………… their nutritional value. (lose)
b) If we ……………. less egoistic, life would have become much easier. (to be)
c) If you do not feel nervous, you ………………………better. (perform)
d) If the Nobel Prize Committee had been impartial, Gandhiji ……………………. the
Nobel Prize. (also win)
e) If the workers had not gone on strike, we ……………………. the supply of your
goods. (not delay)

2) Identify the Dependent Clause:

a) Having been warned before, he did not repeat the mistake.

b) This is the tomb that Nur Jahan built for her father.
c) We will support the candidate whose personal life is free from blemish.
d) I had to follow a tough daily routine, while I was studying at the University of
e) Although the boy was badly bruised and tired, he gladly offered to carry the old
woman’s suitcases.
f) Press this button to call the nurse in case there is an emergency

3) Write a story in 150 – 200 words based on the following beginning:

I decided to spend my vacation at Ranikhet. Though I have been here for just ten days, I
feel my life has undergone a complete change ………………….

. Read the poem given below –

The Chimney Sweeper

When my mother died I was very young,
And my father sold me while yet my tongue
Could scarcely cry " 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!"
So your chimneys I sweep ,and in soot I sleep.

There's little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head,

That curled like a lamb's back, was shaved; so I said,
"Hush, Tom! never mind it, for, when your head's bare,
You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair."

And so he was quiet, and, that very night,

As Tom was a-sleeping he had such a sight!
That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack,
Were all of them locked up in coffins of black.
And by came an angel who had a bright key,
And he opened the coffins, and set them all free;
Then down a green plain, leaping, laughing, they run
And wash in a river, and shine in the sun.

With all their bags left behind,

They rise upon clouds, and sport in the wind:
And the Angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,
He'd have God for his father and never want joy.

And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark,

And got with our bags and our brushes to work.
Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm:
So, if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.
-William Blake(Edited)

Complete the sentences on the basis of your understanding of the poem-.

When the head of the chimney sweeps got Tom's(a)________ and when Tom cried, the
narrator(b)__________him by saying(c)_______________, That night Tom dreamt that
all the chimney sweepers were locked in coffins and that an angel(d)

5) Identify the type of phrases which are underlined in sentences below-

1. I hope to win the first prize.

2. She always drives with care.
3. They were shouting in a loud voice.
4. Mary bought herself a beautiful, oval shaped pearl.

1. Little Women By Louisa May Alcott

2. The Magic of the Lost Temple by Sudha Murthy
3. The Railway Children by Edith Nesbitt
4. Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster
5. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
6. Animal Farm by George Orwell
7. Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
8. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Read any one of the following. Chose a small part of the book and create a comic strip
based on it (You may include or create dialogues). Make an attractive book cover based on
the book.

Write a book review (refer to the Graphic organizer below)

1-Learn word meanings of 5 words everyday given at the end of every chapter in your
textbook (Glossary).

2- Every day write one page in French (writing) (To be done in a separate notebook)

3- Conjugate the following verbs and write their meanings:

1-Rentrer 2-chercher
3-avoir 4-aller
5-parler 6-habiter
7-lire 8-écrire
9-écouter 10-être
11-désirer 12-préférer
13-rencontrer 14-adorer
15-aimer 16-regarder
17-organiser 18-jouer
19-finir 20-boire
21-parler 22-manger
23-ranger 24-nager
25-visiter 26-choisir
27-apprendre 28-chanter
29-danser 30-peser
31-prendre 32-savoir
33-vouloir 34-devoir
35-mettre 36-connaitre
37-dormir 38-partir
39-ouvrir 40-venir
41-comprendre 42-répondre
43-respecter 44-habiter
45-laver 46-raser
व्याख्यात्मक -कार्य

1. प्रदत्तेभ्यः विकल्पेभ्यः उवितम् उत्तरं वित्वा ररक्तस्थानावन पूरर्त-

i) छात्ााः प्राताः उत्थाय ..............।
क) पठे त ख) पठे याः ग) पठे तम्
ii) वयं स्वदे शं ................।
क) रक्षामम ख) रक्षेत् ग) रक्षेम
iii) जनााः पयुमितं भोजनं न ................।
क) खादे त् ख) खादे याः ग) खादे ाः
iv) जनााः रात्ौ िमये एव शयनम् ..............।
क) कयाु त् ख) कयुाः ग) कयाु ताम्
v) त्वं महुमुहाः ( बारम्बार) न .................।
क) खादे ाः ख) खादे त ग) खादे तम्

2.रे खांवकतपदावन आधृ त्य प्रश्नवनमायणं कुरुत।

i) मवडालाः मूषकं खामदतम् इच्छमत स्म।
ii) ममनाः कुक्कुरं व्याघ्रम् अकरोत्।
iii) जनाः ममनं प्रशंिन्ति।
iv) क्रुद्धः व्याघ्राः ममनम् आक्रमत्।
v) िाः काकात् मूषकशावकम् अरक्षत्

3. वनम्नशब्दरूपाणां मूलशब्दान्, विभक्क्तः ििनावन ि वलखत-

शब्द विभक्क्तः ििनम्
i)नद्ााः ............ .............. ..........
ii) मपत्े ............ .............. ..........
iii) धेन्वाम् ............ .............. ..........
iv)मात्े ........... .............. ...........
v)वाररणे ............ .............. ..........

4.अधोवलक्खतानां शब्दानां वनवदय ष्टविभक्क्तषु विषु ििनेषु ि रूपावण वलखत-

i) िाध ( तृतीया) ii) धेन ( मितीया)
iii) मपतृ ( षष्ठी ) iv) वारर ( िप्तमी)
v) नदी ( चतर्थी)

5. शब्दरूपावण पूरर्त-
i) ईकाराि ,उकाराि ,अकाराि ,आकाराि शब्दरूपामण मलखत।
ii) पठ् , वद् , गम्, िेव् , लभ् धातरूपामण पञ्च-लकारे ष मलखत।
iii) पञ्चमवं शमताः अव्ययपदामन अर्थु- िमहतं मलखत।
iv) क्त्वा, ल्यप् , तमन् प्रत्ययाधाररतं कामनमचत पंचोदाहरणामन मलखत।
v) नकाराि शब्दरूपामण मलखत।

6. अधोवलक्खतं गद्ांशं पवित्वा प्रदत्तप्रश्नानाम् उत्तरावण संस्कृतेन वलखत।

कश्चन गराः अरण्ये कटीरं मनमाु य मनविमत स्म। प्रमतमदनम् अरण्यात् काष्ठफलादीनाम् आनयनं , कूपात्
जलम् उद् धृत्य तरलतादीनां िेचनं, पशपक्ष्यामदमभाः िह प्रीत्या व्यवहाराः इत्यादयाः तस्य कायाु मण
आिन्। ‘ िाः ज्ञानोदयं प्राप्तवान् अन्ति ‘ इमत जनााः वदन्ति स्म। अर्थ एकदा कश्चन तरणाः तं द्रष्टम्
आगतवान्। मदनियम् यावत् आश्रमे न्तथर्थत्वा िाः गरोाः िवाु मण कायाु मण पररशीमलतवान्। ‘ अने न त
िामान्यामन कायाु मण एव मक्रयिे । अयं ज्ञानोदयं प्राप्तवान् इमत न भामत ‘ इमत मचियन् िाः गरं पृ ष्टवान्
“महोदय! भवताः ज्ञानोदयाः अभवत् इमत श्रूयते। मकि भवताः व्यवहारे तादृशं लक्षणं मकममप न दृश्यते ।
भवताः ज्ञानोदयाः अभवत् मकम् इत्ये तत् ित्यम्? “ गराः तस्य मखं क्षणं दृष्वा पनाः अवदत् – “ भो:!
ज्ञानोदयाः बाह्य प्रकाशकाः न भवमत। िाः च आिररकाः मवषयाः इमत।
I. एकपदे न उत्तरत-
i) एकदा काः गरं द्रष्टम् आगतवान्?
ii) काः तरणस्य मखं क्षणं दृष्वा अवदत्?
II. पूणयिाक्येन उत्तरत-
घ) मकं मचियन् तरणाः गरं पृ ष्टवान?
ii) गरोाः प्रमतमदनं कामन कायाु मण आिन्?
III. भावषककार्यम्।
घ) ‘ अयं ज्ञानोदयं प्राप्तवान् इमत’। इत्यन्तस्मन् वाक्ये मक्रयापदं मकम्?
ii) अनच्छे दे ‘ मशष्यस्य ‘ इमत पदस्य काः मवपयुयाः मलन्तखताः ?
iii) ‘ आिररकाः मवषयाः ‘ अनयोाः पदयोाः मवशेषणपदं मकम्?
IV.अस्य अनुच्छेदस्य कृते समुवितं शीषयकं वलखत।

7. अधोवलक्खतानां िाक्यानानां सं स्कृतभाषर्ा अनुिादं कुरुत-

क) ममहलाएँ बातचीत करती है ।
ख) बामलकाएँ कहानी िनती है ।
ग) तम क्या करते हो?
घ) बच्चे दू ध पीते है ।
ड़) दो धनी वस्त्रदान करते है ।

Q1. Find the reciprocal of the following rational numbers:

(a) −3/4
(b) 0
(c) 6/11
(d) 5/−9

Q2. What properties, the following expressions show?

(i) 23+45=45+23
(ii) 13×23=23×13

Q3. What is the multiplicative identity of rational numbers?

Q4. What is the additive identity of rational numbers?

Q5. If a = 12, b = 34, verify the following:

(i) a × b = b × a
(ii) a + b = b + a

Q6. Write the additive inverse of the following:

(a) −67
(b) 101213

Q7. Calculate the following:


Q8. Represent the following rational numbers on number lines.

(a) −2/3
(b) 3/4
(c) 3/2

Q9. Show that:


Q10.Rajni had a certain amount of money in her purse. She spent ₹ 1014 in the school
canteen, bought a gift worth ₹ 2534 and gave ₹ 1612 to her friend. How much she have to
begin with

Q11.Fill in the blanks:

(a) Numbers of rational numbers between two rational numbers is ……….
(b) Multiplicative inverse of zero is………

Q1. The difference in the measures of two complementary angles is 12°. Find the measure
of the angles.

Q2. The cost of two tables and three chairs is $705. If the table costs $40 more than the
chair, find the cost of the table and the chair.

Q3. If 3/5 ᵗʰ of a number is 4 more than 1/2 the number, then what is the number?

Q4. The sum of two consecutive multiples of 5 is 55. Find these multiples.

Q5. Robert’s father is 4 times as old as Robert. After 5 years, father will be three times as
old as Robert. Find their present ages.

Q6. A number consists of two digits whose sum is 9. If 9 is subtracted from the number its
digits are interchanged. Find the number.

Q7. Rahul has 3 boxes of different vegetables. Box A weighs 2.50 kg more than box B and
box C weighs 10.25 kg more than box B. The total weight of the three boxes is 48.75 kg.
How much does box A weigh?

Answer the following questions based on your understanding:

Q1. Fill in the blanks:
a) Dried neem leaves protect the grains from _________________.
b) Modern methods of irrigation are _________________ and
_________________. c) Manures____________ the water holding
capacity of soil.
d) Millets belong to ___________________.
e) Plough is used for ___________________.of soil.

Q2. Match the following:

a) Combine 1) Fertilizer

b) Urea 2) 2,4-D

c) Sickle 3) Removing Weeds

d) Silos 4) Threshing and harvesting

e) Weedicide 5) Storage of grains

Q3. Define the following:

a) Tilling
b) Harvesting
c) Weeds
d) Fertilizers

Q4. Give reasons:

a) Sowing of seeds should be done at appropriate
level in the ground.
b) Manure is considered better than fertilizers.
c) Wheat cannot be grown in summer season.
d) Weeds should be removed before flowering.

Q5. Explain the importance of preparation of soil

before sowing seeds.

Q6. Explain modern methods of irrigation.

Q7. What is crop rotation? Write its importance.

Q.1. What is the full form of PET?

a. Polyester
b. Polyester and terylene
c. Poly ethene terylene
d. Poly ethene teraphthalate
Q.2. Define PVC and write its one use.
Q.3. As a responsible citizen, what 5R’s principle should be remembered by us?
Q.4. Give reason:
a) We prefer to use plastic containers for storing chemicals.
b) Teflon is used to make non-stick pans.
c) Plastic buckets are favored over Iron buckets.
Q.5. Give any three points of difference between thermoplastics and
thermosetting plastics.
Q. 6. What are Petrochemicals?
Q. 7. Rama took the following fibers: silk, cotton and nylon each one 60cm in length
and hung weight on them one by one because she wanted to select the fiber for
making a rope as shown in the figure.
a. Which fiber did she select for making a rope and why?
b. What did she compare in the fibers by placing weight?

8. Give reasons:
a) Nylon is used for making parachutes.
b) Starting material to obtain rayon is wood pulp, still it is considered as a
synthetic fiber.
c) People prefer to wear acrylic sweaters than pure wool sweaters.

Q.1. State true or false:

a) Friction opposes the relative motion between two surfaces in contact.
b) A force can act on an object with or without being in contact with it.
c) Gases does not exert pressure on the walls of their container.
d) The force exerted by a charged body on another charged or uncharged body is
known as gravitational force.

Q.2. Define:
a) Muscular Force b) Atmosphere pressure
c) Contact Force d) Pressure
Q.3. Give reasons:
a) Why shoulder bags are provided with broad straps and not thin straps?
b) Why the tools meant for cutting and piercing always have sharp edges?
Q.4. Fill in the blanks:
a) An example of a non-contact force is __________.
b) Force has ________ as well as _________.
c) SI unit of force is __________.
d) Application of force can change the ________ or __________ of an object.
e) Force exerted by our muscles is called __________ force.
Q.5 Choose the correct option:
The force involved in falling of an apple from a tree is known as?
(a) Magnetic force
(b) Electrostatic force
(c) Contact force
(d) Gravitational force
Q. 6. The below figure shows a container filled with water. Which of the following
statements is correct about pressure of water?

(a) Pressure at A > Pressure at B > Pressure at C

(b) Pressure at A = Pressure at B = Pressure at C
(c) Pressure at A < Pressure at B > Pressure at C
(d) Pressure at A < Pressure at B < Pressure at C
Q.7. A water tank has four taps fixed at points A, B, C, D as shown
The water will flow out at the same pressure from taps at
(a) B and C
(b) C and D
(c) A and B
(d) A and C

Q.8. Name the following:

a) Which force can be used to gather iron pins scattered on the floor?
b) Which force is responsible for raising our body hair when we try to take off a
terylene or polyester shirt in the dry weather?
9. Write any two application of atmospheric pressure in our everyday life.
10. What happens to the springs fixed to the seat of a bicycle when we sit on it?

1. Define the following terms:

A. Mercantile
B. Farman
C. Impeachment
D. Mufti

2. Which kingdoms were annexed by the Company through the policy of “The
Doctrine of Lapse”?

3. Richard Wellsely was the Governor-General of Bengal from ____________ to


4. __________ was the administrative head of Marathas based in Pune.

5. Mention the time period when the prolonged war was fought between the Britishers
and Afghanistan?

6. Explain the policy of Paramountcy, also explain the struggle of Kitoor in

challenging this aggressive policy?

7. What were the powers enjoyed by the Residents appointed by the company?

8. On the outline map of India, locate the following:

a. Calcutta
b. Lahore
c. Madras
d. Benaras
e. Mysore

1. What are sustainable resources? Why is it required? Mention any three ways in
which resources can be sustained.

2. Classify natural resources based on their origin.

3. Name the following:

a) It is the application of latest knowledge and skill in doing or making things.
b) It means the exclusive rights over any idea or invention.
c) Using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed.

4. Imagine that you are living in the year 2100. Can you put the winds to any use?
How? Explain why the wind is an important resource?

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