Speak English With Vanessa: Free PDF Worksheet

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Speak English With Vanessa

Free PDF Worksheet

Dear English Learner,

Get ready to speak confidently with these listening secrets. I recommend reading these sentences out
loud, watching the bonus videos, and using the blank space on the last page to answer my challenge
question. Thanks so much for learning English with me!

Your teacher,

p.s. Click here to claim your 25% OFF code for the “30 Day English Listening Challenge.”

Secret #1: Watch a movie or TV show that you know well

When you already know the story and characters, you can more easily understand the movie or TV
show in English.

● Don’t forget to watch children’s movies (like Disney’s “Frozen”) or classic movies (like
“Forrest Gump”)

● Should you use English subtitles? I recommend watching a 5 minute section without English
subtitles, then turn on the subtitles and watch that 5 minute section again. Finally, watch the 5
minute section without subtitles again. You will probably understand a lot more than the first

Bonus: Click here to learn how to talk about movies in English.

Secret #2: Study common linking in English

When you know some common linking in English, you will be able to understand fast English
conversations. On top of that, you can use that common linking when you speak! Your listening and
your pronunciation improve together!

● “I am going to go to the mountains” sounds like “I’m ‘unna go-da the moun’ins.”
● I + am = I’m
● going to = gonna = ‘unna

● go + to = go-da
● mountains = moun’ins

Other words similar to “mountains” are:

● button = bu’in
● threaten = threa’in
● important = impor’in
● written = wri’in

Bonus: Click here to learn how to pronounce these words similar to “mountain”

Secret #3: Learn one fast English phrase every day

Instead of memorizing thirty new phrases on the weekend because you’re really excited to learn, go
slowly and learn one new phrase per day. I recommend watching the “Bonus” video below and
focusing on one phrase per day.

● “I have got to go” becomes “I gotta go”

● gotta = god-da
● Use this phrase when you need to leave because you are going to be late

Bonus: Click here to learn the most common fast phrases in English

Secret #4: Talk to another human!

Speaking English by yourself at home is a good first step, but to understand English “in real time,” you
need to speak with another human.

● “In real time” means “at this moment” when you can’t push “pause” and repeat!
● If you have never spoken with someone “in real time” in English, start by speaking with
someone you trust and feel comfortable with.

Bonus: Click here to practice speaking with me about your weekend plans

Secret #5: Listen to real conversations in English

Understanding me (Vanessa) is great, but not everyone speaks like me, right?

● Take your English listening skills to the next level by adding one speaker (like in this video
with my husband Dan)
● Level up your listening skills again by adding a speaker who speaks faster than Dan

Not sure where to get started?

In the “30 Day English Listening Challenge” you will finally be able to understand fast English and
feel confident in conversations.

● In quick daily lessons, you will master common linking and fast phrases used in daily
● You will meet 10 English speakers
● Grow your listening skills faster than ever before
● Join thousands of other English learners in the challenge

>>Click here to claim your 25% OFF code and understand FAST English speakers<<

Vanessa’s Challenge Question

Use the space below to write a few sentences answering this question: Where is somewhere that you
have to go this weekend? (Sample: I gotta go to my niece’s birthday party.)


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