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Is Academic Writing Important in the Philippines?

English has constantly been one of the most spoken languages in the
Philippines. It is the primary language of instruction in education as well as in commerce
and law. Academic writing takes place all around the world, like taking a board or
entrance exam for college and the purpose of it is to train the mind of the student
especially practicing critical thinking. So, what is the impact of academic writing to us
Filipinos? It enables us to understand English as an international language for academic
knowledge purposes. According to the British Council, the Philippines is globally known
as the largest English-speaking nation that has some degree of English fluency. English
proficiency is one of the main reasons that helped drive the economy and also one of
the country’s strengths. So, the question is should we be concerned for the state of
English in the Philippines? Yes, because for me as a student academic writing is
important to some individuals or researchers use to define intellectual boundaries of
their disciplines and their areas of expertise. I can attest how blurry academic writing is
in our peripheral vision due to the fact that we are more into innovative writing which is
the nature we are dwelling with. We, Filipinos most likely to procrastinate. Yeah, we like
to do essays, blogs, or paper or school works but in the very “last minute”. It is hardly in
the mind set if the Filipinos to be lazy just like the other students that likes copying and
pasting for projects or thesis and we know that the internet resources in the Philippines
are very poor. Academic writing has a vital role of the current and controversial issues in
the Philippine context. It has an important role in expanding the different views and
knowledge of inhabitants. All I can say is that we need to improve our writing style and
we can also overcome the difficulty in writing academic papers through a combination of
thorough feedback, practice writing, and lastly careful revision.

Scrutinizing the State of Academic Writing in the Philippine Context

It is discernible that academic writing in the Philippine context is being unheeded
because inhabitants are being oblivious in it and they lack of readership that’s why writers are
being worn out of doing such literary work even if they make nous and only gapes of few senses.
Even me as a student can attest how blurry academic writing is in our peripheral vision because
we are more into creative writing which is the nature we are living with and it is the influence
spreading. Our attention is being seized by a language that we can easily recognize. Well, I’m
not speaking for the whole population of students but for those who are on the same point of
view of mine. We cannot refute that academic writing is being shown scarcely and the remaining
counts of inhabitants loses the opportunity for compelling off the knowledge which can be used
to create positive changes. It is regretful that this kind of work which is one of the most
significant and valuable is also the one that is being neglected. It’s being unfair to academic
writing as it make sense in the issues or topics that are related to the communal sites.
Looking into different angle even if it’s being neglected there’s still a chance for it as
long as there are ready to read and be open in the certain topic. As academic writing signifies the
importance of current and controversial issues in the Philippine context it’s still stout enough to
gather up and encourage inhabitants to read it by touching lives in a more familiar way. That is
one of the prerequisites of academic writing in Philippine context that challenges it to be more
captivating rather than creative writing that sometimes hinders the readers to read academic
writing. Academic writing has a vital role in expanding the different views and knowledge of
inhabitants. It is still kicking in the Philippine context even if it is not really caught up in the
public but in a higher classes of society like those with different professions. The aforementioned
can still make avail in viewing it in a bigger mass if it works on the things that will improve it.
However, it is being view by those that is need of the informations written on academic writing
regarding a certain topic to gain knowledge.

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