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WARM-UP ( 10’)

- Hello everyone. Before we study the new lesson. I have a game for u. This is pass Lucky letters
- I divide class into 2 groups
- Each group will take turn to answer the questions. If it is a correct answer, you can come here and get random
- Remember these letters include points, swap points , and boom

- From now on, I divide class into 2 groups and with each correct answer, you get 10 points for your group
- At the end of the class, which group has more points will be the winner
* Kiểm tra kết quả
- OK, let’s check / let’s see it’s right or wrong
Lead- in: Now I have a question for u : Do you like flying into space?
- As you know, these people here are the first human to fly into space. To know more about space conquest, today
we will study Unit 15-Space conquest – skill reading


- Now, I have some new words for you

1. Look at these picture, this is a rocket and it is lifting off into space
- this word “lift off” refer to leave the ground and rise into the air. And the synonym of it is “take off”
 What does it mean in Vietnamese?
2. Do you know who is he? He is Yuri Gagarin and he’s cosmonaut.
 So we have the word “cosmonaut”. But remember it’s only used for Russian people
+ Do you know Vietnamese meaning of this word ?
3. Look at these picture, what is this?
 This is orbit and it means curved path followed by a planet or an object as it moves around another planet, star,
 How do you say this word in Vietnamese?
4. I have a sentence : My younger brother has lots of problems with Math. I often help him to deal with these
 We have this phrase “deal with” . Who know Vietnamese meaning?
+ Check : What does it mean in Vietnamese?
5. Can you see these man. They are doing work in space although it is dangerous
 this word venture means a risky or daring journey or undertaking.
6. I know that your final exam is coming. Do u feel stress or nervous?
 So I can say you are in state of tension. And it means a feeling of worry and stress
- Now class, listen and repeat after me

TASK 1 (8’)
- Now lets move to task 1. You gonna read a passage about Yuri Gagarin who is the first human fly into space.
And then you do task 1 below.
In this task, the text has five paragraphs 1-5. Match the correct heading to each paragraph from the list of headings
below. But before doing task 1, I have some tips for u
- Do you know “heading” mean?
- First, read each heading carefully to understand the meaning
- Next, as you know headings are often very similar or diffrerent. So focus on headings that are different or similar
to each other
- And finally, read the first or two sentences and last sentence of the paragraph to find main idea
- Remember, distinguish between main ideas and keywords. Because keywords are used to transfer main idea but
they’re not always transfer main idea to u
- Now work in pairs to do this task in 5 minutes
- Where’s your information?

TASK 2 (5’)

- Now we move to task 2, true or false

- But first you have to read the statement carefully and underline the keywords in each option
- Now work in pairs to do task 2. In this task, read a text again decide if the statements are T or F, and if the
statements are F, please correct them, you have 5 minutes to do it
- Are you finished? Compare your answers with your friends
+ Check: number 1, who can give me the answer?
Correct the mistake/ Why is it false?
Where’s your information?

TASK 3 ( 7’)

- Ok in task 3, you will read the text the last time and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D for the following
- Before doing this task , underline the keywords in each questions and options first
- Number 1, where are the keywords?
- Now work in pairs to answer 5 questions in your handouts. Let’s begin
+ Check: number 1, who can give me the answer?
Where’s your information?
Who volunteer ?

TASK 4 ( 8’)

- Now let’s move to the last task. But first, you have to find out what kind of word in each blank. Is it noun, verb,
adjective or adverb?
- Number 1, what kind of word is this?
- Work in pairs and fill in the gaps with suitable words in 5 minutues
- Ok, now I have a game for you to check the answer. The game is pass the teddy bear
- This game is very easy. I just turn on the music and you will pass the teddy bear. When the music stops, the person
get the teddy bear will guess the hobbies

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