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Nombre del Profesor Mtra.

Diana Paola Iñiguez Alvarez

Nombre de la materia INGLÉS IV / IDIOMA IV / OPTATIVA
Nombre del Alumno Jorge Alberto Ramirez Necoechea
Numero de matricula Matrícula:128619

Aplicar los temas vistos en el bloque de inglés IV en un
documento escrito que presente las ventajas y desventajas
de la vida en el campo y de la vida en la ciudad, para poner al
inglés en acción social en una actividad comunicativa

En un documento Word redacta una descripción sobre la vida
en el campo y la vida en la ciudad. Al final, expresa tu opinión
mostrando las ventajas y desventajas de vivir en cada uno de
estos lugares. Envía este trabajo a tu asesor incluyendo
portada, las instrucciones de la actividad y la redacción del
texto con extensión de 150 a 200 palabras, todo en letra Arial

Living in a big city has many advantages, but also its drawbacks.
Population density, noise, long journeys, lack of green spaces,
pollution ... are some of the factors that make living in a city lead
to an anxiety disorder.
Health effects of living in the country
According to research carried out by the Spanish Society of
General Medicine, some environmental factors in the countryside
favor its inhabitants since they suffer fewer cases of cancer, suffer
from less hypertension and develop fewer psychological disorders,
such as anxiety and depression.
Health effects of living in the city
As for living in a city, according to a study conducted by Jens
Pruessner, a researcher at the Douglas University Institute of
Mental Health in Montreal, it is more likely that you may suffer
from an anxiety disorder and it is also known that it also increases
the risk of suffering from an anxiety disorder. depression or
The quality of life and air of the people in the city is
The air is much more polluted in cities due to the number of
moving vehicles and the smoke expelled by industrial areas on the
outskirts of cities.
The quality of life and air of the people in the field is
In the countryside you can breathe a much purer air due to the
lower influx of traffic and the amount of green areas and less
overcrowding and concentration of industries.
Advantages of Living in the Country
Tranquility and pure air
Getting away from the noise and helping to find yourself is a balm
for those who are used to the noisy big city.
Greater sense of community
Life in the village usually encourages collaboration and active life
in the community, with all the ethical and value benefits that this
Direct contact with nature
In the field, animals and plants take on another importance.

Cult of tradition
The life of a family in the country will be more similar to that of our
ancestors, with its pros and cons.

Disadvantages of Living in the Country

Facilities to socialize
Rural areas lack the variety of activities carried out in the city or
the facilities it offers to socialize with other people.
Less connectivity
The latest technology takes longer to arrive, and connectivity
levels are often low.
Less access to health services and means of transportation
Without the organization, infrastructure and population density of
the city, easy access to hospitals and means of transportation is
Lifestyle can get monotonous
This to some extent is relative. For those who are used to life in
the city, the countryside can become boring and monotonous.
Fewer job opportunities
Job opportunities in the workplace are limited. Usually focused on
agriculture. There are enterprises easier to carry out in the city,
and others, in a rural area.
Advantages of Living in a Big City
Greater development opportunities
Both professionally and socially, the opportunities to develop
yourself in the city are high.
Easy access to latest technologies
Staying up-to-date with the latest technology is much easier if you
live in the big city, open to the globalized world.
A wide variety of options to choose from
The market and its law of supply and demand generate multiple
options for everyone.
Updated life
Easy access to technology and instant socialization also allow you
to be very up-to-date with what is happening in the world.
Competition can help you grow
Competition is not always bad.
Disadvantages of Living in the City
In large cities the level of pollution of all kinds is, in some cases,
Crime is usually high
High crime rates are a problem that not all large cities have
managed to control, let alone eradicate.
Fierce competition
The rat race.
The cost of living is often high
Unlike the countryside where it is possible to subsist without
money practically, having a good standard of living in some of the
largest cities in the world also almost always means a high level of
Overcrowding and large numbers of vehicles in large cities results
in chaotic traffic.
As we have mentioned, there are many advantages and
disadvantages of both living in the city and living in the country,
and the best option only depends on you and what best suits the
lifestyle you want to lead and your way of being. However, we
consider that it is not necessary to choose only one place and
sometimes the balance between the city and the countryside may
be the best choice, for example spending seasons in the city and
in the countryside, or choosing towns or municipalities that are not
very far from the cities so that we can move when we need it and
be able to obtain the benefits of both options when we need it.

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