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Topic : The causes and the effects of urbanization on the environment and social life

Urbanization On The Environment and Social Life

 Urbanization is the cloning of population in Flocks from villages (small towns) to big cities.
Meanwhile, everyone who does this urbanization is often referred to at an urban. On the
other hand development in rural areas tends to run slowly. So that the there is a difference
level of welfare in the city will be fair higher than in the village. This condition spurred the
villagers, to go the city to try their luck in the hope that they would get a much better life
than in the village.

o Limited employment opportunities are the main cause of inequality in the poverty rate in
rural areas due to slow development of technology and information in the village. Besides
that, wages or income in the village are still very low, because Productivity and
competitiveness of businesses in the village is very low.
Other than that life facilities in rural areas are not available or inadequate. Such as health
facilities, higher education facilities, etc. And also the monotonous and difficult life to
develop in the village.
Moreover, there are natural disaster in rural areas that destroyed people’s live heads
livelihoods. This natural disaster is very influential factor for the lives of rural communities,
because the people affected by disaster will lose their property.
As a result of the urbanization of rural communities to cities, the potential for
unemployment in urban areas is higher.

 The large number of people looking for work in cities makes the Unemployment rate in
cities even higher, because there are not as many Jobs as there are people looking for work.
Meanwhile, many People think that finding work in Cities is easier, so everyone thinks of
going to Cities to find work.
The large number of people moving makes more and more People accumulate in the city,
thus making the place to live in the city even more crowded. Dense residences will make the
city feel slum and there will be many impacts that will occur on the environment which can
cause natural disasters.
The more people who move to Cities make a lot of places to live needed, so that a lot of
land that Functions as absorption. land has to be changed into a place to live because many
People need a place to live, besides that the large number of people in the City causes traffic
Topic : The causes and the effects of urbanization on the environment and social life

 The solution to urbanization is that development and expansion. In rural areas, most
occur evenly. Development of various from important Facilities such as educations, health
and sanitation must be available in every village as one of the steps for equitable
Besides that, the younger generation must be able to start opening new Jobs in rural
areas by boldly opening a business to sell Various local Products in the village so that they
can reach other areas easily, and also preparing a good Farming or farming System so that
the products they produce can be of much higher quality and quality and be able to compete
with other International Countries.

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