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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo City
2nd quarter second SUMMATIVE TEST

NAME:___________________________________GRADE & SECTION: 7- NEWTON

I. Read the statements below. Identify which ones are true about summarizing and
when summarizing. Use a check (/) to mark the ones you consider correct and a
cross (x) to those which are incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided.

________1. A summary should have the same length as the original text.
________2. A good summary is objective.
________3. When summarizing key information, include personal opinions.
________4. Maintain coherence when writing a summary.
________5. Write a text with the same length as the original text.
________6. A good summary includes the writer’s personal opinion about the topic.
________7. Use graphic organizers to maintain the good flow of ideas while drafting.
________8. A summary does not include the central ideas of the original material.
________9. Include all important ideas from the original text.
________10. Include only supporting details in your summary.

II. Read, examine and classify each sentence below as to SIMILE, METAPHOR or
ANALOGY. Write your answers on the space provided before the number.
____________________1. He is as thick as thin.
____________________2. “Life is like a bag of candies-you never know what you’re going to
____________________3. I am feeling blue.
____________________4. This problem is a death sentence.
____________________5. No great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but
the biography of great men.
____________________6. His words cut deeper than a knife.
____________________7. Her smile beams like the sun.
____________________8. Show me the man you honor, and I will know what kind of man you
____________________9. What we become depends on what we read after all of the professors
have finished with us. The greatest university of all is a collection of books.

____________________10. Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is
better. Silence is deep as Eternity; Speech is shallow as Time
III.Classify the Items below as to LINEAR or NON-LINEAR texts. Write your answers
in your notebook. Write your answers on the space provided before the number.

____________________1. Line Graph

____________________2. Newspaper
____________________3. Report
____________________4. Table
____________________5. Histogram
____________________6. Venn Diagram
____________________7. Story
____________________8. Graphic Organizer
____________________9. Speech
____________________10. Pie Graph

IV. Come up with an appropriate non-linear representation for each of the topics
below. 10 points each

Topic 1: Latest COVID-19 Update or Bulletin in Your City/ Locality

Topic 2: How you Usually Spend a Day During the Enhanced Community Quarantine

V. PERFORMANCE TASK 1: Find 2 articles from a newspaper cut them and paste them on a
long bond paper then make a summary for each of the articles.
VI. PERFORMANCE TASK 2: Find information about Ways to Boost Immune System Against
Viruses. Write a 150-word essay and make sure to use at least two to three sources to support
your write-up. Write your essay on a short bond paper.

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