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Principles of Christian Leadership Rizza Mermejo

Si Mark Ayano

Leadership, Management and Administration

Many view leadership, management and administration as synonymous, but there are primary
differences. It is not unusual for firms to expect individuals to possess the skills required for each.
However, an individual's unique abilities will determine whether they enjoy the responsibilities and are
successful. The difference between the three are:

Leadership: vision and planning;

Management: execution and value creation; and,

Administration: process and tasks.

All are important, and in smaller firms one person may be expected to do everything, with input
from the owners. Most larger firms have figured out the importance of governance and tend to keep the
majority of partners out of firm management. Managers are expected to create value and are measured
upon their ability to attain goals. One of their goals should be to become a competent manager and
effective leader. This requires time and a program if firms want to improve upon their success ratio and
develop a training/learning culture. Training and learning are a two-way street where everyone in the
firm should be expected to develop others and learn.

Administrative personnel are often expected to have all the skills, especially in smaller firms
where you often have a part-time managing partner or chief executive. This is a monumental task and
often people are set up to fail in the role of firm administrator. People in these positions require
professional development, peer networks and management resources in order to succeed. The biggest
risk is that they are viewed by many accountants, including some partners, as overhead, rather than a
strategic asset.

The importance of leadership and management provides a basics for building and involving in in
education. A more systematic approach to developing the requisite skills for assuming leadership and
management roles may be useful. Whether or not a teacher takes on a formal leadership position, the
acquisition of these skills may serve to enhance performance in the classroom. Also, a systematic
approach to the development of the necessary skills for assuming leadership and management roles can
be useful to guide the class, group of personnel. Improving performance in the classroom will grow in
condition of acquisition of teacher leadership skills and management. Everything what we have:
knowledge, family, payments, material and spiritual culture wealth, all of them have some information
that we need. Information has a great influence on everything what people do. It is a main form of
people discussion, talks, communication, actions and profits. All of these are needed to be good
managed and leaded. As international experience shows an important part of this change is
comprehension of science and art of management.

Good leadership in schools helps to foster both a positive and motivating culture for staff and a
high-quality experience for learners. Leaders at all levels in schools can contribute to this by developing
the top skills needed by school leaders

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