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German University in Cairo January 18, 2020

Media Engineering and Technology Faculty
Prof. Dr. Slim Abdennadher
Dr. Nada Sharaf
Dr. Mohamed Abdel Megeed Salem

CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science

Winter Semester 2019-2020
Final Exam

Bar Code

Instructions: Read carefully before proceeding.

1) Please tick your major


2) Duration of the exam: 3 hours (180 minutes).

3) No books or other aids are permitted for this test.

4) This exam booklet contains 17 pages, including this one. Three extra sheets of scratch paper are attached
and have to be kept attached. Note that if one or more pages are missing, you will lose their points. Thus,
you must check that your exam booklet is complete.
5) Write your solutions in the space provided. If you need more space, write on the back of the sheet containing
the problem or on the four extra sheets and make an arrow indicating that. Scratch sheets will not be graded
unless an arrow on the problem page indicates that the solution extends to the scratch sheets.
6) When you are told that time is up, stop working on the test.

Good Luck!

Don’t write anything below ;-)

Exercise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Bonus)
Possible Marks 16 14 6 30 15 20 6 91
Final Marks
CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 1

Exercise 1 General arithmetics (3+5+4+4=16 Marks)

Number conversions
In this exercise you have to convert numbers from one base to another. A number n of a base b other than 10 will
be given on this page as
For decimal numbers, the subscript base can be omitted (i. e., we write n instead of “n10 ”). For bases b that are
greater than 10, please use uppercase Latin letters (A, B, . . . ) as digits beyond 9, just as it is done with hexadecimal

a) Convert the following numbers into binary. Show your workout.

1. 7458

2. F ACE16

3. 467

b) Convert the following and show your workout.

• The binary integer number 0101100111001101011101001110012 into hexadecimal.

• Let m = 2113 and n = 2114 . Find the base 5 representation of m + n.

CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 2

c) Give the least number of bits needed to perform the following operation in two’s complement and perform
the operation afterward.

−21 − 15

d) Let A = 11111010 and B = 00001010 be two 8-bit 2’s complement numbers. Compute the subtraction of
A − B in 2’s complement notation and find out the corresponding decimal value.
CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 3

Exercise 2 Boolean functions (14 Marks)

Circuit improvement
Given the following boolean expression:

AB 0 + A(B + C)0 + B(B + C)0

a) Draw a truth table for the Boolean expression.

b) Simplify the Boolean expression to reach a circuit that can be designed with 2 gates. Use the axioms of the
Boolean Algebra. Please mention the applied rules.

x+0=x x∗1=x
x+1=1 x∗0=0
x+x=x x∗x=x
x + x0 = 1 x ∗ x0 = 0
(x0 )0 = x
x+y =y+x xy = yx Commutativity
x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z x(yz) = (xy)z Associativity
x(y + z) = xy + xz x + yz = (x + y)(x + z) Distributivity
(x + y)0 = x0 y 0 (xy)0 = x0 + y 0 DeMorgan’s Law

c) What is the functionality of the circuit?

CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 4

Exercise 3 Boolean Circuits (6 Marks)

Given the following truth table

A B C X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

What is the functionality of the circuit where A, B, C are the 3 input variables and X5 , X4 , X3 , X2 , X1 and X0
are the 5 output variables? Justify your answer.
CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 5

Exercise 4 (30 Marks)

The 9’s complement of a decimal number is found by subtracting each digit in the number from 9.

Decimal Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9’Complement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

a) If you want to design a circuit for 9’s complement converter of digits, how many input variables and how
many output variables do you need? Justify your answer.

b) Draw a truth table that corresponds to the above table. Note: You should neglect all rows that do not
correspond to digits.

c) Find the Boolean expressions of the output variables using the sum of product method.
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d) Simplify all Boolean expressions

e) Draw the circuit for the 9’s complement converter using and, or and negation gates.
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f) In the following, assume that we want to perform the subtraction of two decimal digits A and B:


We will be using 9’s complement to perform subtraction through addition. The algorithm is as follows:
1. Get the binary representation of A using 4 bits (let us call it ABin )
2. Get the 9’s complement of B (let us call it Bcomp ).
3. Convert the 9’s complement of B to binary using 4 bits (let us call it BcompBin ).
4. Add ABin and BcompBin
5. If the output is greater than 9:
i. Correct the output by adding 6 (0110) to it
6. Now that you have an output, you check if a carry was produced to generate the output
7. If no carry is generated then:
i. The subtraction is negative
ii. To compute the actual value, take the 9’s complement of the result
8. If a carry is generated, then
i. The final result is positive.
ii. To compute the actual value, add the carry (fifth bit/most significant bit) to the rest of the number
1. Computing 8 - 3
• 8 in binary is 1000
• The 9’s complement of 3 is 6: 0110
• 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 1 1 0

• Output is greater than 9, thus we add 6

1 1 1 0
0 1 1 0
(1) 0 1 0 0

• There is a carry, thus the number is positive.

• We add the carry to the other bits
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1

• The final output is 5

2. Computing 3-8
• 3 in binary is 0011
• The 9’s complement is 8 is 1: 0001
• 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0
CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 8

• The number is not greater than 9

• There is not carry, thus the output is negative
• The actual value is the 9’s complement of the output 0100: 4 which is 5
• Thus, the final output is -5
Your task is to design a 9’s complement subtractor for digits represented in binary 4-bits numbers.
Assume that we have already

• 9’s complement converters of digits as well as 4-bit adders (presented in lectures) in addition to and,
or and not gates.
• a Greater-Comparator-Than-9 components. This takes as an input a 4-bit binary number and returns 1
if the input is greater than 9 and 0 otherwise.

Hint: Since we have branches in the algorithm presented above, we need to handle the if condition. To
handle an if C then A else B statement, you could use the following Boolean expression:

(C ∗ A) + (C 0 ∗ B)
CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 9

Exercise 5 (4+2+4+4+1=15 Marks)

Given the following program

arr = eval(input())
x = eval(input())
n = len(arr)
r1 = -1
r2 = -1
i = 0
while i<n:
if (x != arr[i]) :
r2 = i
if (r1 == -1) :
r1 = i
i += 1

if (r1 != -1) :
print( "First Mystery = " , r1,
"Second Mystery = " , r2)
else :
print("Third Mystery")

a) What is the output of the program for the following input

arr = [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 7 ,8 ,8 ]
x = 8

Trace your program.

b) What is the functionality of the program for any sorted list of integers with duplicates. Please determine the
meaning of the three mysteries.
CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 10

c) Give the best case and worst case scenarios. Justify your answer in English without calculating the total
number of operations.

d) Give the total number of operations for the execution of the program for the worst case scenario.

arr = eval(input()) -------------------------> 1 operation executed once

x = eval(input())
n = len(arr)
r1 = -1
r2 = -1
i = 0
while i<n:
if (x != arr[i]) :
r2 = i
if (r1 == -1) :
r1 = i
i += 1

if (r1 != -1) :
print( "First Mystery = " , r1,
" Second Mystery = " , r2)
else :
print("Third Mystery")

e) Give the order of magnitude of the program above.

CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 11

Exercise 6 Iterative Algorithms (20 Marks)

As presented in Exercise 4, the 9’s complement of a decimal number is the subtraction of each of its digits from 9.
Like 2’s complement, 9’s complement is used to perform subtraction using addition.
For example, let us compute value of 123 − 718 using 9’s complement and addition.
We first find 9’s complement of every digit in 718 which is 281, since 9’s complement of 7 is 2, 9’complement of
1 is 8 and the 9’complement of 8 is 1. Now we add 281 to 123. We get 404. 9’s complement of this is 595. The
result of subtraction 123 − 718 is −595.
In case while adding a carry is obtained in the end, also known as the end around carry, it should be added to the
answer, removing the carry itself. For example, (83 − 25), 9’s complement of 25 is 74 and (83 + 74 = 157). A
carry is obtained, now add it to the number 57, (57 + 1 = 58) which is the answer.
Write a Python program that given two decimal numbers of the same length as strings, performs the subtraction
of the two numbers using the 9’s complement algorithm presented above.
CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 12

Answer of Exercise 6:
CSEN102: Introduction to Computer Science, Final Exam, January 18, 2020 Page 13

Exercise 7
A mathematical joke is a form of humor which relies on aspects of mathematics or a stereotype of mathematicians
Today, we will try to understand Binary jokes.

a) There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who do not. Who are
these 10 types of people?

b) If only DEAD people understand hexadecimal, how many people understand hexadecimal?

c) Why do mathematicians confuse Halloween and Christmas?

Answer: Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec
Explain the equation.
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Scratch paper
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Scratch paper
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Scratch paper

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