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Outline and describe the importance of user involvement in the ETHICS methodology

and explain why job satisfaction and job enrichment are important aspects within its
methodological framework.


In the field of information system development, user participation is generally considered to

be an important mechanism for improving system quality and ensuring successful system
implementation. In innovation activities, the importance of user orientation is emphasized not
only in political and social debate, but also in the business arena. User participation is a
widely accepted principle in the development of usable systems. However, it is an ambiguous
concept that embraces many approaches.

Importance of user involvement:

It can be assumed that empirical evidence is very diverse of the relationship between the user
entry, the use of systems and user information. However, empirical support for these
relationships has been found to reliably be reliable with the theory of decision-making and
amending organizations.

User participation can provide more reliable ways to arrange functions in menus and dialogs
based on user data. The user involvement can reduce or even remove the collision between
users and system developers in the system function view. Through cooperation with users,
system developers find data and information directly from users; Understand user needs and
help users with the original understanding of the new system.

 Why job satisfaction and job enrichment are important :

The main purpose of job enrichment is to create employee motivation, high satisfaction and
improved work quality.

Job enhancement results can be categorized into psychological state and individual and
performance. Examples of psychological states are knowledge of meaning, responsibility for
work outcomes, and actual outcomes and impacts of work.

Another advantage is that people experience their work richer and show higher occupational
immersiveness, increased internal stimulus and increased loyalty.

Other importance is:

1. Decrease in turnover-Turnover can be one of the highest costs incurred in the HR
department. It's easier to create a better environment to retain employees and hire talented
people to save money. Conclusion: Satisfied staff are generally much less likely to leave.

2. Higher Productivity - Regardless of job title and pay grade, employees who report high job
satisfaction tends to achieve higher productivity.

3. Increased Profits - Keeping employees safe and satisfied can lead to increased sales,
reduced costs and increased profits. 4. Loyalty - When an employee feels that the company
truly has their best interests, they often support its mission and work hard to achieve that
purpose. And because you're more likely to talk to your friends, it helps spread the line.

Outline the 13 generic stages to ETHICS design and development and indicate the main
principles of the development process.


Ethics of design:

The designer is responsible for relationships with others related to art performances. In some
cases, the designer works alone and the client is directly responsible. The ethical standards of
fairness, integrity and loyalty serve to explain relationships with customers, as well as
personal or business transactions.

Main principals:

The five principles are autonomy, justice, charity, biak, and fulfillment, each of which is an
absolute truth in its own right. By navigating the dilemmas in relation to these principles, you
can better understand the conflicting issues.

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