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1-physical facilities are neccesary for for both human beings and animals.

2-physical facilities are necessary but not complete for human beings

3-physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals

4-beside physical facilities human beings want relationship

5-all human beings want mutual fulfilling relationship

6-in order to be prosperous and to enrich nature one should have right understanding

7-three basic requirements to ensure happiness and prosperity are right understanding,natural
acceptance,and relationship

8-svdd-sadhan viheen dukhi daridra

9-ssdd-sadhan sampana dukhi daridra

10-ssss-sadhan sampana sukhi samridhi

11-right understanding+relationship=mutual fulfillment

12-right understanding+physical facalities=mutual prosperity

13-right understanding is needed in i.

14-process of fullfilling the basic aspiration is understanding and being in harmony at levels of living

15-to live solely on the basis of physical facalities is called as animal consciousness

16-transformation is needed to develop from animal to human consciousness

17-qualitative development is achieved after animal to human consciousness

18-human consciousness must live with right understanding,relationship,physical facalities

19-in todays world we are in search for the accumulation of physical facalities

20-living in myself,family,society,and in nature are level of living

21-human consciousness is distinguished from animalby right understanding and relationship

human consciousness is similar to animal in terms of physical facalities

22-as long as we live with wrong assumption we shall have the problem in ourselves,problem in
relationship and self

23-human brings can be seen as co-existence of self and body

24-I is conscious in nature

25-body is maerial in nature

26-there is exchange of information between i and body

27-the need of i is qualitative and continous in time

28-the need of body is quantitative and temporary in time

29-needs like food,clothing,shelter,are the need of body

30-needs like happiness,trust,respect are the needs of i

31-desiring,thinking,imagning are the activity of i

32-activities in i also understood as knowing and assuming,recognizing,fulfilling

33-asumming depends upon knowing

34-activities in body are recognizing and fullfilling

35-recognition and fullfillment in body are always definite

36-all activities can be seen as going on i,those involving i and body both,those going on in the body.

37-the need of i and body are different.

38-body is used by i as instruments

39-i is the seer ,doer,and enjoyer

40-it is impossible to imagine a human being without aliveness and body

41- i is generally the jivana

42-human being is the co existence of i(jivana) and body

43-the need of i is fullfilled by right understanding and right feeling.

44-seeing ,talking,listening,eating,walking are the activities of i and body both

45-recognition depend upon assuming .

46-fullfilling depend on recognition

47-for nurture of body food is required

48-for right utilisation of body instruments/equipments are required

49-i is the karta

50-i is the the bhokta

51-recognition leads to nirvah karana

52-the basis of everything we dois i

53-the basic capacity(POWER) in the self( i ) are desire,thought,and expectation

54-activity of power desire-imaging

55-activity of power thought-analyzing

56-activity of power expectation -selecting and tasting

57-acivities that form imagination are-desire,thought,expectation

58-zig -zag activities in i lads to confusion,conflict,stress

59-living on the basis of pre conditioning or sensation refers to -enslaved (partantra)

60-living in the state of self organized refers to swatantra

61-realization ables us to see the reality as it refers to.

62-clarity on what to do what to do comes from realization and understanding.

63-clarity on how to do and details comes from imagination

64-activities of realization and understanding gets activated through self exploration

65-self organisation in i leads to continous happiness

66-harmony in self leads to happiness

67-realization and understanding leads to definiteness and human conduct

68-pleasure from sensation are short lived

69-the problem today is that the desires,thoughts and expectations are latgely set by pre conditioning

70-the activity in i are continous

71-the body is made up of cell and each cell of body is performing every moment.

72-the feeling of responsibility in the self i for nurturing ,protection,and right utilisation of body refers to

73-self regulation is sanyam only

74-the harmony of i with the body is in the form sanyama on the part of i ,and svasthya on the part of
the body

75-sanyama means harmony with different parts of body

76-condition of body where every part of body is performing its expected function refers to svasthya

77-there is harmony within body and is fit for use by the self when there is health

78-disease of the body that are caused due to disharmony in i is called as psychosomatic disease

79-if there is sanyam health is ensured.

80-sanyama is basic to svasthya

81-swasthya has two elements 1-body act according to self 2-thee is harmony between the parts of the

82-the need for nurture ;protection,and right utilisation of the body is limited

83-we need to live with sanyama to ensure health

84-today our need is unlimited

85-nurturing of body refers to poshan

86-for the protection of body we should take care of




87-treatment oof body refers to ausadhi-chikitsa

88-program to take care of the body is-

to understand and live with sanyama

to understand the self organization of the body and ensure health of body

89-basic unit of human interaction is family

90-i has the felling in relationship

91-recognizing and fullfilling feelings in relationship leads to mutual happiness in relationship

92-recognition of values in relationship, their fullfillment,the right evaluation of the fullfillment resulting
in mutual happiness refers to -justice

93-four elements of justice are-recognition,fulfillment,evaluation,and mutual happiness

94- relationship has nine values

95-being in a relationship means we have feeling for other

96-whenever i feel the other will deny my happiness or prosperity e fell afraid of somebody

97-intention is one aspires for

98-ability to fulfill the aspiration is competence

99-the foundation value/adhar mulya is trust

100-the entire existence is the feeling of love

101-the complete value/purna mulya is love

102- family is natural laborotary to understand human relations

103-care requires physical facalities ,other feeling requires understanding

104-feeling of acceptance for those who have made efforts for my excellence is the felling of gratitude

105-feeling of acceptance of excellence in other is called reverence

106-when we dont understand respect ,we tend to differentiate on the basis of body,physical facilities
and beliefs

107-felling of being related to every human being is undivided society (alkhanda samaja)

108-we start from the feeling of trust and reach the feeling of love

109-feeling of ensuring right understanding and feeling in other is called guidance

110-at the level of i we are similar in terms of -

our basic purpose ,our program of action ,our capability potential

11-to evaluate more thanwhat it refers to ovr evaluation (adhi mulyana)

112-to evaluateotherwise than what it is otherwise evaluation

113- to evaluate less than what it is -under evaluation

114- nine values in relationship are- trust,respect,affection,care,guidance,reverence,glory,gratitude, love

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