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Enq lish Somple Poper Sto T0:30om

Datr Dt.

234 Pg.-

Ocction _nnmma7

i that he dd not stay in a_qood m00d

i CC) Will

( ) (D dahed

Ni Scck

i anyone ho sh.onNS kindaes _and_compassiion to thexs

tyrox Covyection
balsncing balance

areskedtrip had
Taziq_asked Sunili he enjaycd tnvelling by sc
Lx (0 Con
CYY0 COYYectiona

citizes citizens

Lal Cach

Section:8 cative NilimSkib

1 8
412, Magna (nrecns Apartments
nondhi lorg, Jonpara
Mumbai ,

9Jonuary, 2023
The President
347 Timrs Squorelumbai

Ihwzby thzough this letter scek
eComn cnd ationo fa the youth hshad
x£hLuedand rehab ilitated a fe old begqoxs
fXomoux neiqhbourhood, tobe nomnated far
Seyving Citizens Aard_
Ibrce qrade lo students of ouy 7esidentialcompleX-
bave atamplishe.d khis_act.op chazityhih is
quitez01e to be secn in dodayssoldcall op-
selkishncs and zuclty. lhey_have esucd r son.
tek f beq4gnYs ma nemby slum_aveaL
he be490 have beenprovded first-ard
kreatment by the _shdeats

he actr kiadncssdone by these youth should be

Yecagnised andanlardedto encouragc todays youth.
to seyve the soicty_

is my humble rcqurst tonominate these youth

for theSevinaCHizen_PNazd'_s.o as toset an
for the

examalein the ommunity

hankina_ Yau
louzs ia£r sincexely
Zac Skazia

As p as myapinlon is_conceznedsa nuzmeet

Kauz sháuld nst jain theLallegefay a coupleaf cas.ons-
lhe_calleg acks publicity in _axtasof excellenceit also
lacks i-diveysity Since the caliege has low
employe moxale due t bugdetuts, she ould
pob ably not aeta patial z complete Scholayship.
lhough sollene has a stongalumnbut a qadual
_decinc ha5 bcen sten to»lardstechnizal subjects
Addings his nuzmeet has miaimal tehnslegilal
Skills and cxpasue Soshr should loak cor a_callege
ehexe ecbiantechnital subiects oreaivenr
pricrity There is na hastelfatility but pos1eively
YsTdentia areas_ar în close prodimity Students
behavioural pro.blems mi ght also become_a head achc
£ her 5la Yepar and maintenanceNYKis aso
a demerit.


koy all thesecasons, she sheuld ist join the ollege

Scction Herature

dis brightly-

(V i Hbelps in stage 5 etting and movecments

i helps in qaining_clazity_about emotfans
and qestuzns

2 attribdes axe sisea appied o sun sinde
6un connot buzyits peet in sun
( A emphasis

C False
(y A unnatural

(VTE builds mom.enturm


V Ihequotetion stands ohssdutely tue in c

othe choptey His fixstlight

lhe younq seaqull Nas aloneon his lede,_despite
being the cldest in bis siblinqs, heA Naa afzaid_to
fly because_he thaught thathis ings olouldn t
-Suppt him

Onhe edq, hevwas peclioq thesoxching heata

Sum inte hshadnt eaternanythin9 fxomprevious-
pioteall. Bhen he 5an his motheybyingin4 Lood
pax him he couldnt Centrol hims.el and dived at the
çood Eox.a minvke hepeltabit dizzy but aftex
hot h e ópened bis ingsand S.oared outsards
and doniaxds. He had aas madehis fivstflight-
h feox was only in his _mind but he avexame it
and cmade his pivst phght.
ixe5tands çovqxeed, avarice, lust and inmmensc
desirclhe poetpesanally hslds the canvictlan
the wodd eill_cnd peimarily inicire
thiaks that -mapsimmcnsc-desire and lust is
th rootaf_all_exils, desiveis
iscnoughto eadup
his niald. Hes.ays So becausche haapexanally
Cxpexiented immenselust and desir

iiYes,itis tuthat Vallis unique_maiden bus ide

caperitneecaud be possible because she belanged h
aSmallillbqe. Ihis 1s 50 bezase H
U lf;Shetravelledby bus in a ty, she naight
qet hoticec by hezocighbous_ Yelatves..
+oecaiSe \Village p.eople arely-toke a bus_zide
h e In city thec axe othe fascinatiny

things as nNellValham.nai Joulo hava r~her

Spent hey money m obez thioqs hon having

ABo4h Natalya and Lormav ale 0xqurnentative and

quawels.omelhe:vasoncould be thot Natalya Was
Supported by hor pather, addiog ta this, lamav blas
physitally andmantally nieok do he_5uffevcdpom
xornple _
When LarMoy aYaueshat oxen mcadoNS
belang t him,Natalya- 6.ays that oxen oncados
ore thcixs Jhen this qua>vel tuzncd jnt a
heated amumentlomov could
not contiaue
as hesufpered pompalpitatisas.

L Herriat las a man of_charactez, a tactpu-ond-

p.cYson qaa.d moral valucS.
He ko he oveyindulaent behaviouy oç LsPunphzs
MysRmphxay torards icki Vy wellAdding to this,
icki wasaqyeedy doq, heaccepted eyexthing given
to him by his nist yess D Haist kncw that
Mrs: Rumphey sould nct be able to zedue Ticki's
dict assheloved lvickiunianditionally urasaxe
o the foct mat it _Lould hamuhim.
: Heyyiatbcing- a manss less aga doctoyand msre
af_comman aensc, 5aved bikis ipe a

il Richord Ebzight sas oethey than an ordnaxy

but he had aldriviog_cuziogiby anda pist Yte mind.
Hena cagaeed cngaqed in_small, fun leaning
activities bhis oter. She took him ornbip,
bought him telestopes ,miersee_mkyoscopes and
cacmeras.5he baught him the baok The Izavels
of lonexch X' ghich apened the sioldog science to.
the youoq tollectox, sho latex exited the scicntipic
lorld lh his theony on ho (ells ak
his isho uns.mall learninq tasksled to
SuLLessful ca Caxcers

X. herc is no_denyingthe fact hat, piction

NYteYs preLex cYeatinq Yey characters ather
than ondshite wlthxfeiente to the chaptez
he hicfsstony
Havi thie by propessionries to deceive Ail
and o4pers Pril to make pood fay him. Anil, beina
cnexousa n d kind- heozted nan ofexcd bima hauae
and coad in retn
Hovi was _not completely a blockzharacer, he-
couldntvnanayaten leating Ani as he dignt
Nant the taustA Ani eonhiom to he braken
IhLoe,he sas neithey totally black noy tatall
hite he:had both_ anodand bad qualrics.
Hril pas not alsoo totally h1tr chaxatex as he made
muneyyfrts and stayts. Both Aniland Hai had
diyfeeat maral. values but none 0cthem had o
ttally black or hike_chaacte

liaa You think so belause ya ar At

Aprivoted in a Laa hke me
Ottehovry o Iemindun you fyauzqnmest.
Dain but T didn'tncan that
ty: s ok Tellme hon yaux day qaes lke?
Otker stmt my day with _a bathe betause I
ikater Ihaxe leavnt to apea the nps
the paovinq trickle og atcy looks Vey
satisgactoy Actez hat Iplaj ith_zuhber

n the evminq, L go aut t h mymastex ta havea vwalk.

Ter L ish Ive at yaur place. Frecdam has na.tost its

Otte au'avigtJarnaso xestricded to a.clet.8y the
wayhsNyou _day qocs l1ke?

liger Iust keep stalkingthe length of he_coqc and

stave at-the brilliant stavs aB aight.
Otter SSadtabeay
Sectiua-A ReaclinqSk

_an_cxperience hat is haxd ta put into_Nords

(V Nery hard traininq pengnce cquire sperseyera0ce
Vi Oh enthusiasts nust knon hoto _handle msuntainee
(2 Ihe enthusíasts must develop the spixit o_adventuze,
illingnes.s to undeztake hardships and yisks
extraoxdinazy paiy peYsEvzake_enduranceand
Kcenness _of puxpase becoe_climbirq-a mauntaio

lhewziker says that thoze maybe aunshine anc.

ament and a snastoxm he other, at hiahey_altitudes
-SnAisasequl4eahuze _andbeing decisixabuutsetling
up of omp.s.
Oong 1 20pm Dt.


(i A Survival

(ix hle limbinq mountains cquies_tarefu

planning there is no pont of making irapulse
decisinsas itcould leadh injuzies Lettideaty
The ate a a touzisna in the Noth kast or
Jndia puzzles ofricialk because

these plates/states_ave lesSc

explortd asLompazedhash a ystop the statts, Haswgh it
lotto cXple

iin huesond shades-

Sa 0bscrved

ad xaroles odouzist tacildyy O Tn ternetrasTiyCifi),

Paks, Murseum

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