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Vocabulary study practice BLS Groups


Exercise 1: Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 I’m afraid there’s no __________ of improvement in your work – you’ll need to try harder than
A signal B sign C light D point

2 After olive oil is extracted from the olives, it is stored in metal or plastic __________.
A containers B spaces C boxes D cartons

3 I disagree with parents __________ their views on their children without giving them the chance
to think for themselves.
A pouring B imposing C straining D protesting

4 Pollution will __________ all of us sooner or later unless we do something about it.
A spoil B injure C harm D wound

5 When we decided to have our block of flats renovated, quite a few of the __________
complained about the high cost.
A inhabitants B hosts C members D residents

6 Before you accuse Brian of lying to you, you must __________ any doubts you may have.
A exploit B eliminate C shrug D notice

7 At first I refused to take part in the project, but Jake was so __________ that I finally gave in and
agreed to help him out.
A inclined B persistent C constant D continuous

8 He was always arguing with his colleagues, so eventually he was __________, but it was entirely
his fault.
A retreated B resolved C resigned D dismissed

9 As regards the colour of our new car, we were only given two __________: blue or green.
A objectives B makes C features D alternatives

10 Picasso’s painting ‘Guernica’__________ the Spanish Civil War – in a modern style, of course.
A depicts B features C imitates D establishes

Exercise 2: Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 The ____________ of sunlight in the deepest parts of the ocean means that ABSENT
only certain species may survive there.
2 ‘We regret any ____________ caused by the roadwork on the next three CONVENIEN
miles of the motorway.’ T
3 The area in the north of the city is quite ____________, with several
factories and production plants. INDUSTRY
4 The survey shows that British people have the highest ____________ of

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Vocabulary study practice BLS Groups

sugar compared with other Europeans. CONSUME

5 It’s ____________ talking to Joanna – she’ll never change her mind.

Exercise 3: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Use the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 If you bothered to read the reports I give you, you wouldn’t ask me such silly questions.
If you _____________________ the reports I give you, you wouldn’t ask me such silly questions.

2 The old couple were deceived by the innocent look on the thief’s face and let him into their house.
The old couple _____________________ the innocent look on the thief’s face and let him into their house.

3 I don’t expect you to solve the problem on your own, but it would help if you could think of some ideas.
I don’t expect you to solve the problem on your own, but it would help if you could _____________________
some ideas.

4 Tim’s rude behaviour towards his parents is unacceptable – they really ought to do something about it.
Tim’s rude behaviour towards his parents _____________________ – they really ought to do something
about it.

5 I think you should consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the job before you make your decision.
I think you should consider _____________________ of the job before you make your decision.

Exercise 4: Complete each sentence below with the appropriate preposition and particles.

1 The thought of waking up at six in the morning put me _______ going on the excursion.
2 Don’t worry about the missing book. If it’s in the house, it’ll turn _______ somewhere eventually.
3 Susan, remember to lock up the house before you set _______ for the airport, OK?
4 I know it’s short notice, and I’m sorry for putting you _______ like this, but could you babysit tonight
instead of tomorrow?
5 It’s common practice for teachers to ask weaker students to team _______ with stronger ones for better

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