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Will present the macrobiotic diet that is based in the Zen Buddhism.

The diet
was created by Ekiken Kaibara whit the publication of the book Yojokun in the 1800
centuries originated from the Chinese philosophy of the Ying-Yang where the food has
a certain metaphysic propriety that must have an equitability in the food diet.
The diet says that a modern diet is not good and cause illness. The people that
practice this diet eats only organic, seasonal, and whole foods. Some types of seafood
are approved also but in less quantity. As cited above the diet recommend uses of a
local food for conserving freshness and quality of the nutrients. As being originated
from Japan the food type that people most go for is the Asian cuisine. The percentages
of each food eaten is 50%-60% whole grains, 25%-30% veggies, 5%-10% soups, 5%-
10% beans and sea veggies. The percentage way varies because of the difference of the
place that you are living, as mentioned the diet recommends using foods from the local
community. And an important part of the diet is not to get any type of vitamin and
mineral supplements. The macrobiotic is a diet but is also a way of living.
The macrobiotic diet will have the same effects of a pescatarian. Although the
fish is consumed in less quantity the nutrition will be roughly the same. As many diets
is not recommended to child because of lack of key nutrients to a child to develop
healthy such as zinc, vitamin B12, and calcium. The diet is not recommended to people
that want to loss weigh because the consumption of the rice is needed and will increase
the amount of the energy that is consumed. The diet is effective in a heart health the
reason is that the diet is a plant-based, low-fat, high-fiber diet.
The test I propose of doing is a test whit patient that had hearts disease that is not
pregnant, breastfeeding, elderly, and infants. The group cited above can have serious
health issues if does this diet. The test would start whit three groups. The fist group
would have a strict macrobiotic diet. The second will have a more relaxed version of it.
And the third one will have a normal diet that they would have. Having a 3 group we
can have another group to a better comparison of the results.
The test would take about one year to have a sample that is not so long but have
an impact in the life of the tester. The test would include a blood test whit all nutrients
to be evaluated and a full body check every month for sign of malnutrition.
The final results of the test will not only get how the reduction of the cholesterol
but also how bad to the nutrition was reduced. And as we have 3 groups we can get a
better approximation whit the results that will be obtained whit it.
I think that the test will not all of the real results because the intuit of the diet. Is
to have a continuous life in this format. Many of the results achieved will not get in a
year. Because many of the benefits will only appear when used whit a better frequency
having this diet for a year will help to have a great.

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